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I'm fairly new to vaping a few weeks now.

I have a lava tube which is great.

And a ego t LCD which is great.

But I have a problem.

When playing Xbox I used to like puffing on a cigerete pretty much hands free ish.

I no they are not going to be the same but I'm looking for what is I think called a 510 that I can refill myself ,so I can puff away while playing without pressing a button on the e-cig.

I'm in uk and have had a good look around but can't decide what to get.

I love the type with the personnel charger ( that looks like a cigerete packet) pcc I think it's called.

Would be handy for out and about as well , (vaping break while shopping on saturday drew a bit of attention with the ego t ).

Any reccomendations for a uk purchase would be greatly apreciated .



lol! I really love this post. I totally get it. Try the V2 automatic--make sure you specify automatic, Not manual.


This kit is Pricey, however.. but, one of my first kits was a V2, and 3 months later, they are still going strong, although I have switched to the "button" ones. My only other piece of advise is to get a Kinect. :D


An automatic battery for a 510 would work with certain cartomisers or with 510 attys and carts. I use a Volt from smokeless image. They work great but they have different threading and are not compatible with the 510 family. You can choose automatic or manual batteries for several other ecigs but these are the 2 I've used and I like the volt much better.


please don't buy a 510 "slim cig" style battery. you will not be satisfied.

get a quality 808 slim cig. like the volt from smokelessimage or a v4l kit. either way waaaaay better quality than a 510 slim cig which is regulated (like the eGo) to 3.2-3.4v, which will only kick out any decent vapor at all with a lr carto, which should not be used on a slim cig. the 808's from a good vendor are of much higher quality.

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