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Health Observation


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They say electronic cigarettes have not been tested. They don't know if it's bad for your health or not. More testing should be done. Well I think the testing has been done. How many people have now been using electronic cigarettes for at least a year. We are the test subjects and I would have to say from my own personal experience from being a smoker for 27 years to being a vapor the past year that they are most certainly better for your health. Before I started e cigs smoking had led me to needing an asma puffer. Not long after I switched did I put the puffer away. My color changed. Everyone was saying I just looked better. I know I feel better. How much more proof do I need to give myself. I"m convinced. Take this statement to your labs fda. Electronic cigarettes are much healthier than regular awful smelling tobacco cigarettes. I think it has more to do with the tobacco's companies making it difficult. You don't need a lab to to tell you this is healthier. There are already thousands of guini pigs who have already done the testing. The fact I can go to any local convenient store and buy a pack of butts but not buy e liquid with nicotine in it just says the fda is incredibly stupid or there is something else interfering with the slow process of legalizing nicotine for electronic cigarettes in countries like Canada. It is healthier and we all know it.

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Unfortunately there are those that need something to pick on....currently (among many) its smoking and anything remotely resembling smoking...ya, that means us.

But, I am with you. Currently I am 2 1/2 years into vaping and have not smoked since I began this amazing journey. I smoked for 30 years and had quit quitting, that is, until I discovered vaping.

No more short of breath, no more hacking up a lung several times a day, improved circulation, no more second hand smoke for my family/pets.

The community has grown so much during the last couple years, our voice will become louder and louder !!!

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  • 2 months later...

I can understand some concerns because long term tests (10-20yrs) can't posiblly be done or even started yet. But I agree that our own personal findings and beliefs should out-weigh what others have no experience in(MYOB). I am another person who quit quitting until stumbling into vaping. I'm another 27 year smoker who could be dead right now from suicide because of Chantix, which BTW doesn't work. Another 2 year example of how vapor has had no ill effects and too many positives to list. To the FDA and/or whoever else that have concerns: Thanks for looking over my shoulder and keeping an eye out for potentionally hazardous things but until you walk 27 miles uphill in my shoes and 2 miles back down you're opinions mean very little to me.

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it just seems like a downhill battle for them, i mean the only thing that they keep coming up with now is that its the "image" and it might be a "gateway". I agree with some things needing to be regulated, but all it sounds like to me is oppression and control. We need to worry about eachother and care for eachother of course, but when people start to try to control others, that's where the real danger begins.

Edited by twelveday
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm working on my one year vapeversary. I know that my health has improved. I never expected that this journey would take me as far as it has. We have an amazing community of vapers! One of the hardest things about giving up the tobacco was the fact that i would no longer be able to hang out with my smoking buddies. Smoking was a social event for me and trying to quit while being around it i would always find that it was too hard to say no to having a smoke. I didn't like the feeling that was missing something, even if that was 4000+ chemicals. Vaping allows me to still be able to participate in that social aspects of going out on break for a smoke without having to give up all my friends.

Follow the money and you'll see why the "digital smokers" are now public enemy #1. Drug companies, tobacco companies, government. E cigs are f*cking with that revenue and they are going to fight to the death to recap those losses. Health? Well, that comes second.

I am proud to say that i am a non-smoker. I am proud that i was brave enough to take that leap of faith, take a hit to my wallet and leave big tobacco in the ashtray where it belongs. As a smoker i had nothing to lose by trying out the ecig (other than my 99 bux), as a vaper i risk losing my health to uneducated bs FDA public policy. I hope that i never pick up another cigarette as long as i live.

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