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Just got my Kazoo today and Im really enjoying it. I have noticed that after one draw from the 5v box, my 510 atty is hot hot. i mean really hot. Id imagine that its normal because of how many volts the device is but is that bad for the atomizers? I mean would it getting that hot maybe shorten the life span or something like that? I usually take many drags then put my ego down but with this I have to take one drag and put it down for a minute before taking another one. I only been vaping for about a month so I still have things to learn. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


Its just a regular Joye 510 atty. Regular attys are around 2.5 ohms arent they? Its not a low res atty tho. Im thinking about getting some Boge 510, 3 ohm cartos for it. They said as long as its not a low resistance atomizer on it that it should be ok. It just gets hot after one draw. But my draws are like 10 seconds long. That could have a lot to do with it I think. Idk


yes it does, 2.5ohm is one of the reasons, long drags will heat them up too, try a 3.0 atty see if that helps a little, but when i used attys they always got hot on me.


I dont know too much about whats inside the atomizer but would that be like bad on the coils and stuff if it gets too hot? I dont vape it if its hot. I have the habit of touching the side of the atty on my upper lip to check how hot it is. If its warm I will sit it down and take another drag when its cool.


As long as you're letting it cool between draws (like you are), then you should be fine. But the higher resistance will let you draw longer and more often and not burn the flavor.


Wonder if they make a higher ohm mega atty for my Joye Ego? I know of 3 ohm cartomizers by Boge that I wanna try out but I love my atty/cartridge setup.


In your tanks? Like the cylinder looking map tank things? Do them things work pretty well? I was thinking about getting a tank and Boge carts for my kazoo.


yes, it uses carto's with a couple holes in them, they come in 3ml and 5ml sizes, liquidnator in pic, also have a j-tank $20-$30 WELL WORTH it, fill once a day, and your done


Which u prefer the liquidnator or j-tank? Most are prolly about the same arent they? How do you put the holes in your cartos? I researched a little on that and they said not to dremmel holes in them, to punch them but idk. Id like to get one tho. So its always getting liquid in the cartos right? Which should mean better vapor and flavor correct?


I use a tank from Big Daddy Vapors. It works well and I have not had any leaks. It also is very easy to fill. Its not my go-to every day vape, but it is nice to have 4-5ml tank full of juice at the ready.

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