vapinmamma Posted May 23, 2012 Posted May 23, 2012 Mine were those little white cheapo ecigs that look like cigarettes. No throat hit!
blucavvy Posted May 23, 2012 Posted May 23, 2012 you haven't tried the good one's then mine was the Boge LEO set up in it's original form just an atty with a cartridge. THANK GOD cartomizers were invented or ecigs never wouldve worked for me. an atty with an old school polyfill cartridge is just the worst!
Viper Ron Posted May 23, 2012 Posted May 23, 2012 E-Health Cigarettes, I should of just gave the ten bucks away :p thedouglenz 1
danpio1217 Posted May 23, 2012 Posted May 23, 2012 I don't remember the brand, but it was a mini model my brother had. The draw on it was so tight i might as well have been sucking on a marker. Vapor and TH was next to zero and I don't recall even getting any flavor. Had much better experiences w/ the other mini's i tried, blu and 21st century smoke, but they still didn't do it for me in the long haul. My ego battery and an assortment of delivery systems is keeping me quite happy now
thedouglenz Posted May 23, 2012 Posted May 23, 2012 "E-health" just sounds like a POS haha Christopher 1
DarthVaper Posted May 23, 2012 Posted May 23, 2012 The Boge Leo. Never could get decent vapor out of it and the atty always overheated after two drags.
Christopher Posted May 23, 2012 Posted May 23, 2012 The Janty stick was pretty bad. The V1 actually performed quite well but everything went down hill when they released the V2 and V2. I've tried a lot of e cigarettes, to many to count and there was some really "winners" in the bunch. But the worst was probably the e Pipe from china. What a POS that was. The jewel cover fell off, the battery would literally pop out if you hit the cover and performance was laughable. We called it the jack in the box e cig because you never really knew when the battery was going to pop out Suzicube, myrielleak and DarthVaper 3
Brian Posted May 23, 2012 Posted May 23, 2012 The Janty Stick. Piss poor performance. Yup! LOL! I barely touched mine.
blucavvy Posted May 24, 2012 Posted May 24, 2012 The Boge Leo. Never could get decent vapor out of it and the atty always overheated after two drags. do you still have your LEO? i agree about the atomizers on it, they were garbage. the cartomizers are a WHOLE nother story though, if you haven't tried one of the dual coil carto's for the LEO i highly recommend spending the $4 to try one. they're one of the best carto's i've ever tried.
DarthVaper Posted May 24, 2012 Posted May 24, 2012 do you still have your LEO? Ha! I'm a pack rat when it comes to vaping - I never throw anything out! I still have a bagful of used 510 SR atomizers that I'm sure science will one day find a way to resurrect! I even still have my original 910 from over 3 years ago, my first e-cig, and I can't believe I transitioned off analog cigarettes with that thing! (The 36 mg. e-liquid helped) I want to have it framed. So I'm quite intrigued by your suggestion of Boge cartomizers, blucavvy. Where might one pick up a dual coil carto for the Boge, for $4.00?
blucavvy Posted May 24, 2012 Posted May 24, 2012 check out Boge kind of screwed up with the release of the LEO, they hyped it up and then for months only had the atty/cartridge system available, it took them like half a year to develop a carto for it, but once they did they had already lost most their customer base. i'm telling you though the carto's are worth it. the regular ones are ok, but the dual coils are awesome. warning though, they are juice monsters. all of the LEO carto's/clearo take about 4-5ml's. so make sure it's a juice you already know you like. also sells most of the LEO stuff. DarthVaper 1
TheSmokingMan Posted May 24, 2012 Posted May 24, 2012 I have had a few different e-cigs over the years, certianly not as many as Chris or a lot of others here on the forum, but I have had my share of trials. I tried to research e-Cigs thoroughly before I made any purchases, I started by purchaseing an 808 fromTotally Wicked. They had just come out with the manual battery and I got both the auto battery and the manual. I didn't like the manual and gave the kit to one of my employees, who never used it. Then a few days later I bought a 901 and an 801 from Arno at Awesome Vapor, hours after I had made the purchase, I discovered Jesso over at VaprLife and bought a VP2. That was alll in my first week of vaping back in Septenmber of 2009. The 808 was neat, it looked like a real cigarette and it did what it was supposed to but the battery only lasted about 30 to 45 minutes of vaping and I ended up needing a lot of batteries to get throught the day, the same went for the 901 and the 801. I didn't like the 901 at all, no vapor, no taste and hardly any battery life. It was taking me 15 batteries just to get through a work day and I spent too much time arainging batteries on the charger to have them ready for the next day. The 801 was not much better with the batteriey life but it performed very well in the vapor production and flavor department. The VP2 solved the battery life issue and it took an 801 atomizer so it was perfect, I vaped on it for the duration. Jesso made a really great product with the VP2, then he came out with the Joker and I procured one of those. It was variable voltage, I didn't like it. The batteries didn't last very long and the higher voltages burned my tongue. So back to the VP2 with the 801 atomizer. Then came the e-Go craze, I bought 6 e-Go battteries back in 2010 and a whole bunch of tank atomizers and clearomizers. The batteries worked great with an adapter for an 801 but the tank and clear-omizers just sucked. So today I vape an e-Go battery with an adapter for an 801 Low Bridge (not LR) atty. The abosloute wors for me was the e-Go tank junk and clearomizer attys, then second worst after that was the 901 atty and battery. And by the way, almost 2 years the e-Go batteries are still going strong, I had the first one fizzle out last week.
