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So what is the drip shield for, I bought one but don't know why. Don't ask, but beer was involved. I decided to stock up on parts and that was on the list. Is it so you can over fill the atty.

Posted (edited)

i been loving the boge cartomizers for constant vaping, but i would probably go back to straight atomizers if i didnt have to drip as much, i hate being on a drive or out and about having to drip. I like high VG e-liquid and i havent run into a cartomizer yet that gets the most out of it better than direct dripping into a atomizer yet

Edited by twelveday

i use cartomizers almost 100% of the time, i use brand new ones with new flavors, i use regular dual-coil cartomizers for new juices, and emdcc's for my favorites. almost all the juices i use are high-vg (at least 50%), but for thinner fruit flavors, i use boge's. i don't think i've dripped for at least 3 months

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

i'm a carto type guy all the way. i typically only use a tobacco flavor juice, vanilla, or menthol, most those flavors are pretty hard to mute so if any flavor is actually lost through the polyfill i don't actually notice. carto's are just super convenient. sometimes i'll spend the money and pick up the prefilled ones when i know i don't want the hassle of filling at all. most the time though i buy the blanks and fill myself then just top off as i go.

now, that being said i tend not to be the most patient person sometimes and i will admit that i didn't give dripping a very good shot. and i just learned how to dewick an atty so i suppose i should pick a few up and give dripping another go. it just seemed like i got too many nasty hits, sometimes it felt like i wasn't filling enough and others it was obvious i had flooded the atty, so like i said i suppose i'll have to give dripping another go since it's so popular. gotta be popular for a reason right? lol

Edited by blucavvy

I'm an in between but would say I prefer cartomizers. They are just way less of a hassle and honestly I like the taste of a juice out of a carto better.

My 3.7 devices are usually for dripping and my buzz has a carto on it 95% of the time and its my main PV.

I would say I'm using a carto 75% of the time I'm vaping when I'm at home and when I am out its pretty much all cartomizers.

Blue OG Buzz/Silver Vein Alpha/Green and Black Reo Mini FTW


cartos are alot easier but flavor is better in a atty. btw i debridged and dewicked my atty, and say I hate it. wont do that again. it just dont hit right.

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