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I just started vaping, and thanks to this forum started off with a 510. So far, I have filled my cartridges about 2x's each, but noticed that I can only get about 4 drops of liquid in before they are full to the brim. The first couple of vapes come with good vapor, but after that it is dropping off to almost nothing. Do I need to get new wadding or fiber for the cartridges? Or do I need to drip some on the attomizer first?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!




Yea, you should drip occasionally on the atty even if your using carts. I know mine last longer than 2x but its not an exact science. I would say that I change mine every 7-10x.Its sounds like your atty is dry or the juice your using doesnt have much vapor or isnt that good.


If you use a paper clip to push the fiber around it will help soak up more liquid or take the fiber out and fill up the cart half way then re-stuff and top off thats how I will fill carts but I only use carts once in a blue moon I drip 99% of the time.


Right on thanks much for the help! I do think the juice I got kinda sucks to be honest.. The stock carts that came with juice produced more vapor than my refills! I will definetly try pulling out the fiber and filling method.

Good vaping to you all, and thanks for your help.


Right on thanks much for the help! I do think the juice I got kinda sucks to be honest.. The stock carts that came with juice produced more vapor than my refills! I will definetly try pulling out the fiber and filling method.

Good vaping to you all, and thanks for your help.

I think this is quite common, some juice just doesnt give much vapor. I know what you mean by stock carts giving more to , they are!. Currently the best juice I have is the stuff I am cutting my self. If you want VAPOR, add some VG(vegetable glycerin) too your juice and you will see more vapor.


I think this is quite common, some juice just doesnt give much vapor. I know what you mean by stock carts giving more to , they are!. Currently the best juice I have is the stuff I am cutting my self. If you want VAPOR, add some VG(vegetable glycerin) too your juice and you will see more vapor.

Yeah the Marlboro flavored carts that came with my 510 rip!

Do you have a good source to obtain the VG from? I heard about it and found only 1 site, but they are out for who knows how long..


Yeah the Marlboro flavored carts that came with my 510 rip!

Do you have a good source to obtain the VG from? I heard about it and found only 1 site, but they are out for who knows how long..

Oh, for sure brother. Its very easy to get. Just roll down to CVS, Walmart, or Michaels. Tons of places carry it. I get mine from CVS usually. At CVS its in the skin care aisle. At Michaels and Walmart its in the baking section. It comes in fairly small clear bottles. VG is Thick and clear liquid. It should say USP somewhere on it. I have never seen one that didnt though.... Yeah just add some of this to your juice and you will blow clouds . I mix mine with PG about 70/30 PG/VG, its like coffee though everyone likes it different. VG has a slight sweet taste to it..Hope this helps B)


Oh, for sure brother. Its very easy to get. Just roll down to CVS, Walmart, or Michaels. Tons of places carry it. I get mine from CVS usually. At CVS its in the skin care aisle. At Michaels and Walmart its in the baking section. It comes in fairly small clear bottles. VG is Thick and clear liquid. It should say USP somewhere on it. I have never seen one that didnt though.... Yeah just add some of this to your juice and you will blow clouds . I mix mine with PG about 70/30 PG/VG, its like coffee though everyone likes it different. VG has a slight sweet taste to it..Hope this helps B)

Right on, that's awesome. To CVS I'm headed to get my VG! Will post how I'm doing with my new mix here tomorrow. And man am I glad I found you all on this forum.. You all ROCK!



No sweat! Welcome brother. Look carefully if you cant find it at first because the people working there were no help for me, they had no idea what i was talking about but THEY HAVE IT!


No sweat! Welcome brother. Look carefully if you cant find it at first because the people working there were no help for me, they had no idea what i was talking about but THEY HAVE IT!

Easy - thank you brother for the VG tip! Man, what a difference, and dripping with this mix is incredible!!

I do like the mix you suggested 70/30 - it's sweet but not too sweet, and it cuts my juice down a bit which is nice as I bought 24mg and vaping a bunch on this I was getting a bit too much.

Again, thank you brother for your help. Now I'm happily vaping.


Easy - thank you brother for the VG tip! Man, what a difference, and dripping with this mix is incredible!!

I do like the mix you suggested 70/30 - it's sweet but not too sweet, and it cuts my juice down a bit which is nice as I bought 24mg and vaping a bunch on this I was getting a bit too much.

Again, thank you brother for your help. Now I'm happily vaping.

