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Last week I ordered 3 new atty's for my 510. I have a total of 6 of them, and only one seems to work right. The other 5 work great for the first hit, and by the second or third hit it becomes Incredibly harsh/burnt tasting. Just like the "burning cart fiber" taste. The problem is, I haven't used any of the atty's with the fiber in them, I direct drip. Is this something wrong with them, or should I keep just burning juice on them to get that out? On the one that I use all the time, there's a point that it starts to taste slightly burnt, then I drip, and all is good. The other ones, there's absolutely No warning!

I also ordered and received the Janty stick. I'm having the Exact same problem. :( I was thinking that this one must just use more juice, but I'm dripping so much, it's leaking. I Really love the vapor production and the taste on the Janty stick. For the first hit. It all goes down hill from there though!

Another question for the stick... Could someone point me in the right direction for a wall charger for the battery, and also the car charger? I kinda think it's stupid that you have to plug the unit itself in to charge... so much for having an extra battery already charged!


I haven't had that experience with the 510 attys so I don't know what to say there. I heard there was a bad batch floating around, so that may be the case. Don't quote me on that though.

As for the Janty Stick, how long have you been using it? The 801 atty takes quite a bit of time to break in, maybe even a few days. Mine was leaking quite a bit at first too, but now that the atty is broken in it's not leaking nearly as much. It's normal for it to leak anyway and the way the JS is built it's fine since it doesn't ruin anything or get on your hands. I find myself dripping up to 5 drops in the atty with no problems. Lasts me like half an hour too with no leaking.

Oh and not sure if you know, but when the JS is plugged in it works as a passthrough. My favorite part about it, you can vape it while it's charging. It's so convenient, I haven't even used my second battery yet. The way the battery cover is, I think it would be a pain to always have to open that to change the battery.

For a car charger, you may want to look into a car usb power adapter. There's a lot out there so I don't know the best one. OOooOoo...actually found this right now http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=9875849. It doubles as a wall charger AND a car charger. Kinda neat. I don't know how dependable it is though. Like I said I just found it right now, but it got 3 stars on that site.

Hope this helps...


I got the Janty Stick yesterday.. been about 24 hrs. It now has the burnt taste All the time :( And the leaking is on the sides, like the seams between the black and silver, both sides, however the side with the usb port is worse. I do realize that I'm putting way too much juice in, but I figured when it started tasting "dry" add more. The problem is, there's no "dry" warning... it just produces horrible taste. So I would drip more. I don't know. I'm starting to think because of all the leaking, not just inside the walls where the atty sits, that I should send it back. Maybe the vp would suit me better (?)

I also apologize for posting in the wrong spot (I think) Probably should have went into the "help it broke" section.... Sorry! :whistle:


I don't have a Janty Stick, but I did order a VP1 today. TODAY I also got 2 510 kits from Awesome Vapor. I like them, but they seem to go thru the juice like crazy. Also the batt life seems to be only around 2 hours, where my 901 lasted around 5hrs. Is that normal? I did NOT charge the batteries for 8 hours before use as they worked when I got them and when I charged them the green light came on fairly fast. Whats the point of charging them for 8 hours if the green light comes on earlier than that? On my 901, I've used a batt before charging 8 hours and one AFTER charging first for 8 hours and I can't tell any difference. I'm way way too impatient to wait 8 hours to try something though.


My 510 batts last about 2hours if im leaving it alone.If i use it alot about a hour..I did charge mine first for 8hrs before use.I read on a post I think by Arno you need to charge them for about 3 hours whether the light is green or not after they go dead.


You know your not the only one to report this. There are quite a few people reporting burnt/metallic tastes not only on the 510 attys but the Joye penstyle attys as well. Specifically on the Janty Stick. Those atomizers are all made by a company named Joye. (Easy to figure out of course) I have a feeling there is something wrong with their batch. I don't know what though. I also ordered a few atomizer a while back and all 6 of them tasted so bad I wanted to throw up. It tasted kinda like the taste you get when you bite a fork, only in vapor forum. (That's the best way I can describe it)

I ordered 2 atomizers from Arno to see if his where any different and I was back in business. His tasted fine right off the bat. I wished I could offer more, but I'm at a loss as to why this is happening.


I have a question about the 510's VAPOR USEAGE? I having to refill the cart and/or direct drip about every 15 minutes of continual use!!!!! On the 901 this NEVER HAPPENED. I got mine from ARNO, and the batt's are FINE, its just I am constantly using so much damn juice its crazy. I have one bottle next to me at all times, its that bad. Any advise. Also direct dripping doesn't seem to produce any more smoke (maybe less) than filling the cotton in the carts up full. Am I doing something wrong?


Oh, I FORGOT TO ASK, (THIS IS FOR CHRIS OR SEAN) I would like to know how to become a Contributing Member? I enjoy this site so much and would like to give back. THX, CHRIS



I've NOTICED on my 510-when I ordered EXTRA batts and Attys, that some of them are MATTE BLACK and some SHINEY BLACK, is this NORMAL??? These came from ARNO, just curious about it?



I've NOTICED on my 510-when I ordered EXTRA batts and Attys, that some of them are MATTE BLACK and some SHINEY BLACK, is this NORMAL??? These came from ARNO, just curious about it?

They do come in matte black or shiny black. Some vendors make the specification and some don't, from what I have noticed.


DOES Anyone know if they make a manual 901??? I've got some type of e-cig battery that fits the 901 charger BUT IT has a manual Button like a 510??? The atomizer on it is LONGER than the atomizer on the 510 kit I have though.

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