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So I've been vaping for just about a year now, and I'm really enjoying it. Yes, there's been a couple of short relapses to analogs, but they're short-lived. I've tried to figure out what it is that makes me relapse, and I've nailed it down to one thing--the vaporizer doesn't hit like an analog. If I take a nice long 8-10 second pull it comes close to the amount of vapor I'm wanting, but I want to be able to get that much vapor from a 3 second drag.

I've been using an eGo w/ low-res cartos, and that suffices for the most part. However, I want something that hits like a cigar. I know there are a variety of different mods out there, but I don't have enough disposable income to try 2-3 different things until I find what I really like.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what they think would give me what I'm looking for? From what I've been able to read, a higher voltage mod seems to be the way to go, is there a big difference between a 5v and something greater? What are VV mods handy for, and why would you want to vape at different voltages in the first place? What sorts of cartos should I use with which voltage? Dual-coil, high-res, low-res, standard-res?

Help me out!

Posted (edited)

Hi Pipedreamr, I have an infinity IPro from Notcigs. It's a VV tube mod that runs between 3.5-5.6 volts depending on your chosen setting.

Why I LOVE it, because I get that consistent "big hit" much more like a cig than the eGo or other smaller batteries. The VV ability allows me to "fine tune" my flavor. My fruity flavors tend to taste burned at the highest settings and more robust around 4.8-5 V

My coffee/vanilla flavors really ramp up at 5-5.5V.

Also in the mornings Vaping can be harsh on the old lungs so I dial it down the first hour or so.

I almost forgot...I exclusively use Boge cartomizers on all my mods but only SR on my Ipro

Hope this helps :)

Edited by Beans

If you don't have much disposable income and you can solder ,you might try building your own with parts from MadVapes.You can go with 5 vilts or VV.It gets really fun to do after the first one.


Thanks, Beans! I have the iPro bookmarked, and will give it a long, hard look when deciding on a mod.

I'm also eyeing the Megalodon from electronicstix, does anyone have any experience with it?

Posted (edited)

I saw your other post about the Provari. Definitely check out the iPro and the BuzzPro from Notcigs. You'll like the price better and there's usually a 10% discount code floating around. Having said that, I've been using my Provari for a year now and love it.

The nice thing about VV is that you can adjust it to suite your needs. With a regular 510 atty I like 4.9V. With regular cartos 5.1V (sometimes more, sometimes less). With Boge LR 4.1-4.2V. I have a 306 that seems best around 4.4v. I've tried hard over the past year to use lower voltages (I use to be a 6V vaper).

Edited by Brian

I rarely use actual atomizers (I'm not much on dripping), and have pretty much used cartos ever since I switched to vaping. I've never tried anything but the 510, are there advantages to using other setups (306, etc)? I've used LR cartos for a while, and also use the vapinator external tank mod (which I absolutely love!).

Why have you tried to use lower voltages? Is the vapor less harsh that way (I'm not much on a big throat hit, more into clouds of vapor) or do you try lower voltages to preserve your battery life?


I agree with Uma. The Lavatube is a good unit and great to try out VV vaping.


Thanks for all of the suggestions, folks :)

What are the differences between the Lavatube and, say, the iPro? I don't really want to "try out" VV vaping--after trying my friend's 5v box mod, I know that it's going to work well for me--I don't want to get something that is mostly what I want, I want something that is exactly what I want, and I won't be left thinking, "Well this is pretty nice, but I bet this (insert various other VV mod here) is even better."

Also, I'm curious--is this Volcano brand the same company that makes the big pyramid-shaped vaporizers that are generally used for, well um--'other smokeables than tobacco'? If so, I was very impressed by the Volcano vaporizer I've seen before, and that would definitely be a factor in determining which mod to try out.


I have the Megalodon or the "Don" for short. Nice mechanical mod. The special 5v battery is good, but the life sucks. I mostly use it with one RCR123 battery and a LR cartomizer. I like to use it in the small bullet size setup.

A few weeks ago, I won the 5v Wow mod from Clouds of Vapor. I have been testing it out and quite surprised at the kick this mod puts out. Looks just like an eGo, even has the threads for the cone. It seems durable and looks nice. So far I am pretty happy and I think the price is pretty fair.


If money isnt an issue I would go with the Provari 1st, BuzzPro 2nd and Lavatube 3rd.


Going with higher voltage is going to get you bigger throat hit. What % VG do you use? VG will give you massive vapor. A few months after I started vaping I couldn't get enough throat hit which is what led me to the BSB at 6V. It did the job, but I was going though attys about once every other week or more. After getting a VV device I started trying to lower my voltage. Down at 4.9V my attys are lasting over a month, usually more. I've only recently started using cartos on a regular basis as for a long time I didn't feel like I was getting what I needed from them. If you like 5V, you can always set a VV device to 5V. No biggie. Many say they set it once and rarely ever change it. I tend to change mine regularly as I've been switching between cartos and attys. The 306 uses 510 threads - it was just something I wanted to try and liked it, but not really much different than a 510 as far as performance goes.


