dham340 Posted November 20, 2011 Posted November 20, 2011 Hi all. Thought I'd make my first post on this forum a review of my new toy, the joye (ovale) ego-c. Disclaimer: I'm not a vendor or associated with any vendor in any way. I've been vaping for 3 years, and gone through a bunch of equipment: 901s, 401s, 808s, 510s, 306s, egos and ego variants. The ego-c is new from joye and I believe is currently only offered by ovale and I know totally wicked will be getting it shortly. I expect many other joye Distributors will get it in the new year. If your not familiar with it, the ego-c is essentially an ego-t with a removable, replaceable, disposable atty. there are a few other improvements, as I discuss below, also, check out joyetech's website and there's a couple YouTube reviews of it too. Got my ego-c nov 17 at 5 pm. Been using it exclusively since then (just under 48 hrs as of this posting) Couple of assumptions first: Normally I'm a carto guy, LR Boge cartos on either the silver bullet or the kgo battery. I tend to like 80/20 16 or 18 mg juice in tobacco and/or coffee and Carmel favors. I am not a big fruity flavor person. I have not tried the ego-t before I got the ego-c. Last, I am not a "fiddler" I do not want to have to fiddle with my PV just to get it to consistently vape the way I want. I want to pick it up, vape and put it away. That's why I normally don't drip, toss my cartos when they start to leak, burn, taste bad and don't mix juices in cartos (or attys when I do drip). That said, here's my first impressions: 24 hr overview: The ego-c rocks. Wow. The kit: pretty standard starter kit: comes with 2 ego natural batteries with 5 click, 2 cones, 2 atty bases which hold the replaceable atty module, a blister pack of 5 attys, USB cable, USB wall plug, 5 tanks, small packet of rubber replacement end caps, little cloth pouch, bottle of mystery juice and instructions. Fit & finish: first rate, nice hand feel, branding all over it but tasteful. Vapor production: tons. Bloog/volt like (my experience is that Bloog/volt put out tons of vapor). Seriously a lot better vapor production than my normal setup. Taste: very good. Compared to the carto, I think this is a bit lower in taste. However, that could be because the juices I like taste better when they are really cooked/almost burnt (Carmelized). The ego-c is seems to be producing a "cleaner" vape and taste is affected. However, fruity juices do taste good to me in this (again, I normally run hotter so fruits in that environment get burned/chemical tasting) TH: good, of course this all depends on the juice. Battery: I think joye has improved the batteries somehow. Took one off the charger at 4pm, drove to vape meet in York,PA and put it back I charger at midnight. Vaped pretty much entire time and the battery still had life in it. I was not seeing the yellow light. All in all I'd rate my use tonight as high end for me and it lasted. Very good. Tanks: no leaking, uses the standard ego-t tanks. Used both the ones the ego-c came with and type A ego-t tanks I got from a vendor today. Atty: have only used 1 atty and have thrown a bunch of juices at it: thin, thick, light, dark, menthol, non-menthol. Just blow it out, swap tanks (or wash the tank with warm water and refil) and boom, right back at it. In fact, you need not even blow it out if going from one juice flavor to complementary one. First couple of puffs juice flavors combine, but after that, atty delivers flavor from only juice in tank. Obviously, more time will tell but after 24 hrs, quite impressed. I have a couple of LR ego-t tanks I got for comparison, but haven't had the opportunity yet to use them, so I'll update later. One positive of the atty is that I think the design really optimizes juice delivery to it. I mean,it's basically a bridge less atty, the spike has a small bit of wicking in it, but it's really a straight shot from the tank to the atty coil. Someone told me that the ego-c atty is basically a bridge-less 306, and that might be a good way to think of it. Overall impressions: really like it. For me, I need a PV that's small, unobtrusive , holds a 1/2 days (8 to 10 hrs) worth of juice (or swappable carts/tanks) and battery lasts 1/2 day. Like I said, I'm not a fiddler- don't normally want to be messing with bottles of juice, dripping, filling cartos when I'm at work/out and about (basically ill fiddle when im on the couch). This seems to fit all those requirements. Obviously, the ego-c