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umm its weird i followed all the directions and i also got it from pure smoke

butt yeah i dont know if the problem is the Atty or the Batt or the cart

honestly i am really confused aha


Need a little more info to help out. What kind of e-cog did you get?


It looks like they have a 90 day warranty. I would contact the seller for help or return the product for a refund. If you return the product for a refund, I suggest you look at the Joye eGo or the 510 standard model. There is also a personal charging case available for the 510 standard model. The eGo battery is a larger battery and will last you most of the day. The eGo is compatible with the 510 atomizers and cartomizers.


You usually hasta charge the batteries,the cart that usually is on the atty usually doesn't have any filler in it ,so no liquid.Most kits have two batteries and two atties or five carto's .Very unlikely all that is DOA.Some of the cheaper atties and carto's don't have very good threads and you have to screw the atty/carto on and off a few times to clean the threads off and allow it to screw together far enough to make contact.Hope something there helps.

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