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Tips For Noobs


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Ok there alot of questions going on by noobs about steeping, lr cartos, a million and one different things. We can help you noobs out here but you need to be patient. Dont start vaping one day with a penstyle one and on day two want to find out everything about mixing, everycarto out there, what lr stuff will work with the pen style. IM gonna be blunt and hope I dont offend anyone. THeres a old saying K.I.S.S. Keep it simple stupid. Stop confussing your self, our only gonna get confued and frustrated and give up. just go slow, start off buy asking simple questions, and when you are ready to move up the vaping chain,, then move into other stuff slowly. try out some stuff, dont decide on day 3 to go and spend almost 200 bucks on DIY stuff, sorry if im rambling but I feel some noobs just want to walk before they crawl.

ok now onto technical.

mod= and pv that is not a pen style, aka ego, epower, reo, provari, etc

LR= low resistance

SR= standard resistance

tank= either a 3ml or 6ml carto mod.

PV= personal vape

TH= Throat hit

ce2= a fillerless cartomizer

PG= propelyne glycole

vg= vegitable gycerine

those are some of the terms

if anyone got anything to add pop it in .

Ohm's law describes the relationship between electric current, resistance, and voltage. Ohm's law states that electric current is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance [1]. This relationship can be shown with the mathematical equation I = V/R where I is the current in amperes, V is the voltage in volts, and R is the resistance in ohms.

Ohm's law can be used to determine the amount of electrical power the atomizer an e-cigarette has. Electrical power is product of the atomizer's resistance in ohms and the amount of current running through it in amperes.

For example, if a user knows that his battery is operating at 3.7 volts under load and the atomizer has a resistance of 2.2 ohms they can use Ohm's law to figure out the current as shown below: I = V/R I = 3.7 volts / 2.2 ohms I = 1.68 amperes

Now, using the formula for electrical power, the amount of power in watts can be found: P = VI P = 3.7 volts * 1.68 amperes P = 6.22 watts

Power is a good indicator of the type of vape you can expect. Generally, power e-cigarettes will range from 4 to 10 watts but most user's have found their sweet spots between 6 and 9 watts.

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This post was mean sso I'm deleting it. I'm going tto type up something constructive. Thif. Is aa really good start.

My advice for noobs is to not over complicate things. Starting out with a simple starter kit and juice can be the best way to go.

When you start to over think things and start questioning yourself on what to buy it over complicates things.

Also...the people who have been doing this for a long time know what they are talking about. The vast majority of us use bigger battery devices or higher powered devices for a reason...because they work :)

If you want something tthat looks like a cigarette and have your heart set on that and post about it and we reccomend something else take our advice. We have been where you are and have wasted a lot of money trying to find the right thing and don't want you to do the same thing.

Smokers like it simple. Most get put off of e Cigs for a few simple reasons

1. They don't research. When you smoke a cigarette you can feel it and you blow out a ton of smoke. If you get an e Cig that as no throat hit, a terrible flavor, and puts out a little poof of vapor you won't b satisfied.

2. 90% of e Cigs that look like the real thing don't work well. Most of the time you will want something more out of your e Cig and end up spending more money. This goes back to the reason why most of us who have Ben doing this for long time use Pvs that look NOTHING like a cigarette.

3. Frustration. There are so many brands and models and different ohm cartomizers and atomizers and juice...it gets confusing. That's whybwe are here to help. If you have questions don't be afraid to ask them.

My reccomendation for an e Cig users perfect first kit

1. A kgo kit from Hoosier e Cig supply. Great battery life, plenty of power, and its a well made quality e Cig.

2. Low resistance boge cartomizers. These are great because they put out plenty of vapor and flavor and dont have to be filled to often.

3. Tleast 2 low resistance 510 atomizers. These are more for at home use and the drip method(which i will get into)

4. Atleast 50 milliliters of juice. There are a ton of different vendors and everyone has a favorite. I reccomend looking into www.thevaporroom.net. its good e juice with plenty of options. It can be confusing but i reccomend picking up some samples at a 50/50 PG/vg mix at 24mg. This will give you plenty of nicotine, flavor, throat hit, and vapor. Pickup at least one tobacco juice and a few fun ones. That's the best part of vaping...havin0 fun with it because we all know that cigarettes are dedefinitely not fun :)

5. 510 drip tips. These are nothing more than mouth pieces. They make using the e Cig more comfortable.

How to use this kit

This is just the kit i reccomend. Anything similiar to an ego is a good way to start. This will give plenty of battery and power.

Your batteries will come with a partial charge so you can start using them right away. Charge the other while using the first. If you can't wait to start vaping getting starter is simple.

