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Hi all,

I went to ecig24.net and they have 50ml of juice for $5.40. Has anyone used these yet? Are they any good? Should we worry about quality control of these products?

C Ya, TheGreen

Posted (edited)

Sorry about that. ecig24.net not .com...ooops :whistle:

Chris, Can you add this to the original post topic....Thanks

Hi all,

I went to ecig24.com and they have 50ml of juice for $5.40. Has anyone used these yet? Are they any good? Should we worry about quality control of these products?

C Ya, TheGreen

Edited by thegreen

Yes I am also interested if anyone has ordered from there...What was shipping time and how much?...Are the juices Safe? And which is better Dekang or Wang brand?...

Posted (edited)

I just tried and had a few odd things happen.

The price on the site has a tendency to change in your cart to a higher price. Not all items do this, but I noticed some of the liquids priced at $5.40 when added to the cart would increase to $7.20 or so. Still, pretty darn cheap for 50ml. Minimum order is $30.00, so I added several items and tried to go through the checkout process. After providing all my info, at the end I had the option of paypal or a direct bank transaction :thumbsdown:. I don't have a problem with PayPal, use it all the time, but if you chose this method they tack on another 5% :thumbsdown: Still a very good price IF the liquid is any good at all. So I tried to do a paypal checkout and it routed me to what appears to be the German PayPal website. At that point I just closed my tab on the order and gave up.

Would like to see how it goes for others.


Edited by Diggs

Some people have good luck with ordering direct from China some people don't. The only issues you have to be worried about is

1. Warranty, some Chinese sites will state they have a 1 year warranty, good luck trying to get the warranty fulfilled 8 months down the line.

2. Getting what you asked for; Sometimes what you order on the site isn't always what you get the in the mail.

3. Price, they will set one price on the site and another in the shopping cart, as diggs experienced.

4. Some sites are hit and run, since running this forum I've seen a few website pop up and go in a matter of months. I would suggest using only paypal if you want to take the risk ordering from china.

5. As for freshness of e liquid, some of had good luck others have not. You don't know how they are storing their liquid or where they are ordering it from, you also want to make sure the liquid look consistent and not "watered" down.

Again just use common sense when ordering from some of these websites, they're not all evil, you just need to be careful. :)

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