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Posted (edited)

I've been thinking about maybe stocking up on stuff, I mean, if I'm going to make this work and they make it hard to come by then I'm screwed. I noticed some suppliers sell unflavored nicotine juice for mixing. Exactly how does this work? I can figure out how to mix PG or VG with flavor and some nicotine and get the Mg where I want it, but what exactly is the nicotine juice? Is it straight nicotine 100% or is it nicotine in a suspension of PG that has no flavor? I understand that nicotine is a deadly poison and one drop of pure nicotine can kill an average size man, I just find it hard to believe that they would be able to sell 100% nicotine. Can anyone answer this?

Edited by TheSmokingMan

It is basically the same juice you buy regularly, but with no flavor to it.

You have to be a chemist working for a very large company to get pure nicotine, and it is heavily regulated. Proly because it is so potent a poison in it's pure form. :|


It is basically the same juice you buy regularly, but with no flavor to it.

You have to be a chemist working for a very large company to get pure nicotine, and it is heavily regulated. Proly because it is so potent a poison in it's pure form. :|

Then what's the point of mixing it except to add some flavor to it. I don't see the point of purchasing any quantity of PG or VG if the nicotine is already in a PG suspension and diluted.

Posted (edited)

Then what's the point of mixing it except to add some flavor to it? That's exactly what it's for. It's great for making your own flavors but that aside, has no other use. As for buying PG to cut it with, that allows you to dilute the strength to where you want it at.

Edited by MorisatoIncorporated

Then what's the point of mixing it except to add some flavor to it. I don't see the point of purchasing any quantity of PG or VG if the nicotine is already in a PG suspension and diluted.

People like to create new stuff, I guess they get bored. They purchase mixing liquid then head over to https://www.lorannoils.com/c-2-lorann-gourmet.aspx to buy oils.

I've heard all kinds of crazy stuff being made.


People like to create new stuff, I guess they get bored. They purchase mixing liquid then head over to https://www.lorannoils.com/c-2-lorann-gourmet.aspx to buy oils.

I've heard all kinds of crazy stuff being made.

I am perfectly happy with the flavors that I have tried thus far, I'm not wanting to create any new flavors, or go into business marketing e-Juice. I was just exploring the possibility of either purchasing in bulk and storing it here or purchasing the ingredients, storing it and mixing my own as needed. I am the kind of person that trys to prepare for the future and have a contingency in case of any availability issues in the future. After looking at the prices for the PG and flavorings, I then saw a value side of mixing your own e-Juice. So, what is the expensive ingredient? The nicotine? It certainly isn't the PG, or the flavorings. But if pure nicotine is not available to the public, one would have to purchase a diluted suspension and add their own flavorings (yes, I know, you said that). So, it can't be done like bathtub gin, or a still (diSTILLator) in the woods for moonshine. One would have to do what Chris and Sean have done and contract a manufacturer and have their custom flavors bottled with their label put on it. Does this answer my question?


I believe the most expensive part would be the manufacturing and handling of the nicotine, not to mention the overseas shipping, customs agents. Oh and profit... lol.

Also most suppliers say that the juice only has a 1-2 year lifespan, so stocking up will only last you for a while, unfortunately. :mellow:


I recently saw a YouTube video:

Which talks about how you can purchase Snoosh (google it) and mix it with VEGETABLE GLYCERINE and you can use that with your empty carts and vape. Snoosh, is mostly from Sweden and its a type of Tobacco that is pre-wrapped in these tiny paper pockets. (normally I think you put the Snoosh under your upper lip and sort of use it like dip) But I guess Vegetable Glycerine is found in Health Food Stores and is CHEAP. If you soak your "snoosh" in it, you can put the thing in an empty Cart and use it for vaping. I have NOT tried it but I would think this is the way to go if it gets banned to the point where you can no longer find juice or pre-filled carts. I would be VERY INTERESTED to hear from anyone else (other than the man in the videos) about how this stuff vapes in comparison to other juices.

