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Noobie here. Been vaping since 26 Oct 2011 and I am amazed at how fast e-ciggs got me off of analogs. I was a pack and a half day smoker. After three days, I was down to 3 analogs a day. My ash trays are clean, I've got a carton in the closet that's been there for two weeks (untouched), haven't had an analog for 4 days now (got a little frustrated with the e-cigg, broke down and had an analog that tasted just awful) and I am so greatful to you folks at Vapor Talk for all the great info. What a blessing.

Now, to the noob questions. I've been like a kid in a candy store with these things, shopped at 5 stores so far. I haven't quite found the sweet spot just yet. I've got a 510 and a Volt 808. When I first used them, the taste was great. Now, I'm not getting much taste or TH. I've tried clearomizer--no taste and litte vap; carts--like smoking through a pillow; 510-T--I have no idea what the problem is but leaks like a seeve, just not into the atty; and cartos---my current preference. I know that the juice has a lot to do with it so I'm looking for resources. So far, the only juice that provides consistent satisfaction is my Morning Coffee from Smoke Revolution and the Menthol from Awesome Vapor. I've got juice on order from Mrs. T's and filled cartos for my Volt from Smokeless Image. Also, I'm wondering about Gulf Coast Vapor. The juice is so cheap, but I don't see where it says what the size of the bottles are. Anyone out there with some tips on juice or vaping tips in general would be most appreciated.

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Welcome to Vapor Talk DC. :)

Juice loses its flavor for me also after using it for awhile. I like to keep a few different flavors in rotation to keep my mouth confused :D Ive tried many different juice suppliers and I have narrowed down my preference to:



Im sure others will be along to give their favs :)

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When I first started I could only taste the stronger flavors like coffe,clove or the frooty ones.After a while you will get your taste and the milder ones will rock.In the mean time just hang in there and try different flavors and vendors.I found out reveiws are pretty much useless to me.I have bought a lot of liquid based on them and was dissapointed every time.If you ever come across a reveiwer that isn't planning on making whatever they reveiwing his or her everyday vape let me know.You get a better idea by asking people in the forums what they vape and for how long they have used it.

Edited by mcquinn
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Welcome to VT, Sonya!!

A huge congrats for switching over to vaping from smoking and for quitting smokes as well! Very inspiring & warming to hear successful stories like yours.

I'm not sure about the leaking problem. If you're using cartos or carts, the filler stuff might have died. (they're like a paper towel, you can wring them out and re-use them just so many times). Getting new ones is a good idea.

Some of my favorite juice vendors are:

AveJuice's Bounty Hunter, Gorilla Juice and Hype. Hype is pg and the other 2 are vg.

BackWoodsBrew's Ry4, cappuchino, and Casablanca

PinkSpotVapors's Cowboy, Tahiti Breeze, Black Mamba, .... their entire list of flavors. (strong and sweet).

VaporTalk's Dulcis

MsTsBakery's snickerdoodle cookie

They also have many other flavors I like a lot, but these are my faves at this time. My faves change with the months.

Sometimes our tastebuds go through dead streaks and we just need to hang in there until they come back. Trying the unflavored was/is a great idea, it cleans the palette. Salt is another palette cleaner for some odd reason... (eating, not vaping). I'm sure there are other tricks, and others will soon stop by and help.

Good luck to you and I hope your tastebuds awaken again soon.

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Thanks everyone. I need the encouragement. I haven't told the family yet. I'm surprising them on Turkey Day. I hope they'll be as supportive as you folks. I've quit before, and their response was " Great! (long pause) Next topic." They have no idea how hard it is. Re juice: I've tried about 6 so far, the salt is a great idea. I've noticed that juice seems to taste better with coffee than with red wine:) Maybe I'll switch to white. Re the tanks, bought 16! by mistake. I hope I didn't get duds. I guess I have enough to try a few more, but the first was a big dissappointment. Bit my nails waiting for them. I was hoping to find something that held more juice and has less throat burn and more TH. This stuff is hard work, but when I do get a good vape, it beats an analog all to hell. Analogs taste like ash trays now, which is a good thing. I guess an eGo or a mod might be my next step, but I still having gotten past the vaping in public stares yet. Oh, for a better world (with vaping).

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  • 2 months later...

Well, it's been three months since I started vaping. I must say that it is sure complicated. However, I have learned some tips and tricks from folks and came up with a few of my own:

1. This may be obvious, but it wasn't to me. Shake your juice! No kidding, it does taste awful otherwise.

2. Make absolutely sure that your 510 or ego is really all the way in. What a way to waste your favorite juice.

3. Buy replacement caps for your ego t cartridges. The holes in the caps will eventually get too big and leak.

4. There is such a thing as e - juice induced crapping. Must find reliable VG supplier.

5. If you take the two plastic pieces out of the ego t cartridges, you get more vapor.

6. Variable voltage batteries are the best thing since the discovery of coffee.

Now, if anyone can help me find a VG supplier, it would be great. I love Mrs. T's but her stuff is a blend. I'm not quiting her, but I can't vape her all of the time. And ordering from China (HEALTHCABIN) has its rewards (lots of variatey), I have to be home to sign for deliveries. So, I'm looking for a US vendor with a big selection of VG. Any suggestions?

P.S. My choice PV is the EGO T and 501 T. I ordered some new clearomizer which I love because they deliver a cross between a tank and a cartomizer- richer flavor. Favorite juice comes from Mrs. T's and Awesome Vapor. With AV, you have to have an extra, bigger bottle to shake the juice because their bottles are filled to the max. Or, take the tip off and screw the cap back on. That give the juice a bit of room for shaking.

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i just recently found out the problem when i start not tasting the eliquid after a while, some eliquid gunk up the atomizer pretty fast, but washing it out and dry burning it gets rid of it and it goes back to the original taste (just dont dry burn it for so long u ruin ur atomizer)

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