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So I Just Got My First Ecig And Waiting On My Joye510 - Any More Word On The Fda Regulations On Ecigs


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Im new to ecigs but not to smoking. I've been smoking since i was 18. I'm 25 now and can smoke about two packs a day, on occaison I try to buy american spirit which last me a day a pack since they last longer, but plain reds or camels I go through maybe a pack and a half or two. I've tried to quit many times, I've gone cold turkey for at most 2 months, and have tried to ween myself off a little at a time and tried the gum and the patch but yeah those didnt work too well, I had a better chance going cold turkey than using the patch and gum. Only recently this year a tobacco store near my bank started selling "electronic cigarettes" but i never paid attention to them, thought it was some kind of scam, because really I've never seen ads or have been exposed to ecigs until this month when I did a search on the internet about it. Anyway I came upon forums and forums of vapers and read more about it so i ordered a joye 510 for myself on the 7th. Anyways waiting for 2 days I couldnt wait for it to get here so i just went to the tobacco store and bought a 51 trio for about 30$ which i knew was kind of crap, but trying an ecig out just made me more excited to start vaping instead, no more smoke, safer than smoking etc. Im not going to quit smoking, lets just put it at that. Then I hear things about the FDA trying to ban or regulate ecigs and I cant help but think how many smokers are there out there like me. Making ecigs more difficult to obtain, or banning them altogether is basically killing people as well. Has anyone heard anything about whats going on with the FDA and ecigs recently, or if there is anything being put into place yet? It has me on edge because discovering ecigs was like a bright beam of light shining down from the clouds for me.

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Welcome to VT. Switching over from smoking to vaping is always a wise choice, no matter what bans we constantly have to fight. By not smoking, your body begins healing from all those nasty toxins and tar you've been abusing your body with for years. Hopefully we'll be allowed to heal for as long as we desire or need, but if we can't, at least we get to heal for a little while.

Many have been able to gradually wean themselves off of the nicotine and are vaping 6mg to zero mg in their first year! These are the fortunate ones, because they can vape nic free despite the ANTZ ban affections. Being wheeze free for even a week is worth the money and time devoted to vaping.

Vape away, my friend, and gradually cut back on your own nic intake. Stock up on attys, and ejuice, learn how to make your own mods and liquids and you'll be fine. Eventually you'll have only the hand to mouth addiction to break. (or you can break that earlier than you want and go the obese route, it's up to you).

If you pick up a non-dedicated 3.7v battery mod so you can use the larger cartos, such as the (E)MDCC's which don't cost very much. Spend a hundred bucks just stockpiling those babies and you'll be good for a year or so. (they won't work on the little tiny 510 battery)

Good luck and fight the fight. Write letters, sign petitions, join CASAA and heal while the healing is good.

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Congrats on looking into E-cigs, it really is that much better than smoking. I promise, the 510 won't be your last device.

There have been talks of bans and regulation since I started 2 1/2 years ago...I am certain we will eventually find ourselves in the quagmire of regulation, but for the moment we have a bit of freedom. And I don't think there is a vaper out there that won't go down fighting....The numbers increase daily.

You won't be sorry you decided to give vaping a try, its is worth it, 100%.

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Yeah im super excited to get my 510 and retire this cheapo ecig i have right now. my shipment was just received and processed in my local usps so i hope i get it soooon! /crossfingers, ive had a short taste of vaping already and the 51 trio i bought and used for 4 days, well, i've only smoked 2 regular cigarettes in those total 4 days, which surprised the hell out of me. I cant wait

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