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Hello all,

And thank you for reading my first post here.

I was diagnosed with accute asbestosis 2 years ago, I Just turned 35 yesterday.

I started smoking when I got the diagnosis, but lately I have been so sick, that I know the smoking is not helping the next 10 years or so that I have.

So I have bought a couple disposable 510 styles to try, and they seem to work.

I want the best cig kit I can get for 50-80 dollars.

It needs to have at least 2 batterys- good life


I have been looking at things like the ego tank and the 510 tank, vaporking storm

so basically, I dont want it to look like a cig, I prefer a blue light or light that doesnt look like fire

I want a decent cartrige juice compasicity

I want bigger batterys

Please help a guy that needs to do this immediatley to make my cancer less severe

Love and Peace- Bill

Posted (edited)

Yes the eGo is a very good choice. I would also add a box of Boge 2.0 ohm cartomizers and a drip tip too. It should still be under your limit.

Welcome to the forum(( extremewattage )) I don't exactly know what to say other than I am so sorry and I will keep you in my prayers.

Edited by Beans
Posted (edited)

if you want to go tank id say get another one than the ego t, i havent heard many good reviews on the ego-t compared to others. The plain joye ego tho is nice, with the cost of the ego starter kit right now u can get some boge cartomizers and eliquid to go with it maybe. Just got my ego kit and 2 packs of boge LR cartomizers and it ended up being around 80$.

If you want to vape constantly at home you could always get a passthrough which allows u to vape while charging it from usb, and just keep a spare battery around for when you go out. Ego Passthrough is my best investment so far, since i spend alot of time at the computer, then i just unplug it and take it with me when i go out.

Edited by twelveday

Well it looks like my two options are the ego kit and acces from vt, see invoice here- be aware Im a menthol smoker and vt says it wont be in till the end of jan


or the ego tank kit from FV - which comes with a bottle of liquid, empty cartriges(i think) and also make a seperate order from vt for cartominzers, ddrip tip


will come out to be roughly close to even in price, advice? Thanks

Posted (edited)

Well it looks like my two options are the ego kit and acces from vt, see invoice here- be aware Im a menthol smoker and vt says it wont be in till the end of jan


or the ego tank kit from FV - which comes with a bottle of liquid, empty cartriges(i think) and also make a seperate order from vt for cartominzers, ddrip tip


will come out to be roughly close to even in price, advice? Thanks

I say, order your ego kit from vaportalk with a pack or two of boge 510 LR cartomizers. I just havent heard raving reviews about the eGo-T system unless you use Low resistance atomizers on it, and that the eGo-T carts dont hold as much e-liquid as other cartomizers. Just seems that you would be paying more for the same thing since you're going to get cartomizers anyway.

About the e-liquid you can always order the e-liquid from a different place if you don't want to wait. Maybe someone knows a good place that has good menthol and fast shipping?

Edited by twelveday
Posted (edited)

Whatever you do... don't even bother messing with the carts that it comes with. Skip those, and go straight to the Boge LR cartos, fill them yourself with your own juice and enjoy! Keep in mind, cartos need to stay nice and wet, so you do need to top them off with a few drops every once in a while for optimal performance. By the way, if you go with an eGo, you really should pick up some of the 'eGo Mega Dual Coil Cartos' too... they really do have great taste and vapor production to them! Not to mention they hold more juice than any other carto that I know of. :yes

You can get those here: http://www.madvapes....zer_p_3225.html

You won't be disappointed with them! They take a lot of juice for the initial fill... then you just 'top-off' every now and again throughout the day. Also, I would recommend getting a drip tip for them, as the rubber ones are kinda big and funky. http://www.madvapes....oil_p_3254.html

Edited by DAYVAPE
Posted (edited)

Pulled the trigger, got the ego setup from VT with the boge cartos, and a drip tip 86.00

got from madvapes Menthol, 50ml, 24mg, Minthol 10 ml, eGo Mega Dual Coil Cartomizer (2), Red Small eGo Carrying Case 34.84

I guess 120 aint bad for my first setup- being solid, and having everything I need

Edited by extremewattage

Hi folks. I decided to just continue this thread because I'm in the same situation with regard to starting up. I actually did this a couple years ago, but the technology was not what it is now, so I'm pretty much a noob all over again. haha

I could use some clarification, because I've read and watched a lot of videos, and they're all good, but I'm a dimwitted person, and sometimes I'm not clear until I get yes or no answers to some of my questions. Heh.

1. Are most (or all?) kits compatible with *either* cartos *or* attys and cartridges? For instance, I gather (just from what I've read in this thread alone) that the eGo can use either the standard cartridges and atomizers that come with it or the cartomizers (like the dual coil ones linked above? Also, does that hold true for the eGo-T as well?

