mse12 Posted April 17, 2012 Posted April 17, 2012 Hello all, I've been vaping for just over a month. I started with an ego-c, I do not like the ego-c at all. I purchased a couple tanks, I've had nothing but flooding with both pre-punched dual coil's as well as single coils that i punch. I've tried single holes, multiple holes, slots, you name it I've tried it. I usually get about 3ml's worth of good vapes and then it all just goes south. I end up getting the gurgle/flooding and can never get that carto to work properly after that. I make sure that when I fill I do not get any fluid into the center of the carto. I usually let them sit for an hour or more to make sure juice has distributed evenly. I'm at a total loss. I think I am stuck to dripping full time but this is not good for work or driving. I am sooo close to giving this up. When my equipment works I love it but sadly that rarely is the case! I need desperate help!!!! Please someone... -mse12
twelveday Posted April 17, 2012 Posted April 17, 2012 have you tried just cartomizers without the tanks
kitsune Posted April 17, 2012 Posted April 17, 2012 unfortunately the learning curve can be a bit steep. Ya, may want to look into cartomizers without the tank. I really like my ego vision clearomizer....easy to fill and easy to use. great vapor and throat hit. flavor dies down a bit after a while, but I have the same problem with cartomizers. Dripping is my sweet spot, but easiest for at home. I use my vision clearomizer the rest of the time.
mse12 Posted April 17, 2012 Author Posted April 17, 2012 i will definitely try the cartos minus the tank. I bought 20 smoktech 1.7 ohm xl cartos for like $21 a couple weeks back. I just need a better option than dripping for work. I do enjoy dripping but it becomes tedious on breaks etc. I also have a dripping question. I bought a 510 atty and removed the wick/bridge after the 2nd week of use due to burnt taste. That has helped. Once I realized that I enjoy dripping I bought a "dripping atty" it's a 306 without a bridge. I seem to flood it constantly. I'm using a cannon drip tip with it but the atty itself has a lip around the top and when i drip down the tip the juice just seems to sit on the lip... I end up trying another drop or two and then like clockwork it floods. I don't know, i like the draw on the 510 better anyway. I'm just having a heck of a time finding what works for me. I know i'm saving money and health in the long run but it seems like i've spent a ton on stuff that just isnt working out's probably just user error... : S
MadKat Posted April 17, 2012 Posted April 17, 2012 kitsune...I am eagerly awaiting my clearomizer's arrival! AAAAaah! I hope it comes today! Got it from Altsmoke in purple. Wish me LUCK! kitsune 1
Mike Posted April 17, 2012 Posted April 17, 2012 Mama says, "Stupid is as stupid does". Another word of advice: Cartos and clearos are like a box of chocolates.......
twelveday Posted April 17, 2012 Posted April 17, 2012 (edited) Mama says, "Stupid is as stupid does". Another word of advice: Cartos and clearos are like a box of chocolates....... Mama says, "Stupid is as stupid does". Another word of advice: Cartos and clearos are like a box of chocolates....... the ressurectors and boges have good quality so far for me though , only 1 bad boge cart and 1 bad ressurector out of over 50+ to the op: I am at where you're at with atomizers, I just cant get the hang of it (at least for the way I vape) I take too many succesive hits which leads to dryhits+flooding, I just use my atties to try out new juices or test out mixes now. Edited April 17, 2012 by twelveday
mse12 Posted April 18, 2012 Author Posted April 18, 2012 So I'm using a carto today minus the tank I referred to earlier. It's working so far without issue. I've really not used it much so far tonight. How do I know when it's time to refill or top off? Do I just wait for a burnt taste or just when the top looks dry? I thought I had a pretty good grasp on the basics of vaping but now I start to wonder if I really know anything about it. Hmm...analogs are/were so much easier than this... -mse12
twelveday Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 just keep topping it off when it looks dry, if you wait til u get a burnt flavor, that burnt flavor wont ever go away
kitsune Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 @ mse....I promise it will get better !!! finding the right device combination can take quite a bit of trial and error. The 306's, especially bridgeless do seem to flood easier....I only use 2 drops at a time. slow easy draw. they also get alot hotter and need to cool down a bit...not good for chain vaping. Hopefully the cartomizer will work better for you. I think one of the things I like best about the vision clearomizer is...I can see how much liquid is in there. Just don't give up !!! you will find the right combo. @MadKat...I just got green and blue. I love the colors.
