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Mystery Box {Closed}


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I think I may do that for the crab juice...So if anyone tries it they can use the atty that is w/ the juice bottle. to clean the atty you can use 100 proof alcohol. That is what I have here to clean them.

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I would love to take part in this, I'm new to vaping and went a bit crazy when I ordered juices and would love to pay it forward so to speak;)

I think that the rules say that you have to have a certain number of posts (a hundred I think?) I know I'm not qualified yet, but it's a scream watching what comes outta that box!

I'd check the first post(s) for the rules :)

Welcome to the forums!


Edited by daisygirlie
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Yes, it will be out today.

If I could make a suggestion? I think the massive gallon zip locks are a bad idea. Smaller individual baggies are a much better idea to me, especially when there is more than one kind of thing in the bag. Kits are one thing, but everything else? The massive bag-o-juice is just asking for a mess. Half-full juice bottles are also sucking up space! I tried to clean some of the stuff up - though I know it will get juicy again.

I do like the bags that are just marked "510 cartos" and things like that - I tossed a couple in that one. I also added a J-Tank, a few juice samples from TVR, 30 ml of Bobas (only 6mg, but fine for those who want to sample), and some small zip locks in case people need to use them. I only took 2 of those massive Ego cartos - whoever put those in, are those the 5ml Smokezillas? In case I like them, I would like to find a place to buy them, those are great looking.

I tried some of the juice - got a nice head rush thanks to the nic (I am a light-nic guy) but it was fun. Mega's Cherry Cowboy kind of contaminated my atty, so I couldn't truly try the ketchup, but I think it was worth it. I am not typically a tobacco flavor guy, but I liked it! Reminded me of the tobacco I sometimes smoke in my pipe, with a hint of clove.

Whoever put the 18650 tube mod in there - that's awesome. I use one of those regularly, it is a great unit. Slapped a battery in there to try it out anyway - worked like a champ. Whoever ends up taking that thing out - put something nice in to replace it!

I'm taking the box to the post office as soon as I leave work. Should be on to Mark soon!

Edited by Deadpool809
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Got the box this afternoon. I have a few things to add to it and also some stuff to remove...the DIY bag is terrible since juice spilled all over the contents in that bag. It will take a few days to sort through it and get it ready to start round 3.

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I do have to say there is a lot of nice items in this box. Not going to say what is in there(need to keep that quiet) ...I took out some e-liquid that you can not read the labels on. changed some bags. and added quite a few items. have fun guys and we are now entering round 3..

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Yeah, I am done putting liquid in there. I don't think liquid should be banned in the box, maybe some iron-clad rules instead? No more than 1 bottle per person, must be individually bagged, can't be bigger than 30ml...

I think the suicide bottle and other specialty things should be exempt from this, but I think the cap is a good idea.

Edited by Deadpool809
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I am going to remove a lot of them. the box wont close for me, so I am just going to have to remove a lot of the liquid.

I added to the list of rules: No more than 1 bottle per person, must be individually bagged, can't be bigger than 30ml...

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