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I was here before but couldn't remember my log in. I wasn't here for long!

But, I thought I would check back in as I just got my first REAL ecig. I say real, because I was using Blu and mostly sucking air :)

I just got my eGo-C today and I can see a future with no more ash all over the place, no more melted laptop keyboard keys from when the cherry of my analog cig falls on it, no more $6 a day for my precious Camel Turkish Golds --heck, the water bill will even drop b/c I won't need that second shower of the day before my guy comes over to wash the smoke smell out of my hair!

--it's a win all around!

I am loving this C.

Quick question... is there a "less chemical" benefit to VG over PG. I try to reduce my chemical exposure (yeah, I preach about toxins in our environment but was a closet pack a day smoker --the irony wasn't lost on me) and to me VG SOUNDS better for you, doesn't "vegetalbe glycerin" just sound better?? :) I am aware of the flavor/vapor/throat hit difference. But is there any other benefit? Thanks!

Oh! Looky there! It says I have 6 posts, it must have linked to my old account through facebook. Cool!

Posted (edited)

Quick answer: No, neither has any benefit of being less harmful to you than the other.

Not that I am aware of, PG is an oil derived dispersant, nothing too terrible except that it is derived from petroleum :(http://en.wikipedia....ropylene_glycol

VG is about the same thing, VG typically isn't derived from vegetables, although we still use the term VG what is usually meant is Glycerol, also known as Glycerin(e), and it is typically derived also from petroleum. Neither have been found to be cancerous, both are used in food additives/medicinal uses for various things. Skin protectants/moisturizers/ect. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycerol

In my opinion neither has a significant damage to the environment or to the body over the other. It is simply based on how you like your vapor to perform that would determine your usage.

Edited by sasetrase

some are alergic to one or the other. other than that there pretty much the same. pg is thinner vg thicker. both clear, but can say pg gives a better throat hit and if you dont care about that then you havent had a good thorat hit. lol. I can say from he past you can drink either one. dont recomend that. but you can.


PG and VG are fine - it is far more important to look into what is used in the flavoring. Diacetyl is bad to inhale. It is sometimes used in buttery flavors... but I think most places are avoiding it now.


Thanks everyone!!! I order from a couple different companies to try out various juices. I really don't like the throat hit if you can believe that ;) But I have noticed with only two flavors here at the house, they don't seem to have that distinctive taste that they did the first day --it's kinda of all tasting the same. I am using VG right now. I ordered about 8 more flavors, some are pg/vg mixes, and some just pg. So maybe when I can switch off to more flavors I will be able to taste them better.

I noticed a few issues with the eGo-C --but I think it was b/c I was hitting it like I was chain smoking a reg cig. I was puffing too quick and frequent and was getting a burnt taste from the atomizer. A few leaks a couple times too when I wasn't paying attn and found myself holding the battery button down for no reason (lol, I can't do two things at once). Today I have been more concious of my vaping and it's not given me any trouble at all. I am loving it!


Most of have to switch flavors frequently as the taste buds get accutomed and the flavor goes away.I keep at least two flavors going at a time on two different units.Usually I drip at home with one flavor and fill my carto with another for out and about.

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