has all of the pluses of the ego-t, the hope is that joye has addressed the minuses. Experience so far says they have. More time with it will tell. Bringing my SB to work has issues, and this looks like an awesome replacement. I love the fact that the attys can be changed and are cheaper than the ego-t attys. seems silly but I have a mental block about having to toss a 10-12 dollar ego-t atty vice tossing a $6 one. I also don't want to have to engage in atty maintenance if I don't want to. Option of tossing a $6 atty is palatable. My hope is that eventually ego-c will be "the" standard ego style tank PV in future, resulting in price drops to 3-4 dollars an atty. that's carto range there. Plus, the ego-c attys should/could last longer: they can be blown, cleaned with alcohol and burned, where cartos are much bigger hassle. So that's it for first impressions. Still need to do a comparison by using ego-t LR atty. at some point, I'll write up a more detailed review, with pics/vids and such, but want to give it 2 weeks of use. I have heard that joye is gonna be releasing a LR ego-c atty a full ego-c launch which is awesome. One concern I have is that I think replacement attys will be hard to come by for a few weeks/months as joye rolls out the ego-c. That kind of sucks, so I'll have to watch ovale and TW sites like a hawk to score some additional attys. My recommendation is this: ovale is offering the ego-c for 69 bucks. My understanding is that end of November this goes up to 129. I also heard joyetech is cracking down on its distributors on pricing, so I'm not sure what will be the real street price once it's widely available. But, 69 is a steal for the kit if you are in the market for an ego tank style or newbie. If the price goes up, or you already have an ego or ego tank style then at least get the cone and the attys to add to your ego/ego-t setup. kitsune, PoppaC, Jeffb and 1 other 4
Jeffb Posted November 20, 2011 Posted November 20, 2011 Nice review. At only $69 Im tempted to pick one up
Christopher Posted November 26, 2011 Posted November 26, 2011 Interesting. I'm wonder if the flow issues has been resolved. The major issue with the Tank system (Joye) was that the liquid didn't flow quickly enough for heavy vapers. I'm wondering if Joye Tech has addressed these issues with the eGo C. It'd be nice if that was the case. It could be a major step forward especially for new users looking for a no fuss solution. Thanks for the review
maverick Posted December 2, 2011 Posted December 2, 2011 (edited) Three days in with the Ego C Atty and jury is still out. Requested the LR blister pack with kit, and almost sorry I did. The LR reveals a very slight burn of my vanilla vapes. Not enough to cry over, but it's there. Other all day vape cannot be burned with anything in the 3.7 range, but it seems muted and not as flavorful in the LR C Atty as the Ressurector (or Boge 2.0), if you will. Love the atty set up and it's a snap for maintenance. No mesh around the ceramic cup and coil is able to breath freely with little leftover juice for flavor changes......it's a cup and a wire. Per the Ego T Type A, this thing seems to run through juice like no other and I cut the nic 4mg for future orders. Draw is smoother, more pronounced, and the tightness is gone. Battery is same conclusion as the OP and seems improved for longevity. To do it over again? I would stick with the standard resistance atty because I'm almost willing to bet (this is the sweet spot) not to mention the cooler vape and longer batt life. Been waiting for the improved version of the Ego Tank and Joye listened to the consumer. The result is a much improved experience and easy as pie (in comparison) maintenance. Hard to tell at this point but my guess is this......the unit runs so well it does NOT need the LR atty. Standard blister pack is on the way and we'll see. Type B cylinder unit at 2.0 capacity will not roll out until early 2012. The beat goes on and this is one good unit for now. Stay tuned..... Edited December 2, 2011 by maverick
noXious Posted December 2, 2011 Posted December 2, 2011 What a great review! Shoot, makes me want to sample one, too
