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Part one, worth it?

Part two, technical issues?

Part three, spillage? (It doesn't seem like a closed system, or is it? Will it leak if I turn it upside whoopsies?)


Part one, worth it?

Yes - its a solid device and a reasonable price for what it, both in construction and performance.

Part two, technical issues?

I have both a grand and a mini, I have never had problems with either device, its simplicity of design and solid construction results in just plain old consistent performance each and every time.

Part three, spillage? (It doesn't seem like a closed system, or is it? Will it leak if I turn it upside whoopsies?)

Not as a result of the device design. When I first got the grand it took me a day or two to get the hang of the pressure needed to properly feed the juice without over feeding. A couple of time I overfeed which caused me to flood it, and in those cases I had a bit of overflow in the overflow cup but it was basically user error. I also learned that filling the bottle to the max is not a good idea, and routinely fill the 6 ml bottle to about 2/3, so about 4 to 4.5 ml (on the grand). Filling the bottle with a full 6 ml changes the feed pressure so I just do not fill the bottle all the way. This is very important in FL in the summer when heat and humidity causes expansion of juice so a full bottle will cause some self feeding to occur.

So all that said, its the kind of device that fits my preferences in that its simple, consistent and allows we to set it up and use it for a day without any dripping, refilling or battery changes. It is really the only device I use anymore, with other devices and parts sitting in drawer. I am sure its not for everyone but for me - its the plain and simple go to device and the only thing I really vape anymore.

Hope that helps


Part one, worth it?

Part two, technical issues?

Part three, spillage? (It doesn't seem like a closed system, or is it? Will it leak if I turn it upside whoopsies?)

1. Yes

2. None. Noalax the switch where it touches the battery every once in awhile and it will always work fine

3. It will leak if you over squonk and turn it upside down but other than that it is pretty leak proof.

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Samsung Fascinate

Posted (edited)

squonk...best Genesis tune ever!

Great word.

Musical box ftw :)

Gabriel > Collins

Did i mention i am a huge prog rock nerd?

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet

Edited by bobthesalesclerk

I echo all the above statements.

The Mini and the Grand are both totally mechanical... you can even dunk it in the tub after removing the atty and bottle.

The VV style, of course, has wiring, and cannot be dunked. The Grand is coming soon, very soon. I think the woodvillesVV are already out and about.

The Reo has exceptional versatality. (atty, carto, tank, ... you can find your style. ... DD, squonk, blind sqonk, ... ) You're never stuck with just one way of using the Reo.

I love my Grand.


Looks like the questions have been answered, but I have to just say that "I agree". Get one. You can easily sell it if you don't like it- they are a hot item.


I echo all the above statements.

The Mini and the Grand are both totally mechanical... you can even dunk it in the tub after removing the atty and bottle.

The VV style, of course, has wiring, and cannot be dunked. The Grand is coming soon, very soon. I think the woodvillesVV are already out and about.

The Reo has exceptional versatality. (atty, carto, tank, ... you can find your style. ... DD, squonk, blind sqonk, ... ) You're never stuck with just one way of using the Reo.

I love my Grand.

The vari volt model is not out yet. I cannot wait for it. Its a combination of the best bottom feeder on the market with the electronics of the best vv mod on the market...all IMO of course.

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet


I so want one too and hope to get one this or next year. But I'm getting the Zenesis soon so I'm happy!

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk


i want a reo mini bad, is it really as 'indestructible' as people say it is.

other than the electronics i don't see y it wouldn't be, it's all machined aluminum. really nice piece.


other than the electronics i don't see y it wouldn't be, it's all machined aluminum. really nice piece.

I think both the grand and the mini are wires free. (except the Vv's of course) .

I KNOW the Grand is all mechanical without wires.

Yes they are built like a tank and indestructable from ordinary circumstances. An atom bomb might destroy one...

The woodvilles have wires however.

The VV's have wires.

The battery spring will collapse during a short but thats easily fixed replaced and a safety feature. (bad atty or whatever)


other than the electronics i don't see y it wouldn't be, it's all machined aluminum. really nice piece.

I think both the grand and the mini are wires free. (except the Vv's of course) .

I KNOW the Grand is all mechanical without wires.

Yes they are built like a tank and indestructable from ordinary circumstances. An atom bomb might destroy one...

The woodvilles have wires however.

The VV's have wires.

The battery spring will collapse during a short but thats easily fixed replaced and a safety feature.


ok thats weird, i read umas post then made a post, but it put my post before hers

I'm in a poor reception area half the time so the forum was just trying to keep pace with me? Haha.

Hope you get your bonus soon!!


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