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So, i just ordered a ton of juice from various vendors. Between a few new flavors and a few old faithful flavors, nothing seems to taste right.

I'm vaping primarily on my VV LavaTube, and its not like i don't have a variety of accessories. I've found that my cinnamon juice works best in a LR carto at a standard 3.7V. I have a ton of different attys, but the best i've found so far are the COV hybrid attys. I'll toss one on my reo (bottom feeder hybrid) or on the LT (universal hybrid) and run around 4.4V. Taste is just kind of blah. Up the voltage, meh. Lower the voltage, meh.

My reo has gotten little attention since i got my LT, but going back to old faithful didn't help the flavor of the juice. I tried a single 18650 at 3.7v with a LR atty, and stacking to 6V (remember, its not recommended to stack batteries kids) with a HR atty. I even tried some tried and true go to juices in my Ego T and nothing tastes right.

Any suggestions?

I just spent $90 on juice for the next 3 months and would hate to have it go bad.


sounds kinda dumb but, did you try mouthwash, to kill all the intruders. eJuice lasts a long time though, i dont think it would go bad in 3 months


This just happened to me yesterday. I've brushed, flossed, and swished a few times since. Its just weird.

As for the 3 months, i just don't want to hate all the juice that i bought (and previously LOVED) to sit in a drawer or in the back of the fridge where i forget about it until sometime in 2013.

Good suggestion though...


I had a love-hate relationship with several juice flavors. If you liked them in the past chances are you'll like them again down the road. If they all taste strange to you mabey you're getting your taste back. I noticed food tasting better after a few months without analogs and started noticing subtle differences in flavors. If you vape the same flavor for a long time you, will notice that it seems like the flavor goes away, kind of like when you get used to a certain oder and it seems to go away. Don't worry, you'll use up all that juice in time and if it is something you really don't like there's always DIY magic you can do on it.


Just tough it out.It seems to happen to us all at one time or another.An extreme flavor change might help until things straighten out.A minty or menthol,or frooty one might do the trick.I usually use clove during those spells.


Tastebuds are back! Woot!

Added a single drop of angel tears to about 3-4 mils of my cinnamon flavor and BAM, back in business. I HATE menthol flavors, but just one drop seemed to do the trick!

Thanks mcquinn! I'd hate to have had to try Ron's solution - ICKYPOO!


  • 4 weeks later...

i have kinda special needs taste buds, so i feel your pain. If I switch to a similar but different flavor on the same day, whether i brush my teeth or not, the new flavor tastes just like the old, i have to either switch to a completely different flavor, or wait until the next day


my cartomizers have been tricking me recently, seems after i run them through hot water and blow them out quick and refill, instead of refilling constantly, the flavor is back to normal. I think its all the mush and crap that gets stuck in there


When mine are shot & everything tastes the same, I drip some bobas in between and the taste comes back :)

Sent from my SPH-M820-BST using Tapatalk

  • 3 weeks later...

Haven't gotten around to trying boba's. I hear great things about it, but i just honestly feel like its not going to be my thing. I like fruity tobacco blends, but not too keen on the straight tobacco flavors... To me it sounds like an off the chart RY4. I haven't yet met an RY4 that i like.

Update on the tastebuds:

Dude, tastebuds are fickle creatures. Sometimes they are all about the flavor, and then all of a sudden nothing. That means its usually back to the hot hot cinnamon flavors or some rich coffee, but sometimes even my coffee tastes like ick and my cinnamon falls flat.

Sometimes its the atty, sometimes its the carto, but i'm more likely to blame my mouth for the problems. Its usually my mouth that gets me into trouble anyway...;)

One thing i've found when my mouth is not cooperating with me is salt. This happened totally by accident while I was whining to a friend about losing the flavor. They had a bowl of those salty mini pretzels, I ate one and when i was done munching i took a puff and BAM. My tasetbuds decided to wake up.

I wish this would work every time, but alas it is not a solution either, but you might want to give it a go if your buds are high maintence like mine.


I feel you. My tastebuds seem to be a bit shot of late. They said it was going to happen, I knew it would happen, but when it really did happen, I was surprised. Just wondering how often this has happened to people and how long does it last? I've been vaping strictly Dunhill this last month and a half now. I have about 25 other flavors (at least), but nothing appeals.


I think this is a common dilemma for all of us. Sometimes having too many choices does not serve us well. My day to day happens to be apple and apple cinnamon...but I have several small batches with greater and less flavor, so that sometimes the very highly flavored apple is just too, too, fruity so I cut it a little bit with nicotined vg...or...or add a bit of straight cinnamon - which, i must say, really gives the batch a lot of zing and vigor! Someone mentioned clove which is a truly dominant flavor as are many spices like cinnamon and cardomon, etc. And also, plain tobaccy might reset the lingus baseline for us all...remember those camel anuses you usta suck on? Life got better and now we stuck with the chaos of SUCCESS [best suck of all]. As for mouthwash...maybe...but oral sex refreshes the palate like nothing else here on the blue vaping planet! :detective: :detective:

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