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Smokelessimage Volt


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HI All,

I just wanted to give a short little review or should I say recommendation for the Volt.. I starting vaping about 7 months ago and so happy it finally helped me kick that nasty smoking addiction.. YUCK!! 001_tongue.gif I started with the bloog maxxfusion witch i absolutely love then someone on this forum told me about the smokelessimage volt.. I checked it out and it looked just like the bloog but cheaper so i ordered it and I must say it is the exact same thing as the bloog but cheaper so I have been using it for about 3 months now and i am now a faithful user..lol.laugh.gif.. I highly recommend checking them out.. If you do here's a 10% discount code.. MYVOLT19


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Glad you're happy with the Volt! It has become an extremely popular eCig and it's good to hear they deserve their popularity votes still. I just won a Premium Kit and can't wait for it to get here so I can experience it firsthand too. I've wanted one for a long time and this worked out beautifully for me. I have a Purple/purple and a Green/green coming in the new Sealed Auto. One will be a shorty so I can hold it in my lips while playing xBox or Bingo. I still need confirmation, but that's what I said I'd like when they asked, so we'll see what they send. Thanks for posting about yours, it gave me a chance to whoop about mine lol. Really, though, I'm happy you've found a good one for you. Thanks for sharing!

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I got a few different battery colors from them but my newest one is black stick with a purple LED light it is also an auto sealed no drip battery and I love it so much.. I love the fact that I can refill my cartridge without having to worry about it leaking into my battery

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