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More Atty Duds


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I was having problems with my 510 attys, only three out of 8 work really good. I got a Janty stick for the battery, love it and the atty that came with it is excellent. Not being completely stupid I stocked up on more 801 attys from two different suppliers. I am seriously having problems getting smoke out of these. Is there a "break in" a way to get them going? I'm dripping (thank heaven I have the 0 mg now). Any advice would be appreciated. If I figure something out I will post back. Also, apologies for using the noob area, I figure I still am.

Edited by FTJoe
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Break in period for which atty? If your talking about the 801 then yes there is quite a long break in period, takes a few hours to get it really going. The 510 atty however should be working full speed after about 1 hour or so.

801s - did not realize, I'll keep working them, thanx.

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I was having problems with my 510 attys, only three out of 8 work really good. I got a Janty stick for the battery, love it and the atty that came with it is excellent. Not being completely stupid I stocked up on more 801 attys from two different suppliers. I am seriously having problems getting smoke out of these. Is there a "break in" a way to get them going? I'm dripping (thank heaven I have the 0 mg now). Any advice would be appreciated. If I figure something out I will post back. Also, apologies for using the noob area, I figure I still am.

How many duds of the 510 would you say you have? Did you get them from the same supplier?

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How many duds of the 510 would you say you have? Did you get them from the same supplier?

Four 510 duds, two suppliers, the fifth is my fault. I was carrying the 510 around loose and the switch was depressed for quite a while.

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I'd rather not blame in case it was some stupid noob thing I did, plus I'd have to go back and look it up.

I am fairly certain that Chris was not looking to lay blame on your vendor. I think he and others are trying to figure out why the atty's are bad and if it is just a bad batch or some other problem. There was a rash of reports about bad atty's coming from a lot of different vendors. He has a pretty close relationship with a lot of vendors and has been a victim of getting some of those bad atomizers.

@ Christopher - sorry if I spoke for you.

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A few weeks ago, I copped a few 510 kits and a few more penstyle kits (separate suppliers in China). The 510s have been OK (actually, I've yet to have a 510 atty burn out), and the penstyle atties have been OK, but have had a lot of batt failures for the penstyles.

Quality control is not a strong suit of Chinese e-cig manufacturers. I'm guessing there was a bad week at the factory, and we've all suffered along with them. Next batch should be better.

With the Vaprlife (and similar) battery advancements, all we need is an American maker to come out with a solid, robust atty. If we can avoid the ban, the e-cig market will continue to grow exponentially, and some clever American will devise something soon, I'm sure.

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