1. Take a battery and screw your 510 atomizer into the connection.

2. Drip 5 drops of the e liquid of your choice into the atomizer

3. Put your 510 drip tip onto the atomizer

4. Press the button and take a hit

Its that easy

Of you want to use a cartomizer

1. Take the wrapper off the cartomizer

2. Take the rubber end caps off both ends but save the longer one. The shorter one can be pitched

3. Fill the longer end cap with 15-20 drops if liquid

4. The cartomizer has 2 ends. One is a white mouth piece and the other is connection. Take the white end and slowly push it into the end Co with the e liquid in it. If you see fluid coming out of the connection wait 15 seconds for it to suck back in and continue pushing. Do this until all the juice is pushed into the cartomizer

5. Wipe off any fluid that is on the cartomizer and let it sit for a few minutes for the liquid to soak in.

6. Using a paper clip or pin pop the white rubber piece out of the top of the cartomizer.

7. Put your 510 drip tip on, screw it into the battery, and vape away.

This is the simplest and least expensive way to get inti e Cigs IMO. Taste in juice and devices can be subjective but if someone who has been on here for awhile reccomends it its most likely a good device :)

This can all be confusing and take time, money, and research to get into but don't get discouraged. Remember that in the long run this is going to potentially save your life. That is why so many of us here want to help you and don't mind answering the same questions all the time. We are passionate about electronic cigarettes and want toto help you as muhh as we can.

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet

Edited by bobthesalesclerk
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bob knows what hes talking about.

Thank you. I just don't want noobs to go through spending $200 on something that doesn't work well like I did. Seriously...I spent $200 on my first kit and ordered an ego a week later haha.

Also excuse my sloppy typing. I own a tablet and my Bluetooth keyboard needs batteries. I had to type that whole post out on a touch screen.

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Samsung Fascinate

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Thank you. I just don't want noobs to go through spending $200 on something that doesn't work well like I did. Seriously...I spent $200 on my first kit and ordered an ego a week later haha.

Also excuse my sloppy typing. I own a tablet and my Bluetooth keyboard needs batteries. I had to type that whole post out on a touch screen.

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Samsung Fascinate

Thank you. I just don't want noobs to go through spending $200 on something that doesn't work well like I did. Seriously...I spent $200 on my first kit and ordered an ego a week later haha.

Also excuse my sloppy typing. I own a tablet and my Bluetooth keyboard needs batteries. I had to type that whole post out on a touch screen.

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Samsung Fascinate

I agree with you 100% in this day and age I dont like to waste money and I know others dont either. you cant go wrong with something that alot of people swear by.

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I agree with you 100% in this day and age I dont like to waste money and I know others dont either. you cant go wrong with something that alot of people swear by.

The 4 stages of vaping lol(good video if you haven't seen it)

1. I want something that looks, feels, and tastes like a cigarette.(crappy starter kit). I don't want to push a button to hit it.

2. I want something that puts out more vapor with better battery life.(ego). I don't mind the button anymore but still want it to be compact.

3. I want something where the battery life is going to last all day and put out huge vapor(first tube mod)

4. I want something higher voltage or variable voltage. More vapor more vapor more vapor more vapor!(5v or vv device.

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Samsung Fascinate

I agree with you 100% in this day and age I dont like to waste money and I know others dont either. you cant go wrong with something that alot of people swear by.

The 4 stages of vaping lol(good video if you haven't seen it)

1. I want something that looks, feels, and tastes like a cigarette.(crappy starter kit). I don't want to push a button to hit it.

2. I want something that puts out more vapor with better battery life.(ego). I don't mind the button anymore but still want it to be compact.

3. I want something where the battery life is going to last all day and put out huge vapor(first tube mod)

4. I want something higher voltage or variable voltage. More vapor more vapor more vapor more vapor!(5v or vv device.

Then their is stage 5. This is where things get serious...

5. Honey...I sold the car but check out my SS GGTS and ODY. I will take the bus from now on.

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Samsung Fascinate

Edited by bobthesalesclerk
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I hope you enjoy your new kgo kit! If you have any questions at all feel free to ask.

Did you order any cartomizers or atomizers for it?

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Samsung Fascinate

I did get some extra 2.0 ohm cartomizers and a dual coil 1.5 ohm. I'm still a rookie at this stuff, so any suggestions would be welcomed.
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I did get some extra 2.0 ohm cartomizers and a dual coil 1.5 ohm. I'm still a rookie at this stuff, so any suggestions would be welcomed.

Boge 2 ohms are. My favorite on 3.7

Also try the Cisco 306 atomizer for dripping. You will need a special 306 drip tip to use it


sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet

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Thank you. I just don't want noobs to go through spending $200 on something that doesn't work well like I did. Seriously...I spent $200 on my first kit and ordered an ego a week later haha.

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Samsung Fascinate

Too late! Ha! Hey, got three people from work going to try e-cigs! Recommending the ego-c.

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Too late! Ha! Hey, got three people from work going to try e-cigs! Recommending the ego-c.

That is one recommendation i would not make personally. The tank systems aren't nearly as satisfying as a carto or Atty, if you vape to quick you get dry hits, flavor is deminished. I have tried both and if i was a new Vaper trying an ego tank system i would not enjoy it to much. They still have to many wicking problems IMO.

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet

Edited by bobthesalesclerk
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