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Ego Or Ego T?


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Hello All,

Ive been vamping with the joye ego for the last 6 months or so which i love but occasionally the ego doesn't put out enough vapor, its weird because sometimes with different atomizers i get much more and much different vapor. the last couple of days i haven't been satisfied with my ego since i lost the one with the best performing atomizer i have ever had. So I pulled out an ego-t i had ordered a couple of months back but only used a few times and set aside since I thought the ego was better. anyway, i start using the ego t and was surprised that it put out much more vapor but tasted really bad, i asked a friend and he suggested puffing at least 20 times to break it in, well i did but it didn't help. I then ran the atomizer under hot water for a minute, blew it dry and tried it again, the taste is much better but nowhere near what my ego used to taste like. i'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong, the few people i know that use the ego t say it works much better then the ego but i don't see that. can anyone educate me a little bitt about the ego t?

Also, I just boiled 3 of the ego atomizers and am leaving them to dry overnight, should i stand them on the screw part or on the end where I normally drip the juice? thanks in advance for you help.

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For me the Ego T is very good on vapor, but the flavor would die out very quickly, still not sure why.

You can try adding a drip of liquid to the heating element and reattach the tank and see if that will kick start it.

I love my Ego. I am mostly an atomizer/dripper. for me its the best flavor and vapor all the way around. I use the Tube Tank for when I am out and about. but even with The Tube tank the flavor dies out, but gives great vapor and throat hit, so works great for out and about.

Atomizers are still considered disposable. I always keep several on hand. They do seem to hit differently from atomizer to atomizer, but with dripping the difference is less significant.

Sorry you lost your good atomizer.

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i guess the tank really does lack lasting flavor. I always drip with the atomizers but the last couple of day i can't get any of my atomizers to hit like my older one. Maybe boiling them will make a difference, i'l know more in the morning when I try. have you ever boiled them? if so, do you know if i'm supped to stand them up on the filling side or the screw side?

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I never boil my attys. When they stop hitting well, I dewick them and if that still doesn't revive them I debridge them and if that doesn't work, I throw them out.

as far as cleaning the only thing I do is: Twist the corner of a kleenex or paper towel, push into the open end of the atty and let sit for a bit or overnight..removes lots of excess liquid. Can also use compressed air to blow them out.

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I used the ego-t for the first couple month of vaping. I loved it... BUT what got me looking at other ecigs was the atty preformance varried ALOT from one atty to the other. Very inconsistant. Just like your seeing. You do need to break in the ego-t atty though. (basiclly get rid of the 'primer fluid' it ships with it soaked in) Water doesn't help much. It just takes time. One atty I had, I had to vape 3 mils of liquid to get the bad taste gone. That took ALLLL day. So all I can say, is keep vaping the atty to at least 3 mls. If it taste really bad, do a cigar puff vape, and don;t inhale. And the longer the atty has sit, the worst the taste and longer it takes to get rid of it. If yours have been sitting 6 months.. it might take a while.. I never tried it... but some people say you can soak the atty in vodka, then rise it out and let it dry to get rid of the primer. I did use rubbing alchohol once, and it helped... but don't soak it longer than 10 or 15 minutes, and rise it out very well.

I eventually turned to the Ego Mega Dual Coil Carto (EMDCC) http://www.madvapes....Tip_p_3140.html and the 1.7 ohm resurrector. http://www.crystalcl...ECTOR_p_46.html THEY ROCK.. I kept the ego battery and still used that.. Thats a good battery.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know I'm a newb to all of this, but I have the same inconsistant results with 3 LR ego-t attys, lost of dry hits, got a set of vision clear-omizers this morning, set 4 of them up and they arre all great, and consistant so far, about .5 to 1 mil vaped on each so far

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Good to know, I just ordered some 1.6 ego elegance clearomizer, also by vision. Wanted something a bit smaller. Ecig express is having a nice sale, got mine for 5.99...seems like a good price.

I can't wait to try them.

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