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E-Cigs In Public


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Just wondering if anyone else sees any E-Smokers in public...I havent yet and feel like a lone wolf,get lots of funny looks and plenty of questions...Im in Baton Rouge area and have seen none so far..

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Just wondering if anyone else sees any E-Smokers in public...I havent yet and feel like a lone wolf,get lots of funny looks and plenty of questions...Im in Baton Rouge area and have seen none so far..

Nah, Your not alone. I feel the exact same way. I hate busting out my PV in public because my juice make thick white vapor and it is noticeable. I hate drawing so much attention to my self. I am yet to see a fellow vaper here in the Bay Area.I do use mine " undercover" alot. Like walking through the grocery store when nobody is in the aisle with you. hell I even use it hanging out in the bar area of my local Hooters restaurant. I take a drag when no one is looking and the vapor isnt that noticeable if I blow it out really fast or really slow. People are not smelling it.But I just cant bring myself to bust it out sitting at the bar or a table where everyone is watching me. I dont need all the funny looks, cause thats exactly what you get funny looks.......Lone Wolf !! ......OOUUUUUUWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!
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Being in vegas, I thought I would have seen at least one more vaper out here. But I haven't yet. I used to worry about vaping in public, but I don't care anymore. I take it to the casinos and even drip at the tables now. I sort of demonstrate it to the dealers and they seem pretty interested in it asking me all these questions. This one time when the cocktail waitress came around, the dealer asked her to get me an electronic drink LOL. Interesting enough though, there's quite a few people that already know about it and ask me to demonstrate it for them because they've never seen one in person.

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Being in vegas, I thought I would have seen at least one more vaper out here. But I haven't yet. I used to worry about vaping in public, but I don't care anymore. I take it to the casinos and even drip at the tables now. I sort of demonstrate it to the dealers and they seem pretty interested in it asking me all these questions. This one time when the cocktail waitress came around, the dealer asked her to get me an electronic drink LOL. Interesting enough though, there's quite a few people that already know about it and ask me to demonstrate it for them because they've never seen one in person.

Thats funny that you mention the casino. that has been the one place i have felt comfortable. Dripping right at the table with the hot roulette dealer smiling and telling me how cool it is. I think the acceptance comes from everyone else around chuffing cigs and nasty *** cigars all over the place, so they are genuinely happy your vapeing not smoking in there face while they work. I also feel comfortable in those " smoking sections" they have out back some restaurants and bars. the funny looks only come from trying to use it in a public setting where smoking is not permitted.
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Haha yeah. Well I haven't tried vaping in areas where smoking is not permitted. I figure I don't want to cause any trouble and just stick to areas where smoking is permitted. There was only one time when I was drunk I smoked inside a Thai restaurant that's open late at night. That place is packed with people after the clubs close. The waiters/waitresses gave me weird looks, but never bothered me about it. :gun:

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Yea, I cant imagine anyone really giving me a hard time about it.After all the thing non-smokers hate about smoke is the way it smells. Since the vapor smells pleasant if at all they just look at you funny(WTF? is that guy smoking in here?) just the attention is something that I dont really like. Sometimes I just feel like laying low and keeping to myself, not having to constantly explain what I am doing and how it works. Every time I take a drag I can feel some old ladies eyes burning into me. :punk:

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There are a few people in our town that Vape, but that's mostly thanks to Sean, Royce and I. We are always spreading the word. We normally run into other vapers at work :) In fact we've had a few people recognize us from the videos which is a little weird :D

Hell Yea!!! Your famous now bro...Deal wit it. LOL. I think it will just take time. With something such as "smoking" that is en grained in our culture, it will take a long time for before you notice more vapers than smokers. But the product is clearly superior and that cant be denied. for now I'm a closet Vapor...hahah......... Sent off a few emails to the Governator, Fox news and the Factor daddy mack Big Bad *** Bill Oriely. If Bill cant save us no one can! :thumbsup:

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Now that you mention it... i really havent seen any other vapers, other than videos... Been using it like crazy at work. The big dude told me I cant use it til after 6 because its not very buisnessy, but I can use it after 6 til midnight indoors with no problem so no complaints. I also get a lot of questions, I always get really excited whenever someone asks me to explain, because I get the chance to show them something that can potentially save thier lives :)

But, I do feel lonely because nobody else has gotten one yet. Been working on my friend's dad, he smokes cigars and his wife hates it lol.

Saw somewhere people were sticking a V sticker or something to the effect to show they were vapers, Don't remember where I saw that but I have seen no V's yet... :( Some day vaping will be a style and EVERYONE will be doing it.... :)

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I haven't seen a single vapor yet and we go out alot. I even play in a band in lots of clubs. The bar owners are usually super interested when I show them my Janty Stick. I tell them all that they need to put up a sign saying Vapers welcome. Tampa has a smoking ban and that would bring in others of our kind.

Maybe we need to start local chapters for us vapers to get together. Any ideas?

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I haven't seen a single vapor yet and we go out alot. I even play in a band in lots of clubs. The bar owners are usually super interested when I show them my Janty Stick. I tell them all that they need to put up a sign saying Vapers welcome. Tampa has a smoking ban and that would bring in others of our kind.

Maybe we need to start local chapters for us vapers to get together. Any ideas?

Thats sounds like a pretty good idea. If a few vapers got together at a bar,club or restaurant they could possibly get the owners to do something like that. If you could get a few popular establishments on board it may help to keep e-cigs legal and get more exposure. We could have a "vapor night" LOL. kinda like a poker night or something.

Edited by EasyE
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