mse12 Posted April 18, 2012 Author Posted April 18, 2012 Thank you for the reassurance. I love vaping, I really do I just seem to run into a lot of problems. I've been vaping on this carto for the last 3 breaks at work tonight and it's a nice solid vape. Yay! How do you normally top off? So far I've just been dropping about 5 drops or so at a time until the poly fill looks wet. So far so good. This xl carto looks pretty funny by itself. I bought them to punch and go into the tanks I was talking about earlier and by themselves they're just very long....and shiny for that matter since they're stainless. Looks like I'm vaping an antenna or something! Haha. Anyway, I'm very interested in getting a cleromizer of some sort. I use ego batteries as well as a box mod that I made which is also a 510. Is a clearomizer a ce2? What is the difference between a ce2 vs ce3 and ce4? kitsune 1
twelveday Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 i really never got the whole labeling thing they had, but i think CE2 or 'clearomizer's are just little carto/tank type things. They are a step above cartomizers but are still disposable. I honestly haven't run into any CE2's that perform as good as a cartomizer or atomizer, the closest thing are the ego clearomizers. They are ok and easy to use but I personally think the flavor and vapor are better in atomizers and cartomizers over the ego vision. The best thing though about it is you dont get that nasty burnt taste you get in almost every "CE2" style cartomizer (at least the ones I've tried). i think ce2/ce3/ce4 or whatever are just a marketing tool people use to say their "ce#" is better than the previous "ce#".
yeahivape Posted April 19, 2012 Posted April 19, 2012 I loved tanks when I started using them, and after about 2 or 3 days each they start to flood and not work, as well as leak severely so I started using Boge cartos and love them. I want to get a J-tank and try punching my own cartos, hopefully that will help, I think the triple prepunched smoktech tanks I have just allow too much juice to flow into the carto. But a carto will last me about an hour or so until it needs to be topped off, the taste and vapor is great and its more convenient than dripping all the time.
twelveday Posted April 21, 2012 Posted April 21, 2012 Yeah im thinking about getting a JTank as well, from personal experience CE2/3/4's etc. havent worked well for me. If you have an eGo though I would reccomend the ego vision clearomizer if u want to try it out, seems to be the only one that performed well for me and others, I've refilled the one im using right now about 4 times and its still going strong. I've tried clearomizers from several sites and I don't know what it is, it might be that the wicks are too long and the juice gets to the coils slower, but they get a burnt flavor pretty fast that is hard to get rid of without taking it apart and so on.
mse12 Posted April 21, 2012 Author Posted April 21, 2012 Do you think a boge 2.0 with a short tank may be the solution? I've got the xl tanks that came with dual coil cartos from totally wicked. So far i've had no luck with any of them, as far as the cartos go. I REALLY want to use the tanks as I vape over 2mls a day and want an easy setup. I'm currently dripping because that's the only way I can somewhat keep everything working and tasting ok. Also, I was using that 1.7ohm xl smoktech and it worked well for about 3 days and now while it still produces great vapor I'm getting burnt flavor. I've given up with that one. I really want to get a carto such as the ce2 or something to that effect. I'm seeing a lot on here about the ego vision. I may give that one a shot. I just want something thats not going to flood and/or leak all the time. I also want to know how I can use a drip shield on a 306 dripping atty that I got from smartvapes. I bought the cannon drip tip but i'm thinking that wont work with a drip shield. I'm currently dripping on a standard 510 titan atty from totally wicked that i debridged and dewicked. It's a winner but I think my expectations are pretty low at this point. I want to get an HH357 but they're out of stock on the xl tubes. I'm not a fan of the juice popping in my mouth although I'm getting used to it at this point. I don't think that $22 for one atty is bad at all if it's working as well as most say. I look at the fact that I paid $8 for the regular 510 atty that I'm using now. So basically the 357 is like buying two of these but from what I'm reading they're the best thing since sliced bread so I'm ready to give it a go. I just hope to find a good setup for myself before too long. -mse12
twelveday Posted April 21, 2012 Posted April 21, 2012 " I REALLY want to use the tanks as I vape over 2mls a day and want an easy setup. I'm currently dripping because that's the only way I can somewhat keep everything working and tasting ok. Also, I was using that 1.7ohm xl smoktech and it worked well for about 3 days and now while it still produces great vapor I'm getting burnt...." if you do vape over 2mls a day and that smoktech tank lasted for 3 days id say thats pretty normal, cartomizers dont last forever, neither do CE2's. Right now at least from personall experience, dripping gives me the best flavor but like you, I vape way too much for that to be convenient for me. Ive tried CE2's and those poop out on flavor way earlier than cartomizers do, the ego vision seems to be the best of the "CE2" type cartomizers, ive refilled mine about 4 times and still dont get the burnt flavor. I still prefer cartomizers since they've given me less problems than CE2 or tank style cartomizers. I bust out my 306's every once in a while to vape on new juice, but i still switch to cartos for convenience later on down the road. Ive had my eye on feeder mods, specifically the reo mini, since it utilizes an atomizer and dropper bottle, that would somehow get rid of dripping. Just saving up some $$$ for it, might want to look into that to if you got the cash, seems like the perfect solution.
