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PRLog (Press Release) – Sep 29, 2009 – FDA taking public comments on tobacco regulation (including e cigs)

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is taking public comments through December 28, 2009 on how it should implement the regulation of tobacco products. The agency said in a federal register notice that it is particularly interested in approaches and actions it should consider to reduce tobacco use and protect public health.

Comments can be submitted to the agency online at http://www.regulations.gov, or by mail to the Division of Dockets Management [HFA-305], Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Room 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. Comments should be identified with the docket number, FDA-2009-N-0294.


Sweet. I was just wondering how the fight is going. I have not heard much about it this week. What kind of comments should we make? Do we have any more templates we can copy and paste. I am down to send some more stuff out. We have to keep up the pressure! :gun:


Ive tried and tried, but I dont see a way to add a comment. It says it was over sept. 29

The FDA extended the comment period to December 28th. That site makes it really difficult to find where you need to be to comment, but it's here Docket number FDA-2009-N-0294

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