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High Drain Rcr123A Batteries?

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Hey all, so I have the xHaler from Nhaler, and i was on the market for a new set of batteries for it. Thing is, most places are out of stock on the normal tenergy rcr123a's. I heard about a high drain version of these batteries, does anyone recommend them or know anything of them? any help would be appreciated!

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Hey stranger. Long time no see. :wave: Is this what you're looking for? http://www.cloudsofvapor.com/store/31-batteries-and-more/6-batteries/118-aw-batteries/679-aw-ic-icr123-power-batteries.html

Ps...... Have you played the new Zelda game yet? My daughter got it for Christmas & now Im hooked lol

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I had to pick - Skyrim, Batman, or Zelda.

Still playing Skyrim, so I think I made the right choice. By the time I get to the other two, they will be much cheaper!

Glad to hear Zelda is good though. I do love that franchise.

What was this thread about?

I think it was about lavatubes?

Anyway lets talk LTTP for a little. BEST VIDEO GAME EVER!

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet

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