No Problem! see you around the forum. Happy vapeing! :beer:

Posted (edited)

I have been vaping for only 12 days, so, I'm no expert. I read everything I could on vaping while waiting for my first order. When I received my first three e-Cigs I never opened any of the carts that came with the kits, I took Chris and Sean's advice and went to direct dripping using the dummy carts that came with the e-Cigs. A few days ago I did open one of the carts that came with my DSE901 to see what the cart tasted like, not bad but the juice I purchased separately is much better. I have been tried awesomevapor's sampler juices and they are good. I bought the sampler from Johnson Creek and found that the flavors are really subtle and the vapor production was medium to light. Saturday the juices that I ordered from dietSMOKES.com came in the mail. I ordered Liquid Express, Janty and Vapor Talk Juice's. Above all the Vapor Talk Juice is the best producer of vapor and the best in flavor. The Janty creates the same amount of vapor but the flavor is about one notch below Vapor Talk's juice. I haven't tried all of the Liquid Express' but the "23" flavor is great and a good vapor producer and is equal to Vapor Talk's juice.

Edited by TheSmokingMan

I have been vaping for only 12 days, so, I'm no expert. I read everything I could on vaping while waiting for my first order. When I received my first three e-Cigs I never opened any of the carts that came with the kits, I took Chris and Sean's advice and went to direct dripping using the dummy carts that came with the e-Cigs. A few days ago I did open one of the carts that came with my DSE901 to see what the cart tasted like, not bad but the juice I purchased separately is much better. I have been tried awesomevapor's sampler juices and they are good. I bought the sampler from Johnson Creek and found that the flavors are really subtle and the vapor production was medium to light. Saturday the juices that I ordered from dietSMOKES.com came in the mail. I ordered Liquid Express, Janty and Vapor Talk Juice's. Above all the Vapor Talk Juice is the best producer of vapor and the best in flavor. The Janty creates the same amount of vapor but the flavor is about one notch below Vapor Talk's juice. I haven't tried all of the Liquid Express' but the "23" flavor is great and a good vapor producer and is equal to Vapor Talk's juice.

You know I agree with you on the direct dripping. I was using the carts and getting nowhere but frustrated. Just started dripping this morning with the new mix I made that Easy got me going with, and man dripping is the only way to go. I'm waiting on a paycheck here, and I'm gonna get some of the Vapor Talk juice, as you are the 4th person who really diggs it. The juice I got with my original order is not a good vapor producer and the taste is not all that abundant; it kinda falls off after the first couple of vapes.

Hey, what does that "23" taste like? Would it be a good all day vaping juice? I'm looking to get something on the smooth side to go most of the day with.


You know I agree with you on the direct dripping. I was using the carts and getting nowhere but frustrated. Just started dripping this morning with the new mix I made that Easy got me going with, and man dripping is the only way to go. I'm waiting on a paycheck here, and I'm gonna get some of the Vapor Talk juice, as you are the 4th person who really diggs it. The juice I got with my original order is not a good vapor producer and the taste is not all that abundant; it kinda falls off after the first couple of vapes.

Hey, what does that "23" taste like? Would it be a good all day vaping juice? I'm looking to get something on the smooth side to go most of the day with.

Great, Glad to be of some help. The "23" tastes like a Dr. Pepper, and I ought to know what Dr. Pepper tastes like. It's great! I am going to vape it all day tomorrow just for you so I can give you an honest answer. I vaped Janty's "Cola" all day today and it was ok, the flavor is a little weak but much better than Johnson Creek. I'd say it was one notch below Vapor Talk Juice.

I'll let you tomorrow (of today since it's after midnight) how the "23" did. I should be back at the office by 4 or 5pm (Texas Time (CST)).

Posted (edited)

I'll let you tomorrow (of today since it's after midnight) how the "23" did. I should be back at the office by 4 or 5pm (Texas Time (CST)).

Well, I didn't get back to the office as early as I thought, I've been spreading the e-Cig news tonight. Anyway, I just got back in and as promised I vaped Liquid Express' "23" all day today. It did well in my opinion. I ordered the 24Mg nicotine level and I have been vaping it all day with no ill effects or bad taste. i started this morning at the computer with my DSE801 for awesomevapor.com and a USB pass-thru. I received a call about 11:30am and had to leave the office. On the road I switched to my batteries to for the DSE801 and took it to the job site. That's when my day went to ****. One of my moronic employees connected 240volts to a 115volt aerobic sewer system and blew out $800.00 worth of electronics. Yes, that comes out of my *** pocket and I can't legally take it out of his last paycheck this Friday. I did however, give him a good reference on his first job interview today with another company. So, completely stressed I head back to the office. By this time I was on my second battery and still vaping "23", I didn't kill anybody on the way back to the office so I guess it was working. I stopped by the bank and picked up payroll. When I got back to the office I hooked the DSE901 back to the USB and vaped "23" for the rest of the afternoon.

It has stayed a constant flavor all day and into the evening with no aftertaste and great vapor. I haven't experienced vary much dry mouth with any of the flavors or brands that I have tried. I am generally drinking something all the time though. I start off with a pot of coffee in the morning with cream and sugar, by lunch I generally have a Coke and tonight I had 2 cups of coffee at Bible Study. Now I am back in the office am drinking a Tia Maria and Coke and will have one or two glasses of wine before I go to bed in a few hours.

So as for my opinion the "23" from Liquid Express is a good all day vaper if you like the taste of Dr. Pepper.

