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How Do You Store Your Cartos?

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Until recently, I've been buying LR DC cartos. They worked great on my VV Mod, but I found I was always set at the lowest settings. There was nothing wrong with that, but I figured I may as well get some standard resistance cartos and try it on a higher voltage. So I ordered a whole bunch.

The result wasn't great. It was decent - better on some flavors than others though. So I realized that for some flavors, I am going to want to stick to LR cartos.

I can't imagine I am alone in this.

When you store your cartos, how do you keep your LR's from getting mixed up with your standard resistance ones?

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I dedicate one drawer of my 'vape box' to LR cartos... and another one for the standard ones. The same goes with atomizers as well. Then another slot for adapters... another for drip tips... another for mod batteries... and so on and so forth. Pretty simple really.

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I dedicate one drawer of my 'vape box' to LR cartos... and another one for the standard ones. The same goes with atomizers as well. Then another slot for adapters... another for drip tips... another for mod batteries... and so on and so forth. Pretty simple really.

i pretty much do the same, my "vape box" is an old jewelry box i got, it's from like the 60's, puke green lol i love it.

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I just leave mine in the Boge boxes with the labels on them and just take them out as I use them.I have tape inside my box mod with either S or L so I know which one I am using and then I use them until they are ready to toss.I also keep a Joye 306 atty around for dripping when I want something different and don't want to comit a carto.I also try to get the LR in black and the standard in silver when I can.

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I am having a hard time with the standards... I am getting no flavor out of them. Maybe I am just a LR guy! THat, or I haven't found the right flavor that hits on them. The best I have gotten out of the SRs is Butterfly Bait... but it still isn't quite as good as it is using a LR.

Thanks for the tips - I think I am going to go with the sharpie method... it best fits my current storage scheme. I bought 20 of the things... I have a feeling they are going to last a very long time based on my experience so far. Unless I can find a hit.

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Correct. There is often a fine line when trying to get the best performance out of a carto. Too high and you start burning it... too low and you don't get any flavor at all. Takes some fine tuning... and every single carto will perform differently as well.

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Correct. There is often a fine line when trying to get the best performance out of a carto. Too high and you start burning it... too low and you don't get any flavor at all. Takes some fine tuning... and every single carto will perform differently as well.

I say anything over 5 is bleh. Between 4 and 5 is where its at with cartos. I have one juice that is good over 5 but not in a carto.

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet

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Well, it all depends on what the resistance of the carto is. If you have the higher resistance cartos then 5v would be just fine. But for the most part, with 'standard' resistance cartos, I would have to agree with you. That's the great thing about variable voltage... you can easily dial it in.

Edited by DAYVAPE
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Well, it all depends on what the resistance of the carto is. If you have the higher resistance cartos then 5v would be just fine. But for the most part, with 'standard' resistance cartos, I would have to agree with you. That's the great thing about variable voltage... you can easily dial it in.


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Well, it all depends on what the resistance of the carto is. If you have the higher resistance cartos then 5v would be just fine. But for the most part, with 'standard' resistance cartos, I would have to agree with you. That's the great thing about variable voltage... you can easily dial it in.

I only use 2.8-3 ohm cartos on my buzz(and soon buzz pro :) ). Low resistance on variable voltage is pointless IMO.

I always order a few boxes of lr and a few boxes of sr and the lr only go on my 3.7 devices.

The only time lr stuff should be on anything higher than 3.7 is if its dual coil which I don't consider real low resistance in the first place anyway.

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Samsung Fascinate

Edited by bobthesalesclerk
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I only use 2.8-3 ohm cartos on my buzz(and soon buzz pro :) ). Low resistance on variable voltage is pointless IMO.

I always order a few boxes of lr and a few boxes of sr and the lr only go on my 3.7 devices.

The only time lr stuff should be on anything higher than 3.7 is if its dual coil which I don't consider real low resistance in the first place anyway.

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Samsung Fascinate

Right. I wasn't saying that I use LR on VV. Standard only on VV, obviously. Rock on Buzz Pro.

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I think the liquid has more to do with the flavor than anything else.Unless you consider charred filler a flavor.☺The best liquids for me taste fine at standard resistance and voltage ,but I get bigger clouds of vapor at low resistance while going through the liquid faster.Dekang tobacco flavors do it for me.

Edited by mcquinn
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