JonHitThingWithRock Posted May 24, 2012 Posted May 24, 2012 Definitely the Blucigs, as it was the only one i owned before getting an eGo, battery life was bad, only lasted about half an hour, throat hit was sporadic, but their flavors were actually quite good, unfortunately, an entire box of cartomizers was bad, luckily i discovered this forum before my 30-day money-back guarantee was up, ordered an eGo, and eventually got bigger and better stuff and now have a puresmoker legacy
JustVape Posted May 25, 2012 Posted May 25, 2012 The first ecig i ever got was a T-Rex that turned out to be a knock off from a crap company and the stupid thing broke in one day and I gave away 65.00 and almost quit vaping before I ever started.
Rixter Posted May 25, 2012 Posted May 25, 2012 (edited) Nicotek Metro. Not a bad e-cig for an auto-battery starter set if you don't mind recharging after 25-30 minutes of use. I've stepped up considerably since that one. I still use them every so often when I want to blend in, and they still work well when you fill them yourself (the pre-filled cartos' juice flavor leaves a little to be desired). They're easy to refill because they have the white silicone end plug...not the plastic glued-in one. Please read posts #19 and #20 here - - to find out how I'm still using the same cartos that came with that kit MONTHS later. OH, YEAH!!! My wife just reminded me of my VERY first e-cig..the 21st Century Smoke disposable...ABSOLUTE CRAP!!! Edited May 25, 2012 by Rixter
johns Posted May 26, 2012 Posted May 26, 2012 Greensmoke was a waste of my hard earned money, but all part of the learning curve I guess. Thanks Chris, for having this forum to help me begin doing this right.
danpio1217 Posted May 26, 2012 Posted May 26, 2012 Haha Rixter i used 21st century too for awhile, although it wasn't the disposable kind. It was step 2 after my blu. It was a step up in battery life but a step down in flavor lol. I eventually went back to analogs for a couple weeks after 2 1/2 months or so of using it.
kgoallthewaygo Posted June 2, 2012 Posted June 2, 2012 smoke assist... what a joke. no nicotine, no vapor, plus they scammed the h3ll outta me! ended up spending almost $40 on what was supposed to be a "free" trial! guess everybody is a N00B when they first start! went right back to analogs after the 3rd day. (figured id give it the ole college try)
Brian Posted June 2, 2012 Posted June 2, 2012 smoke assist... what a joke. no nicotine, no vapor, plus they scammed the h3ll outta me! ended up spending almost $40 on what was supposed to be a "free" trial! guess everybody is a N00B when they first start! went right back to analogs after the 3rd day. (figured id give it the ole college try) I believe it was "smoke assist" and "smoke assassin" radio commercials that got me to start researching ecigs. Fortunately, I found VaporTalk before I ever ordered anything and got started on the right foot.
Dac311 Posted June 3, 2012 Posted June 3, 2012 As far as starting out, v2 has been great. I've tried juices from other vendors and the Sahara and vanilla can't be replicated elsewhere. I plan on getting some bigger batts, but I like their juice. The first thing I bought was an njoy and it was horrible. Medicine taste and almost gave up on vapeing. Then a friend had an extra victory package from the groupon deal they did. I tried it and some blu cigs before I invested in the v2 kit. Still love the v2. Just want a battery that last as long as the cart.
willmon22 Posted November 29, 2012 Posted November 29, 2012 I would have to say the disposibles I have tried: njoy, krave, and 21-century. Why I hate them is that the batteries always die before the eliquid is even finished off. For the njoy I actually took it apart and found a tank that I harvested the juice from. But for the 21-century one I took the cartridge off and rigged it to work on a joyetech ego. After a little while it just started to taste burnt. But I have also tried a small cheap starter kit called the mistic. I wouldn't say it is terrible but the battery just doesn't last long and the charger doesn't ever work right.
seaspine Posted December 1, 2012 Posted December 1, 2012 The E-health E-cig, got it at a local head shop. It was horrible,weak hitting,tastes like fecal material,and broke in a week.
willmon22 Posted December 2, 2012 Posted December 2, 2012 At least you got a week out of it. And if it tasted like fecal matter then how would you know it lasted a week unless you kept using it? If it were me I would definitely not use it anymore if it tasted like that. I would also take it back and demand a refund.
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