One thing I' like to say about Dr. Pepper though. I like Dr. Pepper but I don't like the Dr. Pepper that the rest of the country drinks. We who know where to find it drink a special Dr. Pepper not bottled anywhere else but Texas. The product is Dublin Dr. Pepper bottled in Dublin, Texas, not far from the family ranch/farm. So when I make the three hour drive there I always pick up ten or so cases and bring them back to Houston with me. It is made with the original 1843 formula and it is made with "Imperial Pure Cane Sugar" and not High Fructose Corn Syrup like the rest of the country. Nanny nanny boo boo! anim_35.gif

Edited by TheSmokingMan

I haven't tried all of the Liquid Express' but the "23" flavor is great and a good vapor producer and is equal to Vapor Talk's juice.

I also ordered the "23" flavors from liquid express and I agree I was impressed with the vapor production. At first the flavor creeped me out, then I became addicted to it. I have had the bottle for about two weeks now and the flavor isn't is strong. I miss it! I don't know if liquids lose their flavor after a time or if you just burn out those taste buds, like how a cigarette taste different after you have been smoking for awhile.

Since you have the "23" flavors and yours is probably still potent, it is really good if you drink a Dr. Pepper while your vaping it!


Hey, what does that "23" taste like? Would it be a good all day vaping juice? I'm looking to get something on the smooth side to go most of the day with.

It tastes more like a Dr. Pepper hard candy. I found the vapor on exhale to have a cool feel, like it was cold. It is an all day vape, if you have moved away from needing a tobacco flavor...also have DR. Pepper to drink on hand.

Posted (edited)

I haven't tried it while drinking a Dr. Pepper, I think that would probably confuse the senses, they wouldn't know which was which.

Edited by TheSmokingMan

I haven't tried it while drinking a Dr. Pepper, I think that would probably confuse the senses, they wouldn't know which was which.

I dropped off for a day here. Work has been freaking killing me! Like you, I blew a fuse in my head only though yesterday dealing with boneheads here.. Anyways, I went ahead and ordered up the 23 yesterday, so I should have it here by Friday. Looking forward to it.. I've been stuck with vanilla, which ain't terrible, but it's a bit too much for all day, more like a desert vape. My brother just showed up yesterday with some Watermelon, although I don't usually like the berry stuff, this one was actually pretty good. It was pretty mello, although I can't see vaping it all day.

So far today is going the same as yesterday, so I have been vaping the vanilla, which is much better now that I cut it with the VG. It's more mellow, but I can't wait till Friday to get my 23.


I also ordered the "23" flavors from liquid express and I agree I was impressed with the vapor production. At first the flavor creeped me out, then I became addicted to it. I have had the bottle for about two weeks now and the flavor isn't is strong. I miss it! I don't know if liquids lose their flavor after a time or if you just burn out those taste buds, like how a cigarette taste different after you have been smoking for awhile.

Since you have the "23" flavors and yours is probably still potent, it is really good if you drink a Dr. Pepper while your vaping it!

Well, I'm not a chemist but my father had a lab at the plant and was kind of a self taught chemist of sorts, he was in the galvanizing business. From what I learned from him and in school, most compounds are affected by either heat, light, exposure to oxygen (oxidation) or age. If I were to make an educated guess I would think that age would not play a part in the flavor of your e-Liquid diminishing so rapidly. I would, however, think that long term exposure to sunlight, heat or leaving the bottle open would have an effect on the flavor by reducing its potency. There is a guy on here in the UK who is a chemist but here in the states we call them pharmacists, maybe he would know what would make the flavors degrade.


One thing I' like to say about Dr. Pepper though. I like Dr. Pepper but I don't like the Dr. Pepper that the rest of the country drinks. We who know where to find it drink a special Dr. Pepper not bottled anywhere else but Texas. The product is Dublin Dr. Pepper bottled in Dublin, Texas, not far from the family ranch/farm. So when I make the three hour drive there I always pick up ten or so cases and bring them back to Houston with me. It is made with the original 1843 formula and it is made with "Imperial Pure Cane Sugar" and not High Fructose Corn Syrup like the rest of the country. Nanny nanny boo boo! anim_35.gif

Off topic, but Dublin Dr. Pepper is the best. A Dublin frosty at the museum is top notch.

On topic:

I am definitely going to pick up some 23. You guys have talked me into it.


Off topic, but Dublin Dr. Pepper is the best. A Dublin frosty at the museum is top notch.

On topic:

I am definitely going to pick up some 23. You guys have talked me into it.

We moved from Stephenville back down to Houston about 5 years ago. My oldest son went to Paradigm Academy in Dublin. Are you a local or were you passing through Dublin?

The "23" from Liquid Express is not the only Dr. Pepper Flavored e-Juice I have seen. I can't really say where else I have seen it but I know I found it by doing a Google search for e-Juice or e-Liquid.

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