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Hi everyone. Nice to see so many here enjoying the electronic cigarette. I have been a user for a year and I've never felt better. I used to smoke at least a pack a day and they were not exactly quality cigarettes I was smoking. I started out using pen style cartomizer e cigs but discovered and switched to ego about half a year ago. I used to order my supplies from the United states until one day my shipment was seized never to reach me. After that I started some extensive google exploration to find Canadian supplies to avoid more custom troubles. Canada has still not officially given electronic cigarettes the green light. Advertising is illegal. It makes it harder for us to find supplies. If there is anyone in Canada here that are having a hard time finding Canadian suppliers feel free to send me a message and I will be happy to share the good vendors I use. Mabey you will know of a good one that I don't. I am also looking for some good feed back on some good new atomizers for the ego. I am using the standard low resistance 306 and 510's and have learned how to make them last longer but even then I"m still disappointed on how often I have to replace them. Any feed back on new ones would be much appreciate. Happy Vaping.


Yes I started with cartomizers and I do have one dual coil. It was sent to me as a free sample to try. I mainly use atomizers I like the stronger throat hit. The most recent new one I tried was the ego smok tech mega dual coil cartomizer. I thought is was pretty good. Takes a lot of juice. I will be ordering a few of them as soon as I find the right retailer for the right price. Most sites I know of do not carry these yet. Thanks for the quick welcome :flower:


Welcome.I have found with atomisers the most popular domestic liquids seem to carbon them up real quick leading to thier demise.Try to find some Dekang liquid, while the flavors are not as enhanced as the popular domestics there are some very liquids and the extended atomiser life is worth a lot to me.VaporTalk,MadVapes,VaporKings,AwesomeVapor and LiteCigUSA are a few places I get it from.


I have found a Canadian supplier who uses Dekang e liquid. Atomizers still burn out. It's just a regular expense for me. I can't order juice from any of the sites you mention. Us Canadians are not aloud to order e juice over the boarder.I am just hoping to be arrested for having e liquid with nicotine in it. I"m sure I'II get a pretty stiff jail term. It would be an interested day in court. I'd arrive hacking and coughing like I do when I smoke regular smokes instead of e cigs since they busted me from using the healthier ones. I'd have to show the judge first hand what the results of not letting me use e cigs would be. They'd be lucky if I could finish a sentence without a cough.

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