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Big Tip On Nic Mg


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here a huge tip when vaping. If you find you are chain vaping watch out. dont overdo it. nicotine overdose will creep up on you and it aint fun. so my advice it dont chain vape or lower your mg down alot. I use 18 mg at work but if im home its down to 8 mg.I learned the hard way, felt like a heart attack was coming.

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Sorry to hear this...thanks...wondered about this myself. Since vaping, I am hitting much more than a stinkie stick.

I've noticed this, too. Even though I bought a 125 ml 24 mg Menthol, I find that after the first few days I haven't touched it. I think I'm going to have some lower nic on the side next time. Haven't been Vaping as much as usual, today. Been drinking a lot of coffee. :D

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i been chain vaping since im off work till march 23rd I love 3 months off but i hate it. so most of my day I find myself vaping alot. and drinking a whole pot of coffee before 7am . bahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I AM THE GRAT VAPEOLIO DO YOU HAVE CARTOS FOR MY BUNGHOLE.

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i been chain vaping since im off work till march 23rd I love 3 months off but i hate it. so most of my day I find myself vaping alot. and drinking a whole pot of coffee before 7am . bahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I AM THE GRAT VAPEOLIO DO YOU HAVE CARTOS FOR MY BUNGHOLE.

I hear you. When I'm off work, and if I'm not out and about, I just want to Vape! Playing piano, computers, anything scholastic, even a good workout makes me want to Vape! I think I'll take up crocheting, again.

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