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***sigh*** so all of my fiddling around with my new vision ego clearomizer has resulted in my losing the little silicone seal o-ring around the inside of the drip tip that fits into the clearomizer...anyone know how to make a new one? I tried to cut a little ring off the top of a condom from one of my boges but it's too big and won't fit inside the lip of the tip. Dammit! Anyway...CALLING McGyver!!!

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LOL! I just got too excited and fiddled too much ;)

I've realized THAT little o-ring is the thing that keeps juice from getting in my mouth. Blech!

I'll check out the hardware store tomorrow

Edited by MadKat
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Actually that little seal ring shes talking about seals the juice from leaking out of the connection between the screw on drip tip and the tank. I lost mine too and if you tighten it a bit more it leaks very little. I still use mine with no problems and you wont get juice in your mouth because of that seal :cheers:

The rubber band may work because its not really an o ring more like a seal gasket.

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Viper Ron, I've noticed when I tighten it more the little rubber cap protecting the metal tube gets mashed down by the part of the mouthpiece that slides down and fits on top...so I should be looking for a seal gasket when I run up to Home Depot?

I don't have any of those rubber bands for braces :hope:

Edited by MadKat
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Isn't your drip tip hard plastic? If not maybe we have two different brands, I know there are a few out there.

Not sure what rubber cap your talking about?

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so...Went to Home Depot and what they had FIT but was too thick and wouldn't allow the mouthpiece to slide all the way into the clearo. so it wouldn't screw onto threads...next stop Walgreens to look for rubber bands for braces. Another no-go. Ah well...it's not that bigga deal. It only leaks into my mouth if i tip it up too far...but my question is this, if it leaks into my mouth then wouldn't it leak down into the metal tubing in the center of the clearo?

Edited by MadKat
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The only way it could get down into the tube is if it went back down the mouthpiece after it had leaked out. Can you use a mouthpiece from another clearo?

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I have two clearos, one with Ry4 in it and the other with peppermint ice cream. I will order more for sure so I'm not sweating it. It leaked a little into my mouth last night but hasn't done so today. I'm going to give up worrying over it since I know it just cannot be fixed now. Thanks for the suggestions though!

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