Soberrider Posted April 22, 2012 Posted April 22, 2012 So far I use eGo Passthroughs with LR Boge cartomizers and its all I need to continue without tobacco. I even use 100%VG and have the carto's last a week and longer. I like to keep things simple.
Uma Posted April 23, 2012 Posted April 23, 2012 My carto's never last over 2 tank fulls, and quite often just 1 tank full. It's so frustrating!!! Plus the flavor is muted. It's so handy when they work great the first day... so I kept with it until lately. Lately I switched over to the SSmesh wick with Tank system and GOODBYE Carto tanks!! I even get the full rich flavor back, just like with direct dripping. Sorry I don't have carto tips for you. If I run across any, I'll get back to you. (and me as well lol)
Deadpool809 Posted April 24, 2012 Posted April 24, 2012 You might consider trying the 4ml cartomizers. I have a JTank and use it regularly, but I go through these periods where it just isn't working out. Either I get a bad batch of cartos, or something goes wrong with the punching, or it doesn't like my juice, and I go through a string of cartos that just have a nasty taste. When that happens, I switch back to the giant cartos for a while. I will either use a LEO 4ml DCC with a 510 to LEO adaptor, or a SmokTech Mega DCC (either with a 510 to Ego adapter or a 510 extender). I really do love them. They give a great TH (awesome for me, a low nic vaper) and are ideal for long periods without a refill. They last about as long (if not longer) than a filled J Tank. Anyway - it's another idea to consider. I love tanks, but this is a great alternative for you.
Heavy Posted May 6, 2012 Posted May 6, 2012 I agree on the mega (or XL) cartos. I have used the regular sized ones, clearomizers, and trying a tank now (home made- search for syringe tank mod on youtube - thats what I'm using now), but the larger cartomizers to me are the best. I use 808 style hardware and started with that style (808). I have never used an atomizer and dripped, so I suppose my opinions are not as knowledgeable as a lot of others.
bear Posted May 7, 2012 Posted May 7, 2012 Tanks have become my favorite and i've tried many different cartos in them. Sloting them has worked best for me, but I have also found that not all juices are created equal. I find some juices work better in single coil cartos and with some the dual coils are better. I've also found that learning how to fill your tank makes a difference. I'm getting better but still learning.
mse12 Posted May 9, 2012 Author Posted May 9, 2012 @bear How do you fill your tanks? I recently saw a grimmgreen video (showing the johnboyusmc lava tank) where he shows to close it off with the air pocket over your hole or slot. Maybe this can be part of my issues. My very first tank experience was GREAT but since that first time I just can't get close to that again. My very first tank carto gave me over 20ml of perfect vaping. I apparently just belong on the vaping short bus. Haha. I'm currently vaping with my original ego-c setup. Everything else is dead or broken while I wait on my last round of orders to come in.... -mse12
JustVape Posted May 24, 2012 Posted May 24, 2012 Vaping has some trials and errors and consistency is always a problem. I am no fan of attys and have always loved carttos. I am a truck drive and need to be able to have a long lasting vape without dripping every 5 seconds. Cartos can be a pain in the crack though the problem is when they are being produced there is no exact way for 100% quality control. One little twist or kink in the coil can change the resistance and shipping can always damage cartos. I have found it is best to use a large carto. I only use SmokTech Xl or XXL dual coil 1.5 - 1.7 ohm resistnace for 3.7 volt vaping -4.5 volt. If you are using a VV system 4.5 volt -6volt use 3.0ohm resistance. If you are having problems with flooding use this as a rule of thumb. A new Xl dual coil carto can hold 15 -25 drops. Note that cartos are not meant to last for weeks but should have no problem lasting 1 week and 2 at the most. I know there are a lot of tricks for cleaning them but this is mostly a wast of time. Tanks are not tricky at all but you have to remember that if you don't draw evenly and slowly the suction will cause you to suck more liquid than expected into the carto. Happy vaping!
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