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  • 3 weeks later...

You might think it doesnt work, BUT IT DOES. If EVERYONE gets involved, if EVERYONE e mails thier Senators and Congressmen, they will listen, we will be heard.

It's at the point where it doesn't matter if it works. It is at the point where it must be done. We are in the narrows. If California goes, how far behind do you think your state will be? Weeks? Months? Make you statements now. Many and often. Just, please make them.

I swear if there is one state left that does not fall to this blind big Pharma/tobacco law, then I will move there and start my own e-cig shop. But, I know that once one falls, they will topple like dominos. It's your life. Your health. It should be your choice.


Thanks for making it easy to email my Congressman! Sent him a email just now telling him how after 40 years of smoking, I was able to stop using the e-cig. I sure hope this bill does not pass.

Come on people it's easy to do and it WILL help!

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