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I found this in my mailbox:

To our wonderful customers, past and present:

Whether you are still a Vermont Vapor customer or not, if you still use an

e-cigarette, please take note of this email.

There is an unfortunate development in the U.S. state of Vermont.

The Vermont Human Services Committee is holding a hearing March 14, 2012

(this Wednesday) at 10:45AM to take testimony on a bill - H.747 @


– that would not only effectively shut down Vermont Vapor, but would ban all

e-cig / etc. shipments within, into, and out of Vermont.

One or more people from Vermont Vapor plan to attend and we urge others to

contact the Human Services committee members (info below) to express your

opposition. Also, Vermont residents should consider attending or, if that

isn't possible, make sure to highlight that you are a Vermont resident in

any emails you send or calls you make.

This bill would harm every e-cig user, not just this company. Whether you

are a Vermont resident or even a Vermont Vapor customer, if this bill passes

in Vermont, it will provide a blueprint for other states to do the same and

must be stopped.

Sincerely yours,



Adam Tredwell, President

Vermont Vapor, Inc.


20 West Street

Fair Haven, Vermont

Cell: 802.345.9550

Office: 802.779-0185

Fax: 802.779-0186


I'm surprised that it would happen there. I thought they had a simalar mentality as New Hamphire"s Live free or Die. Last I knew there were no helmet laws or seatbelt laws, they didn't even have building codes when a buddy of mine buit a house up there. Go figure.


Looks like Vermont is OK.. Here's what I found:

*UPDATE*: On Wednesday, March 14th, 2012, the Vermont Human Services Committee announced that they would be removing the section of H. 747 that would have banned sales of e-cigarettes through the internet, phone, and mail order. Legislators no longer need to be contacted about this proposal. CASAA thanks its members who took action to stop this bill!

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