DarthVaper Posted February 15, 2012 Posted February 15, 2012 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2101565/Tom-Holloway-suffers-horrific-burns-exploding-electronic-cigarette-knocks-teeth.html?ITO=1490 Say what?
Viper Ron Posted February 15, 2012 Posted February 15, 2012 Something don't seem right here but I must say it's got me a bit worried.
bobthesalesclerk Posted February 15, 2012 Posted February 15, 2012 I think this is the same incident...you know the v3 that blew up with stacked lifpo4 Batts. sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet
BirdDog Posted February 15, 2012 Posted February 15, 2012 I don't think it is the same incident that was reported a few weeks back. The story states that it occurred on Monday.
Vacker1229 Posted February 15, 2012 Posted February 15, 2012 (edited) there are so many stories, but any way you look at it - it was a horrible incident. Not to mention this will impact us all. I did find him on FB and saw a lot of 'well wishes' for a speedy recovery. I also glanced at his photos and in one photo loaded 12/27/11 he is with a young bride (daughter?) and in his pocket is a penstyle perhaps a 901 or 510xl cuz it is kinda long but not 801 long. Of course that doesn't mean that is what he was using at the time of the accident. Currenly there are over 300 published news links. This definately isn't good for ecigs. I have already had people come to me here at the office and are concerned about mine and all i use here is a 901. I do try to be somewhat discreet Edited February 15, 2012 by Vacker1229
DarthVaper Posted February 15, 2012 Author Posted February 15, 2012 (edited) Thanks for that bit of investigative Facebooking, Vacker! Nicely done! This is the type of story that is so frustrating to deal with. The event is described in a horrific way, yet there are absolutely no real details that could be of use to anyone. Will those details be forthcoming? In today's news-bite media environment, it seems unlikely. Now I just want to know more. JeffB assumes the gentleman was stacking his batteries. The news report says he has been using an e-cig for 2 years, so it's possible he's been around them enough to become interested in using mods, but perhaps ignored some important safety guidelines. It does seem highly unlikely that he was using an off the shelf model, even though what Vacker turned up points in that direction. I'd also like to know a great deal more about batteries exploding: Why it happens, how to prevent it, could such an explosion cause the injuries described in these articles? Any medical folks out there on VT? I know none of us wants to even consider the idea of something like this happening to us. Edited February 15, 2012 by DarthVaper Vacker1229 1
willmon22 Posted February 16, 2012 Posted February 16, 2012 As it said in the article it was possibly a faulty battery. And if this is the case it shouldn't be too much to worry about unless more faulty batteries start appearing.
Vacker1229 Posted February 16, 2012 Posted February 16, 2012 I really don't think the media will let us know, I do believe that they will print whatever sells their rag. Right now only Tom Holloway knows and he most likely isn't doin' much talking, and certainly no one investigating knows one model from another. One bit o' press said his son talked with him on the phone. Another bit o' press says there was a recharging station in the room which could somewhat identify the model. If he was using a mod then he may not want to admit he tapered/toyed with something to get just a little bit more vapor. But again, the press eats this type of stuff up and probably wants to tie this story to all the FDA crap of the past. Like it's a real menace to society and you heard it on WKRAP TV first. blah blah blah..
willmon22 Posted February 16, 2012 Posted February 16, 2012 Yeah that is about right. But if someone knows his facebook page couldn't they ask him? Then again if he is trying to file a lawsuit then he most likely won't bother to say what he really did.
Vacker1229 Posted February 16, 2012 Posted February 16, 2012 (edited) right now he is not replying to anyone, so either he didn't take his laptop or phone in the ambulance, or he doesn't care to discuss as of yet. His daughter has done some 'thank you for the kind words' on his FB page but that is all. FB may not be the proper avenue to address this, particularly if litigation may be pending. The medical bills may be high due to reconstructive surgery if needed. Edited February 16, 2012 by Vacker1229
Tagsanstuff Posted February 16, 2012 Posted February 16, 2012 there are so many stories, but any way you look at it - it was a horrible incident. Not to mention this will impact us all. I did find him on FB and saw a lot of 'well wishes' for a speedy recovery. I also glanced at his photos and in one photo loaded 12/27/11 he is with a young bride (daughter?) and in his pocket is a penstyle perhaps a 901 or 510xl cuz it is kinda long but not 801 long. Of course that doesn't mean that is what he was using at the time of the accident. Currenly there are over 300 published news links. This definately isn't good for ecigs. I have already had people come to me here at the office and are concerned about mine and all i use here is a 901. I do try to be somewhat discreet I saw his FB too and noticed the joye 510 e-cig. I started out using one of them...nothing like this happened with mine. I hope he will be ok.