I recently saw a YouTube video:

Which talks about how you can purchase Snoosh (google it) and mix it with VEGETABLE GLYCERINE and you can use that with your empty carts and vape. Snoosh, is mostly from Sweden and its a type of Tobacco that is pre-wrapped in these tiny paper pockets. (normally I think you put the Snoosh under your upper lip and sort of use it like dip) But I guess Vegetable Glycerine is found in Health Food Stores and is CHEAP. If you soak your "snoosh" in it, you can put the thing in an empty Cart and use it for vaping. I have NOT tried it but I would think this is the way to go if it gets banned to the point where you can no longer find juice or pre-filled carts. I would be VERY INTERESTED to hear from anyone else (other than the man in the videos) about how this stuff vapes in comparison to other juices.

People have done this. I saw a thread where dude diluted his Snus in some alcohol to get the Nicotine out. I cant remember the exact recipe but I know it can be done. Dont worry about the ban. Thats what the black market is for.hahaha. I doubt getting busted with a bottle or two of e juiceis going to be like getting busted with a crack rock and a hype needle.

Posted (edited)

People have done this. I saw a thread where dude diluted his Snus in some alcohol to get the Nicotine out. I cant remember the exact recipe but I know it can be done. Dont worry about the ban. Thats what the black market is for.hahaha. I doubt getting busted with a bottle or two of e juiceis going to be like getting busted with a crack rock and a hype needle.

Not that I have first hand experience, but the way a e-Cig works is not too much different than a "Crack Pipe", I suppose if you had a cop who was a real hard *** and just needed something to get you in a cell that it could be construed as paraphernalia. But if you don't mind spending a night or two in the pokey, I'm sure the DA (District Attorney) wouldn't prosecute the case.

If the FDA and the states actually outlaw e-Cigs, it will be the manufacturers, importers and the retailers that they will go after and not the end user. I don't think possession will ever be a crime. For example, just before the Clinton Gun Ban, I purchased several weapons that were going to be included in the pending Gun Ban. I still posses those weapons and have had them examined on the side of the road by law enforcement and since they were purchased before the ban they are perfectly legal for me to posses and transport. Ironically the ban expired while Bush was in office and he refused to extend the ban, so now they are legal to purchase again.

Edited by TheSmokingMan

Not that I have first hand experience, but the way a e-Cig works is not too much different than a "Crack Pipe", I suppose if you had a cop who was a real hard *** and just needed something to get you in a cell that it could be construed as paraphernalia. But if you don't mind spending a night or two in the pokey, I'm sure the DA (District Attorney) wouldn't prosecute the case.

If the FDA and the states actually outlaw e-Cigs, it will be the manufacturers, importers and the retailers that they will go after and not the end user. I don't think possession will ever be a crime. For example, just before the Clinton Gun Ban, I purchased several weapons that were going to be included in the pending Gun Ban. I still posses those weapons and have had them examined on the side of the road by law enforcement and since they were purchased before the ban they are perfectly legal for me to posses and transport. Ironically the ban expired while Bush was in office and he refused to extend the ban, so now they are legal to purchase again.

Hell yea, good job George. Stupid wussy liberal gun ban. Lock and load "thesmokingman" :gun:

Posted (edited)

Hell yea, good job George. Stupid wussy liberal gun ban. Lock and load "thesmokingman" :gun:

Be careful EasyE, we Constitutionalists and Conservatives have to remember that this is a public site based out of California. We need to keep quiet about somethings, and don't go upsetting or offending the "wussy liberals". In other words speak softly and carry a big stick assault rifle

Edited by TheSmokingMan
Posted (edited)

Taking my 8 year old to the range this Saturday, were going to see how he does with a Mini-14 and my .45 sidearm. Both have been freshly Parkerized and I need to put some lead through them for break in. My brother is a gunsmith and does military contracts so I get things done real cheap!

And keeping on topic, I saw where Totally Wicked is selling 54mg strength unflavored e-Juice.

Edited by TheSmokingMan

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