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Making The Switch From Analogs To E-Cigarettes?

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A little silly post.

Just wanted to see if others have experienced a few of these things, while making the switch from analogs to E-cigarettes?

Anyone ever try to light their e-smoke? Other day I did this twice...just instinctively grabbed the lighter...DUH :)

Ever hear the little voice inside your head go uhh dude u just put a light cigarette in your pocket?

I still feel weird taking a few puffs of my e-cigarette and then putting it into my shirt pocket.


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Lol i have a similar story. The 2nd day of vaping i was watching a movie and instinctively i put my e-cig in the old ashtray i have on my coffee table! Went for a nose dive in it like i was putting out a cigarette. When it didnt crush i snapped out of it and was like "OH SNAP" Lol...the bad thing was there was still old cig buts and ash in there :whistle::thumbsup:

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Ok, you guys are reading ny mind. I was going to bed, because my wife is, well, waiting... but I gotta comment here. Tonight driving home from dinner, I pull out the e-Cig and start vaping. Run out of juice and pull out my lighter and strike it and then I thought "YOU MORON, IT"S ELECTRIC!". I was going to post this very same thing tomorrow because it's Sunday night and, well, my wife is waiting... Also, I vape with the window down too in the truck, like it bothers me or something, go figure! Tonight I was at dinner at Margaritas in Conroe and the waiter, poor guy, liked to ripped my shirt off when I took a drag and put it back in my pocket with the red light still on my "Super-E". I had to break the whole thing down to him in Spanish, that was a D*U*C*K (beacuse I am not allowed to say B*I*T*C*H on this forum, not even when refering to my dog). Hey guys gotta go, my wife is, well you know...

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