maverick Posted December 2, 2011 Posted December 2, 2011 (edited) Interesting. I'm wonder if the flow issues has been resolved. The major issue with the Tank system (Joye) was that the liquid didn't flow quickly enough for heavy vapers. I'm wondering if Joye Tech has addressed these issues with the eGo C. It'd be nice if that was the case. It could be a major step forward especially for new users looking for a no fuss solution. Thanks for the review Anything along leaking lines would seem solved for this unit. I personally never had the leak problem with the Ego T....but seen enough posts to agree it was an issue for many. Medium heavy to heavy vapors IMHO should consider rotating devices. Medium heavy myself and almost never hit the same device in succession, especially on micro brew night. Wicking must take place and if you draw faster than the wick allows for feeding? You get burned. The more often the accelerator is pegged, and the longer it stays down? The sooner your out of gas..... This little baby hums right along but no device should be set up for constant heavy feed.... or it would flood for the medium to light vapor persons. We heavy guys have to take it easy. Just rotate and hit all you want? Edited December 2, 2011 by maverick
maverick Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 Update report.... Battery is no doubt improved for longevity, and though it's not confirmed, it seems to draw more evenly as it drops in charge. Would also believe it packs something closer to the 3.4 range vs 3.2? No meter to check, but this battery draws nearly as well off the charge as a 3.7. Nearly being the optimum word. Still in contention this set up does not need the LR atty (for me) and still waiting on the 2.2-2.4 standard atty. Condensation in the cartridge remains the same, but is easily controlled using the Q Tip swab method and necessary removal of the inner baffle. No leaks around the rubber cap and not sure, but this unit makes leaking near impossible. Look for the exact same action from the previous Type A tank, save for any leaking. Atty? It runs like a champ but this is typical for the first couple of weeks. Update is only 1 week in and premature to assess the units performance in longevity. However, I would give it a 25% better rating over the previous A Tank, in this new and improved version. Atty does take a while to break in. First couple of days was low performance,and even though the primer was blown out, it did not run smooth until after about 3 tank fulls of juice. Favorite juices are still running better flavor in the carto. Believe this has much to do with efficiency of the atty, and no need for the LR? It's slightly burning 70-30 mixes and produces a harsh TH (with some heat). Easy adjustment of the wick has not eliminated this. Removal of the tank and direct drip into spike does produce the DD affect, so it could still be the same old feed problem. Is the wicking process not right for the LR? Or, do we have the same old not wicking fast enough for the unit as a whole.....as suggested by an earlier post? Again, if one removes the tank and drips directly into the spike, it seems to hit like a 306 bridge-less atty. Hmmmm.....could be the tank vacuum at this point. Need time and feedback. kitsune and noXious 2
Jeffb Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 Mine was working great last week and today it seemed to not be wicking well. I'm gonna play with it a little and see if I can get it working better.
Jeffb Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 Ok I swapped the tank out for a new one and its working like a champ.
mjradik Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 Being a hard core eGo-t guy originally, I'm glad to see this new product. I use cartos now, But I always like the flavor of the ego-T better than cartos. Plus I like to change flavors alot, and moving back to the C would keep me from having a stock pile of 20+ different cartos, one for each flavor. I might have to pick some up in the near future. Shoooot, I already have a bunch of Type A tanks, and only use ego batterys, so I should just be able to pick up the atty base/wick and cones..
maverick Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 Ok I swapped the tank out for a new one and its working like a champ. Hey Jeff? You using the 2.4ish atty? I'm really starting to believe the main problem with this set up could be the tank design itself? Had suspected this on the originals and it seems confirmed by the dripping into the spike (or direct on coil) and getting a near perfect DD hit. Place the tank back on....and it begins an issue. Fresh tanks with no condensation build up tends to bring out the best in this system. Is this your take after switching to the new tank from the old, as stated?
