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Cartomizers/ce2's That Perform Well With High Vg E-Liquid?

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So far ive tried the boge 2.0 cartos and the ce2 fluxomizers from gotvapes. They do the job but my higher vg eliquid gunks up the fabric in the boge cartos pretty quick, and the it doesnt seem to wick too well in the fluxomizers. Anyone know any cartomizers that work well with high vg e-liquid? Or know of any mods to do to the cartomizers to get them to wick better? I've tried "fluffing the wick" but it doesnt seem to help much as people say, I cant take quick drags back to back without burny flavor.

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have you tried the dual coil carto's? what type of batt are you using?

also, you may not want to hear it but for the sake of not killing your carto's you may have to switch to a higher pg ratio for your juice.

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The (ego) Mega Dual Coil Cartos usually perform quite well with VG.

Personally, I prefer to use my Reo Grand for VG. It's been the most reliable and easiest to date.

^^^yup, that's the other thing i was gonna say is that a nice mod like the reo that utilizes a good atty at a higher voltage is probably going to handle high vg levels better.

carto's by nature don't like juices that are thick or have lots of flavor sediment in them, they'll gunk up the coil and polyfill alot faster than a nice clear, or thin juice will. usually a mostly pg juice that is light in color are the kinds of juices that will make a carto last long.

only my 4ml carto's for my LEO my menthol carto's that use a thin pg juice last about twice as long as the carto's that use a thick, deep colored vanilla juice. now the vanilla juice is still mostly pg (probly about an 80/20 mix) but there's alot of flavor sediments in it that gunk up the coil and polyfill quicker than the menthol juices tend to.

also, you could look into a tank (again i don't know what batt you're using). there's tanks for pretty much every model out there at this point. i've read that alot of them handle vg better than just a cartomizer since the coil (or coils) should be constantly soaked.

Edited by blucavvy
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I been reading around again and the ce2s from gotvapes get alot of positive feedback so i tried something today. I have the XL which is about 2ml of e-liquid. after smoking like .5-1ml of it starts to taste burnt which i think where i get the idea that its not wicking well. I poured out the e-liquid and then cleaning it and did a dryburn, put the e-liquid back in and it tasted normal again, even with quick succession vaping.

Are there certain ingredients in some e-liquid that might gunk up atomizers faster?

Edited by twelveday
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yes some eliquids will gunk up faster. are u opposed to pg liquids? thye wick alot better. and taste a bit better in my opinion.

well i vape alot, i used to smoke 20-30cigarettes a day, right now im vaping more often than i smoked, and the higher pg throat hit starts hurting after a while, i dont know what it is about the pg, im vaping 18-24 nicotine level, but the pg seems to hurt my throat more no matter what nic level its at.

Edited by twelveday
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I used to vape exclusively VG, and it gunked everything up. The best success I had was with a DC LR carto. CE2 clogged up fast for me.

I use some PG now - and it works way better. Maybe switch to a little more PG and lower your Nic level a bit?

Could also try mixing a little distilled water into your VG to thin it out a bit.

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Don't give up on vg, i only use cartomizers and use almost all high or 100% VG liquid, Boge's are no good for vg because they're too dense, and CE2's aren't good for much of anything IMO. Any cartomizer made by smoktek will work with high vg as their filler material is less dense, ego mega dual coil cartomizers (emdcc's) are good for vg, but i've been sticking to just regular old xl dual coil cartomizers and having great luck with them.

As far as vg gunking things up more than pg, that is definitely true, but individual juices will behave differently, for example: "sv101" from smartvapes will totally clog up any cartomizer before you even fill it a third time, but "mostly vg" juice from sweet-vapes doesn't, i've gone through more than half of a 30ml bottle on one cartomizer, by comparison, a boge with 80% pg juice can last me for more than 60ml before i need to clean it, which is great, except i don't really like high pg juice (except for fruit flavors).

It is more difficult, and more expensive to vape vg with cartomizers, but far from impossible, and if you love vg as much as i do, it's well worth it.

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I still don't get it. I have 3 boge cartos, 3 different juices, all 100%vg. I have been running them for a week and they are all still performing fine. I just filled a boge carto that has vg liquid and was used for a week, cleaned, and refilled and it is gaping like a champ.

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet

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I still don't get it. I have 3 boge cartos, 3 different juices, all 100%vg. I have been running them for a week and they are all still performing fine. I just filled a boge carto that has vg liquid and was used for a week, cleaned, and refilled and it is gaping like a champ.

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet

well thats what's goin on, ur gaping them when u should b vaping them.....

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i hear ya i still got my original cartos from 4 months ago and i could fill em right now and would be like new. i cleaned them regularly kept em moist. outta 10 i bought 2 didnt work 8 still going. but there now in the just in case box. ce2's are better imo.

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Don't give up on vg, i only use cartomizers and use almost all high or 100% VG liquid, Boge's are no good for vg because they're too dense, and CE2's aren't good for much of anything IMO. Any cartomizer made by smoktek will work with high vg as their filler material is less dense, ego mega dual coil cartomizers (emdcc's) are good for vg, but i've been sticking to just regular old xl dual coil cartomizers and having great luck with them.

As far as vg gunking things up more than pg, that is definitely true, but individual juices will behave differently, for example: "sv101" from smartvapes will totally clog up any cartomizer before you even fill it a third time, but "mostly vg" juice from sweet-vapes doesn't, i've gone through more than half of a 30ml bottle on one cartomizer, by comparison, a boge with 80% pg juice can last me for more than 60ml before i need to clean it, which is great, except i don't really like high pg juice (except for fruit flavors).

It is more difficult, and more expensive to vape vg with cartomizers, but far from impossible, and if you love vg as much as i do, it's well worth it.

Ah i will look into those next thanks. I love the vapor and smooth hit of VG juice and didnt want to go more towards PG or go strictly to direct dripping to vape my vg, thanks for the info ill try the emdcc's next. Its true about the individual juices gunking up faster though, I have some juice from pinkspot and sweetvapes and what ive found is the denser colored juices (deep brown, or deep purple colored) seem to gunk up faster than the more transparent ones.

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