Vacker1229 Posted February 16, 2012 Posted February 16, 2012 I saw his FB too and noticed the joye 510 e-cig. I started out using one of them...nothing like this happened with mine. I hope he will be ok. That may be what he travels with to be somewhat discreet. I use my 901 in the office, and I use a mod when at home cuz it is a big ol thang to use in public.
DarthVaper Posted February 16, 2012 Author Posted February 16, 2012 (edited) That's exactly what I was thinking - a more discreet model while out, use the mod at home. I also agree that the discovery of a "charging station" sounds suspiciously like one would use with batteries for a mod. Also, there was this extra tidbit of info from a few hours ago: Holloway was in his office at home when the device exploded, leaving behind burned chair cushions, pictures, carpet and office equipment. A scorched battery case found on a piece of melted carpet appears to be one for a cigar-sized device, the report said. Those in the house with him rushed to his aid in the smoke-filled room and tried to put the fire out with salt, the report said.http://www.chicagotr...0,5526242.story That's some serious damage to be sure. It seems to me this was quite a sizeable explosion, one that I wouldn't expect from a small battery. Notice the term "cigar-sized device." Also, it caused nearby items to catch fire, which, again, I wouldn't expect. But I have no experience with explosions, battery or otherwise. Certainly he has my best wishes for a full recovery. Edited February 16, 2012 by DarthVaper
Vacker1229 Posted February 16, 2012 Posted February 16, 2012 yep - cigar-sized battery - this clearly sounds like a mod for his at home vapeing. The article also mentioned the guy wanted to keep the casing for "perhaps" any litigation. Good luck to him, hope he didn't tinker around with the product cuz that could pose a problem with a costly law suit. He will have enough to worry about with the medical and dental costs. Hopefully he heals quickly. Hmm, put the fire out with salt, makes me think it wasn't too big a fire cuz I wouldn't waste my time with just salt. Didn't they have a fire extinquisher in the house. I do!
PADave Posted February 16, 2012 Posted February 16, 2012 While i generally only visit this forum, with such a potentially negative Ecig story out there, i have been looking at other forums as well trying to gather information. First, I will commend the moderators here for not closing or deleting this thread (as has been done on other forums), I think it is important that real information is shared as well as having the ability to share our own concerns with fellow vapers. That being said, I would like to share a quote posted on that 'other' forum from a registered vendor (saveasmoker.com). Since I cannot personally attest to the validity of the post, the moderators are welcome to delete or alter my post if needed. The quote from 'MaxxVapor' was "I just spoke to the Chief at North Bay Fire District in Niceville. The incident happened 2/13/12. The battery that failed was unrecognizable but they found several 3.0v (Cr123a) lithium ion batteries and a recharger so it strongly appears the man was using a MOD." If this is accurate information, it should help give peace of mind to some. I am by no means an expert in batteries or battery safety, but I am certainly comfortable continuing to use both my Egos and my Provari without fear. After all, there is almost a certainty that analogs would have eventually killed me and if there is a one in a million chance of injury using my Ecig, it is a risk I happily take. I agree with a poster on another thread that a negative incident such as this could 'undo' a lot of the positive steps the ecig industry and vapers in general have been doing at bringing vaping closer to public acceptance. I have had several friends ask me about the story and have shared that anytime a battery is used, there is a potential danger, but that I personally know over 100 vapers who have been vaping for a long time and never know of a similar accident. I hope that accurate information will be collected and shared as time goes on, but I am highly doubtful that this will come from the 'sound byte media' as they will likely only look at this as another opportunity to slam Ecigs without concrete information to back it up....surprise, surprise. Lastly, my thoughts and prayers go out to Tom and his family and i wish him a speedy and complete recovery. DarthVaper, pearlyvictoria and Jeffb 3
Deadpool809 Posted February 16, 2012 Posted February 16, 2012 I think we really need to find out what kind of Mod it was the guy was using - the battery type helps narrow it down, but doesn't totally answer the question...
Uma Posted February 16, 2012 Posted February 16, 2012 Prayers go out to Holloway and his family. The poor soul must be feeling like Job from the bible... lung cancer, exploding batteries, and heaven knows what else. I've always been afraid to use stacked batteries, mainly because I was afraid that somehow they'd get mixed instead of keeping them in their sets. I also didn't have a Volt Meter. I now have a Volt Meter built right into my LT as well as a twist on Volt Meter from VaporMoon. I hope I never forget to test my freshly charged batteries before the first puff....