maverick Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 (edited) Being a hard core eGo-t guy originally, I'm glad to see this new product. I use cartos now, But I always like the flavor of the ego-T better than cartos. Plus I like to change flavors alot, and moving back to the C would keep me from having a stock pile of 20+ different cartos, one for each flavor. I might have to pick some up in the near future. Shoooot, I already have a bunch of Type A tanks, and only use ego batterys, so I should just be able to pick up the atty base/wick and cones.. Sounds a lot like me. I love the tank for trying new flavors, or mixing flavors right into the tank. If you already have the tanks, Ego batts, and just need the new cone and atty? I would say, go for it. It's much improved for maintenance (almost fun now) and eventually this is what took me off the T atty as I grew tired of pulling plates, burning coils, and a few other PITB issues. Those issues are either eliminated or pulled way down on this new set up. One can actually remove the wick device, go to drip tip, and direct right to the coil. As mine get weaker.....this is exactly the plan. One could do this with the old ones but with the removable parts and no mesh in ceramic cup area, it's much better here. Not sure what I can post here but a certain quality vendor near Chicago will have the parts soon. Edited December 6, 2011 by maverick
Viper Ron Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 Would this so called shop be in Elmhurst....lol
maverick Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 Ouch. Those Viper bites sting a bit. LOL Not so subtle on the location eh? But ya Ron.......somewhere in a theater near you.
Viper Ron Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 (edited) Locations on the net so I'm not worried, plus some PR also....lol. I go there all the time, glad I found the place Oh! And I have said the name here before, quite a few ppl here use them Edited December 6, 2011 by Viper Ron
maverick Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 Oh for sure. Well known and well represented. I only meant MY subtle was not so good....perhaps intentionally so. Was not sure if I could post in this thread the actual name, so I left it alone. No time for going over the rules and regs for posting. Easier in this case to be a little silly about it. I think it will be a few more days and I'll be ordering the 2.4ish atty and perhaps another cone set up. Won't get all wound up on the type A before the larger Type B hits. For now though? Glad I made the purchase and to be back in the tank. Got some new juices for trying out and this baby fits the bill. Love em for that, and thanks for the response!
Viper Ron Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 (edited) Oh! Don't you know they have a store front now? (brick & mortar) I go there at least once a month My Bad, I thought you were near there :p Edited December 6, 2011 by Viper Ron
maverick Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 No worries. Purchased my first 3 pc 510 there (almost 2 years now) and love the service. If I resided close, or ever in the area? Visit would be a must. Need to follow my own advice and stop hitting this device so hard. It burns nicely and there is a tendency to take a drag instead of the slow draw. About to run atty cleaner and make an abrupt flavor change. At this moment I would nudge anyone on the fence to go ahead and give this baby a whirl. It's improved but the longevity results are not yet in.
juston Posted December 10, 2011 Posted December 10, 2011 i just orded a ego-c kit but i'm wanting to build a drip tip setup or somthing i can play with at night an use the ego batts this might be the wrong forum to post this if so i'm sorry but you guys seem to know whats kool on the e-cigs and i will let you know about my ego-c when i get it in the mail feel free to msg me anyone i would love the help! thx
Jeffb Posted December 10, 2011 Posted December 10, 2011 The idea behind having the eGo-c is so you wont have to drip. Christopher 1
StephanieAndrews Posted December 10, 2011 Posted December 10, 2011 I know there's been a few posts on the filling. I fill mine to the top so that cap isn't floating and have never had a problem with that. I refill before there's just a drop - when I turn the eGo upside down and see some air in the tank above the fluid, I refill. .Also I might mention, that with the T's and C, I've never had a 'flooding' problem - something that occurs on every other system/carto/cart that I've tried.
mjradik Posted December 10, 2011 Posted December 10, 2011 I know there's been a few posts on the filling. I fill mine to the top so that cap isn't floating and have never had a problem with that. I refill before there's just a drop - when I turn the eGo upside down and see some air in the tank above the fluid, I refill. .Also I might mention, that with the T's and C, I've never had a 'flooding' problem - something that occurs on every other system/carto/cart that I've tried. I find it funny that not only are there so many different opinions, which is expected, but so many different expereiences/results the same device can have from one person to the next. I guess thats what happens when stuff is made in china... lol....man those kids better spend less time in the classroom, and more time in the factory quality control room... lol.. sorry couldn't resist.
