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Strange Sounds In Conklin, Alberta

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Strange sounds recorded in Alberta Canada. Apparently others are reporting the same sounds in a few places around the world. Could be a hoax, but it sure is creepy :)

Here is another, this was posted to Youtube on the same day as the above video

Dunno about you guys but I'm cleaning my rifles tonight. Alien sniping anyone? Joe I know you're with me!

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I have been following these for the last few days. Here is some more information about some of the videos.

I read this blog on a daily about all things strange and weird. http://doubtfulnews.com/2012/01/mystery-sky-noise-reported-in-costa-rica/

Picked this blog up from the link above. Seems interesting. http://strangesoundsinthesky.com/

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I did a google on it. Could it be from the game Crysis 2?


IDK - sure would be interesting to hear it for myself. :)

I went to click on the link but the site is down for the whole "stop SOPA" deal. :( Part of me hops it's a hoax if not purely for the creepiness. But a small part of me would like to see the little green men on TV.

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Many of you have suggested this noise to be alien but I am going for a different t angle...

There is no room left in hell...this noise is the sign of zombie apocalypse starting. I'm going to go grab my shotgun and stock up on old Crowe.

Sent from my flashback honeycomb gtablet

Edited by bobthesalesclerk
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