I do think that if I'm going to pony up once and know I'll be satisfied with my purchase for a very long time, I wouldn't be opposed to ponying up $160 to get going, any price is worth it if it will give me that last bit that I feel I'm still missing from analogs.

I've experimented a bit with the different juices, and I by far like the "renu blend" from vaporrenew.com (55%PG/38%VG/7% electrolytes/papaya leaf extract). My favorite flavors are Creme de Menthe, Menthol, and any of the coffee flavors.


For what it is worth: I'm really liking the Lava Tube that I just got over the weekend! Hell, I might even go ahead and get a silver one too! Being able to fine tune each juice makes a huge difference in the overall taste, etc. I can notice a big difference in some juices after only dropping or upping the voltage one or two tenths! :yes


After much deliberation, I'm going to go with the LavaTube...

Considering that the starter kit comes with a charger, HR atty, and a case, I can't ignore the value. If this ends up not working out well for me, then I'll give the ProVari a shot.

Thanks for all of the helpful input!


I think you will be pleased with the LT ! I'm quite picky about my mods and such... and I was very pleased with it. What you are getting for the price is simply hard to beat really. A variable voltage/boosting mod that does everything this one does is hard to come by for that price! Hell, I'm honestly thinking about ordering another one if a different color to have on hand! That's how much I like it. I was also surprised at it's size... I thought that it was going to be larger than it is after seeing reviews and such. But it is quite comfortable in the hand really. It does everything it's supposed to do... and at a really good price. Obviously it's no Provari... which is much better looking in my opinion, but the LT functions much like the Provari. I'll settle with the 'POOR-VARI' for now! Hope you like yours as much as I like mine!


Good choice! I think you're going to like it a lot. It's very user friendly, lightweight, and even fun. Mine finally got here yesterday and I'm madly in love with it. I don't know how long it will last... maybe a month, maybe a decade, but I feel confident I should get at least a year out of it. Only time will tell.

  • 3 weeks later...

Would anyone recommend the Galaxy VV mod (http://www.vaporgalaxy.com/The-Galaxy-VV-Mod-Galaxy18650VV.htm) over the Lavatube? I don't want to hijack this thread, but this is basically the exact same thing I am looking into. Provari is just a bit over what I want to spend considering the fact that I will probably break it 10 days in... once I am capable of keeping a solid device safe I will upgrade, but I want to try out VV vaping before jumping off teh cliff. Thanks guys!


Would anyone recommend the Galaxy VV mod (http://www.vaporgala...laxy18650VV.htm) over the Lavatube? I don't want to hijack this thread, but this is basically the exact same thing I am looking into. Provari is just a bit over what I want to spend considering the fact that I will probably break it 10 days in... once I am capable of keeping a solid device safe I will upgrade, but I want to try out VV vaping before jumping off teh cliff. Thanks guys!

That is the same as the Lavatube. It's all over the place now with different names. Goodprophets, Electronicstix and TotallyWicked have them also (and a few other places).


Rebrand and resell! COME ON GUYS! WE CAN'T LET THE ORIGINATOR MAKE ANY MONEY! Anyhoo, thanks for noticing that. Now looking back I can see it... PRobably get the Lavatube kit from lavatube website when I am done playing with my liquids and stuff...maybe get it earlier so I can drip, have never done any dripping and when I start experimenting with my mixes It will be challenging to do so on my Ego-C (the only unit I currently own) I'll have to look into 510 atty and dripping. With the Lavatube then I should definitly get the 510-Ego adapter then. correct?

You can use a regular 510 atty on your eGo-C battery. All the eGo batts are the same and have the 510 connection. If you want to use an eGo-C or eGo-T atty on the Lavatube, then you'll need a 510-eGo adapter.


FYI, I ordered a Lavatube and I'm very happy with it so far.

The only gripes I have are strictly cosmetic--the corner of the tiny little glass voltage display was chipped off, and there's some sort of weird scuff/scratch about the size of a penny towards the top of the tube.

I would have liked the end caps to be made of aluminum or steel, but hey, it's a $70 VV mod.

It performs just like I hoped it would. Right now I've got a dual-coil carto from SmokTech w/ a J-Tank on it, running at 6V, cranking out massive amounts of tasty vapor.

I can run a low-res carto on it at about 4.4V to achieve that somewhat harsh full-flavored analog drag that I've been missing since I started vaping.

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