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510 Going Thru Juice Like Crazy

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I got my 510's on Friday so now i feel I can accurately review them. I think they all use way way too much juice. Compared with the 901 I have, they use 5 times more juice, and the battery is 1/2 as good. I also don't think they even produce as much vapor as the 901. BUT the throat hit does seem to be better on the 510 though. Does anyone else experience this with the 510? Could it be the juice? Right now I just switched off to my 901 and put in a pre-filled MENTHOL cart in it and its vaping like crazy. With the 510's I had been putting in RY4 juice. IT vapes a lot in the beginning and steadily goes down? IS this normal??? I get a good 5 hours batt off my 901, but only 2 hours on the 510???

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I noticed the 510 has 1-2 hour battery life if you use it often and the juice it drinks well you know already!!Dripping the 510 will keep the juice producers in buisness for sure LOL.....I notice the atty on the 510 gets hotter faster than my other E-Cigs..It must use more battery and juice to feed it...I have the standard batteries and need to get some higher capacity ones...

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Ive also noticed my 510 burns through juice rather quickly. I generally get about 7-8 good huffs from 2-3 drops. I just ordered an 801 to 510 adapter from altsmoke.com I was getting fed up with the 1.5hr battery life as well, but now i have it hooked up to my Janty stick and its working like a charm. I can pull about 2.5 3hrs from the battery now. Hella vaper and throat kick from the 510 running through the Janty pass through! :thumbsup:

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Being the Vapor Guzzler like it is and with its short run battery, why is it considered one of the TOP E-Cigs? I mean, with the 901, I get very good batt life (like 4-6 Hours usually) I rarely direct drip due to it being an automatic, AND with the carts, I don't need to juice them until about 15 or more Puffs, and my mother gets way more out of it than that.

I also have what I thought was a 510, but it is shiney and fits a 901 charger, is this a 901 Automatic???

I've ordered a VP1 Kit, does anyone know if this will get BETTER VAPOR? Will the vapor last longer in a VP1? Also, Does some juice last longer than others???

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I've ordered a VP1 Kit, does anyone know if this will get BETTER VAPOR? Will the vapor last longer in a VP1? Also, Does some juice last longer than others???

Im not entirely sure till my VP1 comes in the mail. From Chris and Sean's reviews its equal or even a little better as far as vapor production compared to the 510 and JS due to the high powered battery powering the 801 to its full potential. As far as how long the juice lasts, yea i think it would depend on how you vape it. I'd imagine the viscosity of juices differ from one another, so depending on how light vs thick it is + the type of atomizer, determines the lifespan of a few drops. :rofl:

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Being the Vapor Guzzler like it is and with its short run battery, why is it considered one of the TOP E-Cigs? I mean, with the 901, I get very good batt life (like 4-6 Hours usually) I rarely direct drip due to it being an automatic, AND with the carts, I don't need to juice them until about 15 or more Puffs, and my mother gets way more out of it than that.

I also have what I thought was a 510, but it is shiney and fits a 901 charger, is this a 901 Automatic???

I've ordered a VP1 Kit, does anyone know if this will get BETTER VAPOR? Will the vapor last longer in a VP1? Also, Does some juice last longer than others???

There is a couple of things you have to keep in mind here. 1. When that model came out it was the first small model to create large amounts of vapor. MORE than the 901. If your getting more vapor on your 901 then great! :) But many did not. It's really about what works for you.

MORE IMPORTANTLY was the fact it came with a manual battery. You might not direct drip and you might like the carts, but many do not. They can't stand the burnt taste you get from the cart after using it to long and they prefer the thicker amounts of vapor they get from direct dripping. Dripping on a 901 worked for many people, but the batteries would go bad. The thing is, just because your using a cart does not mean your auto battery will last forever. Liquid will get into the battery even if you are using a cart.

As for the VP1 will it get more vapor? It depends on how you use it, if you take a nice long drag, then yes of course you will get more vapor. Mostly because the VP unit does not have a cut off time. But importantly, if you get 4-6 hours out of a DSE your going MUCH longer battery life from your VP1. I have a feeling you don't vape quite as often as we do. Keep us updated on how you like it when it arrives :)

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Ive also noticed my 510 burns through juice rather quickly. I generally get about 7-8 good huffs from 2-3 drops. I just ordered an 801 to 510 adapter from altsmoke.com I was getting fed up with the 1.5hr battery life as well, but now i have it hooked up to my Janty stick and its working like a charm. I can pull about 2.5 3hrs from the battery now. Hella vaper and throat kick from the 510 running through the Janty pass through! :thumbsup:

I havn't owned the 801, 901, or janty so please bear with me here. So the adapter lets you thread attach the larger battery from the 801 to the 510 atty for longer battery life? I was looking at the janty on a couple websites last night, and it looks identical to the 510. So whats the difference between the Janty and the 510? Or are they the practically the same? Thx.


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I havn't owned the 801, 901, or janty so please bear with me here. So the adapter lets you thread attach the larger battery from the 801 to the 510 atty for longer battery life? I was looking at the janty on a couple websites last night, and it looks identical to the 510. So whats the difference between the Janty and the 510? Or are they the practically the same? Thx.


Janty is actually a brand name. In the post you were replying to, Sinikal was actually referring to the janty 'stick' which is a battery mod for the 801 atty. There are adapters for the 901 and 510 attys that can be used on the janty stick. Now the janty you are talking about that looks like the 510 is the Janty Dura. The Janty Dura IS actually the 510, so there is no difference. Hope this helps.

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Yes like vegasvapor said, the Janty Dura is like the 510. Sorry i confused ya :rofl: The Janty stick uses an 801 atomizer, i simply bought an adapter that allows me to screw my 510 into the Janty stick so i can vape off the bigger battery. What you want to look at if your interested in a longer battery lasting unit is Janty Stick on dietsmokes.com. Keep in mind the Janty stick uses an 801 atomizer, so to use your 510 with it you will have to purchase an adapter separately.

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Yes like vegasvapor said, the Janty Dura is like the 510. Sorry i confused ya :rofl: The Janty stick uses an 801 atomizer, i simply bought an adapter that allows me to screw my 510 into the Janty stick so i can vape off the bigger battery. What you want to look at if your interested in a longer battery lasting unit is Janty Stick on dietsmokes.com. Keep in mind the Janty stick uses an 801 atomizer, so to use your 510 with it you will have to purchase an adapter separately.

Hey Sinikal, where'd you buy the 510 adapter? I don't see it on dietsmokes.

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I got my adapter from Jantyusa.com. I don't think Parked has them yet. There is a video review I did of it in the video reviews section. It works great and really looks good. The weird thing is that it won't trigger my 801 auto batteries. I'm not sure why that is but it does work great on the Janty Stick.

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I got my adapter from Jantyusa.com. I don't think Parked has them yet. There is a video review I did of it in the video reviews section. It works great and really looks good. The weird thing is that it won't trigger my 801 auto batteries. I'm not sure why that is but it does work great on the Janty Stick.

Thanks jmhester. That's weird...I wonder why it doesn't work on your 801 auto batteries. :iiam:

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I see. Thanks for clearing that up for me guys. I see 3 Janty models now. Before I didn't see the janty stick, so thats where the confusion set in. Comprendo now.

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