2. Are most tanks larger than cartomizers? Or are most cartomizers larger than tanks?

3. Do you all prefer cartos or attys and cartridges? Which is cheaper in the long run? Which are easier, more convenient, etc.?

That's all for now. Peace, blessings, and prayers for you, extremewattage.


I think it all depends on the connection, like the ego use 510 connection and most of what i see are 510 connection atomizer/cartomizers, but there are different ones.

I just figured out tanks myself, tanks seem to be an addon/accesory to a cartomizer, at least what i think it is, to feed more liquid to the cartomizer.

I like the flavor and vapor of direct dripping into an atomizer and id do it over using cartomizers, but cartomizers seem to be more convenient especially for on-the-go stuff, usually I can only take 3-5 good vapes off dirrect dripping 2 drops onto my atomizer but then id have to direct drip again, lasts longer without having to top off a cartomizer if you go the cartomizer route.

at least thats what ive experienced/seen, im just a newbie though im only on my second month but im sure theres some vets out there to correct me if im wrong


Hi folks. I decided to just continue this thread because I'm in the same situation with regard to starting up. I actually did this a couple years ago, but the technology was not what it is now, so I'm pretty much a noob all over again. haha

I could use some clarification, because I've read and watched a lot of videos, and they're all good, but I'm a dimwitted person, and sometimes I'm not clear until I get yes or no answers to some of my questions. Heh.

1. Are most (or all?) kits compatible with *either* cartos *or* attys and cartridges? For instance, I gather (just from what I've read in this thread alone) that the eGo can use either the standard cartridges and atomizers that come with it or the cartomizers (like the dual coil ones linked above? Also, does that hold true for the eGo-T as well?

2. Are most tanks larger than cartomizers? Or are most cartomizers larger than tanks?

3. Do you all prefer cartos or attys and cartridges? Which is cheaper in the long run? Which are easier, more convenient, etc.?

That's all for now. Peace, blessings, and prayers for you, extremewattage.

1.) Yes

2.) Most tanks are larger than cartomizers, although the Ego Mega Dual Coil Carto ( EMDCC) is pretty big

3.) I prefer attys. I think atts are cheaper in the long run because I only go through about 1 atty every 3-4 months.

Hope this helps :)


Thanks, jeffb! You only go through 1 atty every 3 or 4 months?? How much vaping do you do? And what kind of device are you getting that kind of life out of on the attys? I would probably do about 8 - 10 cigs a day worth of vaping. Do you think I could get the same kind of life out of my attys on something like an eGo-T?


I vape all day everyday. At the moment I use a eGo C atty all day at work. I use a reg atty before and after work. Before the "C" atty I was using a regular atty all day. I dont clean my attys. I use em til they go kaput. Just make sure you're not vaping a dry atty and they will be good to you.

Posted (edited)

OK so even using an eGo C atty all day at work, it still lasts you a few months?? That's fantastic! Hey that brings up another of my dumb questions: I still can't understand what the difference between the eGo T and the eGo C is.

Oh and here's another one (hahaha). Do you know where I can get the least expensive LED 5-push on/off eGo T, from a relatively reputable manufacturer?

Edited by jtphenom
Posted (edited)

IF you are bouncing back and forth between the T and the C I say go with the Ego-C. It is, from my knowledge, a large step forward for Joyetech.

Less leaking issues, cheaper to operate than the Ego-T, and the battery for the C seems to be higher quality. Lasting from most reports about 30% longer (probably due to the new atty design).

Ego-T uses a cone one piece atty, the Ego-C uses a three piece design for the atty. It allows you to change out the coil and wicking agent alone. (meaning the smallest piece that actually does the work. This piece can go bad in days or months depending, it is a game of chance ;) They either break quickly, or they last almost forever.

The ego C will save money over the long haul. But, it really doesn't matter as the batteries are interchangable and if you don't like one you can always switch using the same batteries. They are both quality so long as you go with Genuine Joyetech (I can't speak for knock offs, they might be good, but I am not wiling to risk it when I am trying to improve my health).

There are many good vendors for Joye products. PM me if you want my personal recommendations.

Edited by sasetrase

Great info here! I too think the C model has less of the "little" issues that would potentially turn people off from the T but don't forget it has more things that can go wrong. It's a tough call for sure. I'm way more familiar with the setup the C has so I'd go with that. Just keep 10 extra attys in a tackle box or safe place so you always have them.

I'd always keep 5 working. If one fizzles or starts acting up, order 5 more. When you're down to that last 5, do it all again. Does that make sense?


Kinda depends on what you want out of it. I like warm vaper and a good thoat hit and this is my set up. Ego kit, 306lr atomizer and a 5.10 to 5.10 adapter so you can still use your ego cone with the 306. I have an ego booster which will make an ego 4.7 volts and the lr306 gives me warmer vaper and a better throat than that thing ever did.

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