bzeisman Posted September 23, 2009 Posted September 23, 2009 my new version 2.0 VP1 came in today with the 'airflow system'. been vaping on it for all of 20 minutes while writing this review. first impressions: very nice looking, study, feels lighter in weight. its about a 1/4 inch longer than my VP1-901. the button is countersunk, suppose that would be good so the thing doesnt misfire in my shorts again and burn the crap out of my leg like the 1.0 did. how good does it work?: when i ordered the new version, i added extra batteries and got all the adapters. using it with the the 801 - feels about the same as with a regular 801 battery. but im also breaking a new atty with the version 2, so im sure performance will improve with more use. using with the 901 adapter - it F@#$ing ROCKS!!! works awesome with the 510 adapter - works pretty good, marginally better than with a regular battery. the instuction manual mentions that the little rubber gasket that the 510 adapter come with is to plug up the extra airholes so the 'airflow system' would work better (or something to that effect). the gasket made things worse. i got little to no airflow while using to. i tried putting it on the atty, on the adapter (both ends), fudging the the 'airflow system' (im using quotes for a reason while mentioning 'airflow system'), nothing works. stopped using the gasket, it work just fine. maybe the gasket is just to smart for me to figure out, its very possible (that me beating myself up with a fish) now the moment you all have been waiting for (que space oddessy 2001 music)........ the 'airflow system'......... BIG F-ING JOKE!!! you heard it right, i said BIG F-ING JOKE!!! (no offence intended to the folks at vapor life, ill continue to purchase stuff from you guys. YOUR STUFF ROCKS!!!) perhaps im to stupid to figure it out (beats self with a fish again) but thingy no worky. i screw the thing in, i screw the thing out, i took the screw out all together, i didnt notice a difference. overall score - 4.5 / 5 why not a 5, read my review of the 'airflow system' why not a 0, the adapters make it worth the ride. the 801 & 510 draws are very cool. 901 is still a little hot. but the 901 is still the champ atty. the new button is neat, dont need to worry about burning the crap out of my leg again. the design is very flashy, makes it easier to turn more people to vaping and off of analogs. would i recamend this product to others???: i sure would!!! its a QUALITY product and the price was right. (i got mine for free for being a valued customer. i guessing no more free-bees for saying 'big f-ing joke' earier. unless they want me to give another BLUNT review of there products, i would be more than happy to take what they have to offer ) FEEL MY BLUNTNESS, MUAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!
Christopher Posted September 23, 2009 Posted September 23, 2009 Good review, yea it's a very very good product, I would recommend it over all other ecig units if you don't mind the look. As for the "air flow" system...yea. I unscrewed the little nob and it didn't seem to make much of a difference, I do like the added holes on the threads if anything it allows someplace for the juice to go when you unscrew the atomizer. Overall though this is a kick *** unit.
bzeisman Posted September 23, 2009 Author Posted September 23, 2009 with a little more dicking around, i figured out the 'airflow system' all the way down = some air all the way up = no air take the screw out = normal vaping i did notice that my 901 vapes less through the 2.0 than the 1.0. im thinking that the brass adapters dont conduct electicity very well and arent recieving enough power to 'burn' like the 1.0's ability to deliver power
USAFSGT Posted September 23, 2009 Posted September 23, 2009 with a little more dicking around, i figured out the 'airflow system' all the way down = some air all the way up = no air take the screw out = normal vaping i did notice that my 901 vapes less through the 2.0 than the 1.0. im thinking that the brass adapters dont conduct electicity very well and arent recieving enough power to 'burn' like the 1.0's ability to deliver power i thought i would throw in my 2 cents here. i was catching up on some reading on the VP1 Version 2.0 and this is what i read on the whole air flow system. "NOTE: AIR FLOW ADJUSTMENT ARE FOR M201 ATOMIZER ONLY. Adapter for 901 or 510 atomizers available in accessories. If you want your 901 or 510 adapters to work with the air flow system, a hole must be drilled through the side of the adapter." here's the link i thought that would shed some light on the issue. and then again maybe everyone already knew that; let me know what you think or if that changes anything.
VegasVapor Posted September 23, 2009 Posted September 23, 2009 I don't have a VP1 (yet)...but I remember reading in one of these threads that vaprlife was going to drill those holes himself so customers don't have to. Not sure if he meant you had to request it or if he was going to do it to all of them. An update on the website would be nice. I emailed him asking him about that, but haven't received a reply yet.
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