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Hello vapers and friends Im getting a Provari for a christmas gift this year and I was just fishing for recommendations on what you guys use on yours if you own one. Can you use dual coil cartos on them? I have a 510-ego adapter and the emdcc sounds like it might work well with the Provari. That or I was maybe thinking about getting a cartomizer map tank thing for it. Idk so many options I just want something thats gonna make my vg juices taste greeeeat and produce a ton of vapor!! Any help is appreciated, thanks guys...


Thats the cool thing about VV devices like the Provari. I have used LR attys, EMDCC's, DC cartos, standard cartos & attys. I always fall back to my standard atty at 4.8V


I love my Pro Vari I've been using it since February. Everywhere I go, my Pro Vari goes with me. For the most part I still have no complaints. Though my unit tends to be a bit wonky with dual coil cartomizers. This doesn't seem to effect the newer units. I can't use 2.5 ohm I have to use 3.0 ohm @ 5.3 volts. If I'm using a standard boge cartomizer (3ohm) I run it at 4.2 :)


The Provari is an excellent device, best I have ever used and that covers about 8 different mods.

It will work with most anything but because of the design of the drip well on the top, it doesn't do well with tank systems that are designed to go over and past the atty connection as they do with an ego. The drip well keeps anything wide from going past the top of the connector. You could use a 501 adapter if you really wanted to. I had to use 2 to extend the 510 connection, it looked rather frankenstened and was not worth the hassle. The Map Tank and Vaporesensce tanks both work nicely.


I love mine. I don't use dual coil cartos on it, had to vape them at 3.7 and thats a waste. I have a tank set up from Big Daddy Vapor and it works great. I have gone back to SR stuff running it between 4.2-4.5v.


Im thinking I will prolly be using my emdcc on my ego batteries and prolly find myself using my Boge 3ohm cartos on the Provari. Maybe get myself one of them cartomizer tanks. Madvapes has a tank, cartomizer, and drip tip kit for like 12 bucks which isnt a bad deal. I guess I just punch my own holes in the cartos with the tanks right?


Yep - you can punch your own holes - it's cheaper than getting prepunched cartos.. There's a vid on youtube of how to punch the hole with a nail, but there are several methods.


Yeah I seen a few. Prolly do the nail trick, nothing much to it there. Got my cartos in, now Im just waiting for my tank from madvapes!!!


Since you mentioned VG, I'll chime in. I vape pure VG with a Provari & my standard setup is a Cisco 306/SR sitting on a 510-510 adapter, a drip shield & XL DT. Very nice vape at round 4.3V. Enjoy..........

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