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Do You Miss The Smell?


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I'm pretty much on total vaping after having been a 1 1/2 pack a day smoker. Unfortunately, my wife still smokes analogs. The smell just kills me! I want one so bad when I smell one. Does anybody make juice that smells like an analog?

It's cool not to smell like smoke all the time but damn, I miss the smell of an analog!

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I'll be honest not really. When I first quit, yea I missed the smell. Someone would walk by smoking a Marlboro light and I thought, hmmm. But it's been so long now that the smell doesn't smell like it used to. In fact to me it smells like utter crap. Keep in mind this took quite a while, we're talking a few months here before I finally started to hate the smell.

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Ya it was about a week here also..Being able to Vape inside is totally cool and I dont want the smell at all..I only vape the ones with no lingering smell....So far RY4 is the only one I have to go outside for..

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The smell of analog smoke doesn't phase me anymore. I'm around friends that smoke all the time. Yeah it smells gross to me, but it really doesn't bother me. Guess I'm just used to it. I think what's grosser than smoke in the air is the smell that sticks to your clothes. That stuff just smells nasty.

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I agree JMHester the smell of a burning cigarette outside is enticing. I have found that if you can go a couple of weeks the best remedy is to just go ahead and smoke one. It will kill the urge for you real quick.

For me when evr I tried to quit before I would break down and smoke one because I would smell it and crave it, and think yuck, but after a few you get used to it again then your hooked. Now when I broke down I would think YUCK! And then, instead of smoking another one because of the nicotine I have a delicious vape waiting for me.

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Fenwick, that's how I feel now. It certainly doesn't help that my wife still smoke analog...in the house, no less! The few times I've broken down and had an analog, they tasted so nasty! A vape just tastes "cleaner".

I did buy the wife a cute, pink 901 with case from Vapor Kings. Now I just have to convince her that she needs to learn to use it and stop the analogs all together. Her weekly habit costs me as much as a nice Dura C set! Damn!

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Fenwick, that's how I feel now. It certainly doesn't help that my wife still smoke analog...in the house, no less! The few times I've broken down and had an analog, they tasted so nasty! A vape just tastes "cleaner".

I did buy the wife a cute, pink 901 with case from Vapor Kings. Now I just have to convince her that she needs to learn to use it and stop the analogs all together. Her weekly habit costs me as much as a nice Dura C set! Damn!

Yeah you have to want to quit smoking to get past the learning cueve on the e-cig. I would suggest two routes

1. Get a really tasty flavor for her 901, so she can have it as a treat as oppossed to a threat to quit -or-

2. Get as many tobacco like flavors for her to try, maybe one will be what she is used to. I know awesomvapor has a sample pack that has all of the tobacco flavors in 1.5 ml bottles plus a bannanna and a green apple. It's like $22

I am the same page with the money. I am not trying to save money yet. I take the money I would have spent every week and buy a different starter kit or try a bunch of new flavors. I am currently saving for the VP2 and the puresmoker pass thru, but at the rate I smoked that will only take a couple of weeks.

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