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Hi folks, new ish to this vaping. Only 4 weeks. A question I have is regarding the resistance on the cartomizers. which is best and in what way. Higher or lower


neither is best. It depends entirely at what voltage your battery will be operating. Which is?


Hi and welcome.Keep it simple at first.Standard resistance @ 3.7 volts and just start looking for the liquid that hits your spot.A person can get quite frustrated starting out without all the tank ,resistance and voltage choices .If after a while and a variety of liquids you find you still aren't getting what you want branching out will be way easier.I would suggest something like an Ego battery then you will have lots of options down the road for cartomisers and atomisers.


ok, well on my 3.7v (pretty standard voltage) devices i use lr stuff (1.5ohm-2.0ohm) on like my 800mah LEO's.

on my 3.7v 808's however, because they are only about 320mah i use 2.5ohm (pretty standard resistance) because lr stuff should not be used on any device lower than about 400mah or so.

on a higher voltage device 5+v i would use at least a 3.0ohm atty/carto

general rule of thumb is as follows

low voltage device-low resistance delivery system

higher voltage device-higher resistance delivery system

as you saw though, there are exceptions to that rule. one being if your battery is under 400mah you should NOT use low resistance stuff on it, regardless of the voltage.

you can use 2.5-3.0ohm stuff on pretty much any device you want. that's the pretty standard resistance.


Thanks guys for your help, my batts are 1000 mah and 900 on my vv 1. Been using a dct juice barrel. Which so far I really like. started out with a normal 1 that looks like a ciggy, but it was a little hit and miss.


Use this chart to make sure your circuit is safe, and keep in mind that you are indeed assembling an electronic circuit. If you've got a dual coil carto you can prolly go lower on the resistance than what's recommended here, most think of this chart as being on the cautious side, but it's a good place to use as reference


Use this chart to make sure your circuit is safe, and keep in mind that you are indeed assembling an electronic circuit. If you've got a dual coil carto you can prolly go lower on the resistance than what's recommended here, most think of this chart as being on the cautious side, but it's a good place to use as reference

Cheers dan.


Resistance is not tricky at all it only pertains to the voltage of your batteries.

3.7 volt can use 1.5 -1.7 ohm resistance for cartos

4.5 -6 volt use 3.0ohm cartos.

Best results.

I hope it makes sense. :yes

Just don't use a 1.5-1.7 on 6 volt you will burn them out instantly.


Resistance is not tricky at all it only pertains to the voltage of your batteries.

3.7 volt can use 1.5 -1.7 ohm resistance for cartos

4.5 -6 volt use 3.0ohm cartos.

Best results.

I hope it makes sense.

Just don't use a 1.5-1.7 on 6 volt you will burn them out instantly.

Than you for your comments. Cheers



also remember mah comes in to play. you can not run lr delivery systems on a battery with less than 400mah or so.

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