maverick Posted December 11, 2011 Posted December 11, 2011 (edited) Hear ya MJ.... The nice thing about the new C atty would be the very thing you allude to......it's very easy to offset the QC (or lack thereof) for basic components. Factory settings probably have a tolerance machine for setting of wick, for instance. The T atty would be a total pain for getting this right, in the event it was wrong. One can easily adjust the wicking for VG/PG content on this new device. Want increased or decreased flow? It's a snap. You only need a small screw driver, thin bladed knife, or strong paperclip for this purpose....and a cheap pair of curved needle nosed pliers. Just pry up on the wick device to expose the wire and cup, adjust wick, replace, and go. Very easy for cleaning the wick, all the while dry burns are much more efficient, given the ceramic cup only, and no mesh. Encountered minimal frustration when placing the spike back onto the atty base/ceramic cup unit. This was quickly alleviated by using the curved needle nose for centering and pushing back in place. Cost for these maintenance items is around 2.00-3.00 and most homes have them already. (tiny screwdriver and curved needle nose pliers) As for Stephanie......One can remove the spike with ease and direct drip right into the coil here. Many drip tips will fit on the cone. For me, it's better used as intended, and once you get the hang of it and learn to take easy draws while listening to the atty? Golden, and dripping becomes something you do on special occasions, and with other equipment designed for such. Certainly possible here, but give the intent it's due knowing you have the option for direct drip. It hits very well in this regard but the tank has it's distinct advantages....though I personally believe it attributes to part of any remaining problems and needs a new design. Vape on..... Edited December 11, 2011 by maverick
dragaa Posted December 17, 2011 Posted December 17, 2011 On day two. Been using the LR attys I ordered..are people actually enjoying the regular resistance attys better? I can't tell but it seems the lrs burn juice faster. device is totally satisfying and still using the sample juice sent with the kit. I'm assuming there is much better out there and my satisfaction will only grow as I find better juices. Condensation can be a pain as it will drop onto my tank mouthpiece..totally "lubricating" my silicone mouthpiece..not a huge deal but has anyone found a way around this besides keeping it filled up constantly (not always an option for me). So far totally satisfying and mostly convenient. Haven't touched an analog since I got it...also haven't done much of this technical maintenance you guys speak of...just been vaping and vaping. hopefully won't come back to bite me.
maverick Posted December 17, 2011 Posted December 17, 2011 (edited) Juice will burn a bit faster in the LR atty, and a bit hotter. For the most part, your cleaner/clear juices will hold down maintenance much better than the darker/sugar types. I have a preference for clean tobacco vapes (as all day juices) and tend to place change of pace darker juices in cartos. Unfortunately, Joye has one last thing to do for making the perfect system to date; change the tank design to reduce condensation, but I would not want that task for myself. I keep a 1.00 pack of tissues handy when dealing with the tank system and it's a constant wiping down of parts when loading up juice. You'll learn to do it in a flash. There's a plethora of vendors out there who would love to have you try their juice. I would personally decide on a "type". Tobacco based? Fruity? Nutty? Chocolate cream pie? Many will offer little sample bottles in a 5 pack of 3ml or so each. One of the top favorites is RY4 (tobacco, caramel, vanilla) and one would think this a good place to start if you find it in a sample pack. You may get lucky and find one right off the bat, or have fun with the search, which may take a while. Don't want to advertise in this thread in regard to vendors....but feel free to PM me with any questions on juice, or begin a new thread for suggestions? Everyone's here to help, and if your not liking the juice you have now, just wait until you find one you DO like. It will be a fine day indeed. Congrats on your new start. Edited December 17, 2011 by maverick
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