Vacker1229 Posted February 18, 2012 Posted February 18, 2012 (edited) Here is something I saw in my searching in depth. "Chief Butch Parker of the North Bay Fire District responded to the call. "I have never heard of or seen anything like this before," Parker told ABCNews.com. Although the battery was unrecognizable after the incident, Parker reported finding several 3.0 volt CR123A type batteries charging in the room along with a scorched battery case that appeared to be one for a cigar-sized device. Although the investigation is still not concluded, the battery type and "cigar" appearance of the device indicate Holloway may have been using a custom made "mod" or modified electronic cigarette utilizing stacked batteries similar to a flashlight. These devices are unlike more popular mini e-cigs which have built in digital monitoring and protections." Edited February 18, 2012 by Vacker1229
pearlyvictoria Posted February 18, 2012 Posted February 18, 2012 While i generally only visit this forum, with such a potentially negative Ecig story out there, i have been looking at other forums as well trying to gather information. First, I will commend the moderators here for not closing or deleting this thread (as has been done on other forums), I think it is important that real information is shared as well as having the ability to share our own concerns with fellow vapers. That being said, I would like to share a quote posted on that 'other' forum from a registered vendor (saveasmoker.com). Since I cannot personally attest to the validity of the post, the moderators are welcome to delete or alter my post if needed. The quote from 'MaxxVapor' was "I just spoke to the Chief at North Bay Fire District in Niceville. The incident happened 2/13/12. The battery that failed was unrecognizable but they found several 3.0v (Cr123a) lithium ion batteries and a recharger so it strongly appears the man was using a MOD." If this is accurate information, it should help give peace of mind to some. I am by no means an expert in batteries or battery safety, but I am certainly comfortable continuing to use both my Egos and my Provari without fear. After all, there is almost a certainty that analogs would have eventually killed me and if there is a one in a million chance of injury using my Ecig, it is a risk I happily take. I agree with a poster on another thread that a negative incident such as this could 'undo' a lot of the positive steps the ecig industry and vapers in general have been doing at bringing vaping closer to public acceptance. I have had several friends ask me about the story and have shared that anytime a battery is used, there is a potential danger, but that I personally know over 100 vapers who have been vaping for a long time and never know of a similar accident. I hope that accurate information will be collected and shared as time goes on, but I am highly doubtful that this will come from the 'sound byte media' as they will likely only look at this as another opportunity to slam Ecigs without concrete information to back it up....surprise, surprise. Lastly, my thoughts and prayers go out to Tom and his family and i wish him a speedy and complete recovery. I agree. I tried to go to the ECF and cannot access the site. When I heard this story earlier this morning on KFI's Bill Handel legal show, the first thing I thought about was maybe he was using a modified version. That's not to diminish his serious incident at all. His injuries sound devastating.
pearlyvictoria Posted February 18, 2012 Posted February 18, 2012 I need to add something... after reading the article http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504763_162-57379260-10391704/electronic-cigarette-explodes-in-mans-mouth-causes-serious-injuries/, it contains some things that are not true. For one, it says that the ecig is highly addictive. That, I know for sure, is untrue. From the very first hit, I have not had a real cigarette at all. I can be around people who do smoke and not want to smoke myself. Saying that to say I purchased a lew of juices and three 810s and now hardly even remember I have them. Every once in a while I will use one. I no longer smoke and do not vape that much. This is from the article... " The Food and Drug Administration posted a warning about the cigarettes on its website in October, saying that e-cigarettes were "highly addictive," could contain dangerous chemicals like nicotine and might encourage kids to try other tobacco products. In 2010, the FDA sent letters to some e-cigarette makers for violations of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act including "violations of good manufacturing practices, making unsubstantiated drug claims and using the devices as delivery mechanisms for active pharmaceutical ingredients," according to the FDA website."
twelveday Posted February 19, 2012 Posted February 19, 2012 (edited) do they have anything new years later though? other than what MIGHT be in it and that it MIGHT be something dangerous etc etc Edited February 19, 2012 by twelveday
TornadoContest Posted February 19, 2012 Posted February 19, 2012 pearlyvictoria, most of reporting on this story has been absolutely abysmal and non-factual. I've responded to the writers of some of the bad articles and sites which host them, but vapers clearly need a more robust pr wing to balance out all the intentionally misleading information spread by Big Tobacco/Big Pharma/The FDA about e-cigarettes.
MikeMorgan Posted February 20, 2012 Posted February 20, 2012 Certainly a tough story with additional details and possible repercussions to come, and see http://ecigwerks.blogspot.com/2012/02/electronic-cigarette-explodes-into.html for more.
Breal Posted February 20, 2012 Posted February 20, 2012 pearlyvictoria, most of reporting on this story has been absolutely abysmal and non-factual. I've responded to the writers of some of the bad articles and sites which host them, but vapers clearly need a more robust pr wing to balance out all the intentionally misleading information spread by Big Tobacco/Big Pharma/The FDA about e-cigarettes. This is... very disturbing. Do we have a robust PR wing representing us out there?
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