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Hi everyone! I am still smoking and need to quit!! Going to try the e cig but am sooo overwhelmed with all of the info! Hoping you all can clear some things up for me/make recommendations?

I currently smoke aprox a pack a day of Marlboro mediums. I am without access to a charging supply for over 12 hours a day. Could someone please, please just tell me what exactly I need to buy to get started without risk of smoking again? Also, are any of the "parts" available in local stores or do I have to order it all on line? Also, if I order a starter order, how long will that last me?

I need to do this all ASAP before smoking kills me! I know the best option would be to quit completely but I live a very high stress life and just can't seem to do it. I have tried patches, meds, gum....nothing works so far

Thank you!


Welcome, I would recommend you start out with an Ego, it has a battery life longer than most stick styles. If you order a starter kit, you will get two batteries, when they are fully charged should get you through your day. You also need some juice and possibly some cartomizers, they can be used when you are out and about or some of us use them all the time instead of an atomizer.

I don't know if there are any stores in your area that you can shop in, maybe someone who lives in your area can tell you that. As far as how long your kit will last, the batteries should last you a good while, you have to replace atomizers and/or cartomizers and obviously juice.

There is a list of vendors on the forum and also a fabulous newbie section that should help you a lot too. I hope this helps a little bit :)


Also look for the 1000mah or higher for at least one of your batteries- it'll last longer through charges. Good luck and get ready to quit smoking the fun way~


Thank you! If I get the starter kit, any guess how long it lasts before I have to order anything else?

I did read all the noobie info. It was informative for sure but got overwhelming as this is all so new to me


Ok, I,m in no way an expert but here is what I believe you will get:

1. You get 2 eGo Batteries in most starter kits and that should last you more than a year.

2. If you get the standard eGo you get atomizers they usually last 4 to 6 weeks (you get 2 of these also).

3. Most people do not like the prefilled cartridges so it is best to get some cartomizers or just direct tip into the attys.

4. E-Liquid (this is were it gets tricky) This all depends on how much you vape, on average most people use 1 to 3 ML of juice a day.

So get plenty of juice some extra attys or cartos and a drip tip and you should be set.


Youtube is a great source for info. It makes more sense when you can SEE someone use, take apart, and refill different types of ecigs. Good luck! I love mine! Ive got a "tank" style now, which is an upgrade from the stik type I started with. There are lots of different styles out there from lots of different companies, so I know it seems overwhelming, but dont give up. You will eventually find the style, flavor, vender(s) for you. Its just a matter of trial and error. I know where I live there are no places I can pick up supplies when i need them. Everything I have I've had to order online, but most companies have really great customer service and are happy to answer your questions. The forums are a great place to start. Just keep researching and pick everyones brain. Hope this helps. Keep calm and vape on :thumbup:


No juice is gonna taste like burning tobacco and paper! Your best bet is to find a supplier that offers sample packs and try a variety of flavors till you find some you like. As I've said many times this is the hard part! lol

I am sure someone will chime in with some flavors to try, me personally like menthol juices :cheers:


Hi Sickofsick,

First off, where in PA do you live? I live in Shrewsbury, PA (South Central PA, right off of I-83, 5 miles north of the Maryland state line). There are several vendors in the State of PA and a couple of shops.

My experience with buying supplies from Vapor Talk Store have been excellent and in most cases I have received my order within 3 days from the time of ordering. Also, GoodProphets.com is located in PA and first class mail usually arrives to me in 2 -3 days. And Sweet-Vapes.com has very quick shipping and excellent customer service.

If you go with the eGo Starter Kit I suggest getting the eGo-T which is a 1000 mah battery and should last you 9 - 12 hours in between charging. With the eGo starter kits you get two batteries. One to vape while the other is charging. At Sweet-Vapes.com they have the e-Power Starter kits. http://sweet-vapes.c...rome-carto-kit/ The e-power looks similar to the eGo just a little bit bigger. The difference is that the e-Power uses a rechargeable battery. The kit comes with two batteries and a charger. You can buy spare rechargeable batteries for $5 - $7 dollars to carry with you depending on the amount of time you will be away from a charging source.

Now the hard part, e-liquid. You are not going to find a juice that taste like an analog. But with some time and buying sample size e-liquids, you will find lots of e-liquids that you will enjoy much more than analogs. Vapor Talks Tobacco (Exotic Tobacco) is very good and sweet-vapes' Spanish Gold is a good tobacco e-liquid.

For ease of use, I am going to suggest that you use a cartomizer at first. There are several methods you can use to heat the juice into vapor. Cartomizers are easy to fill and top up.

I hope this information is helpful. Be sure to check for coupon codes which will give you a discount off of your purchase from different vendors. http://www.vaportalk...g-coupon-codes/ Some of the codes maybe out dated or there maybe more recent codes that are not on the list. Check the vendors section on this forum for more recent codes.

If you live close to York, PA there is a monthly vape meet, White Rose Vaper's Club, that meets at Cobblestone's Restaurant, in York. Check out the meet-up section on the forum or the facebook page: www.facebook.com/WhiteRoseVapersClub


I agree the juice part is really the most difficult to figure out. You never know what you are going to like and other people's opinions and likes of juice may not be your own. If you find a place that has sampler sizes, you can try some out and see if you like it. A lot of people like Boba's Bounty, it is a tobacco juice. You might be surprised to find that you like fruit flavors or coffee flavors or sweet ones in addition to the tobacco ones.


The Joye Ego Tank has helped me & usually lasts most, if not all day. One suggestion would be purchasing 3 Joye Ego Tank batteries (maybe the 1000mah) - one for home & two for the office ~ I imagine would be okay with rotating them. It will all work out.

I smoked a pack a day of Marlboro 72's. Good luck! It will all be fine -- you'll see.


I've found a juice I like, but it tastes nothing like the tobacco I smoked at sweet-vapes (chai tea). Myvaporstore.com Kamol flavor in 24mg's is what I started with when switching. It's a little strong, but the strength helped to curb the cigarette craving. I also used the VT store Java Choco 24mg at the same time to switch the flavor up. Believe it or not, sometimes you get sick of vaping the same thing & your taste buds change -- as well as depending on what you're eating or drinking (e.g. wine & java doesn't taste very good together). Currently I am vaping 18mgs.

Learning as I go too


Another vote for juice being the most difficult. Only thing I would add is the cartomizer (delivery device) should be kept small volume IMHO. Nothing like filling a 3.0ml juice carto with something you don't like? Get some 510 Boge 2.0 and you can toss them (or rinse them out) after trying your juice.

Nice carts here for trying juices as well.


Good luck and great people here to assist in your journey.


I forgot to ask this before friend of a friend had the blu? yes i think its called the blu. they said it was ok but the battery life was not that good. Any info on that brand?

What is the difference between juice and a cart?


I for one would not recommend either inquiries. Your Ego (purchased here or otherwise) will totally out perform what your looking at. Your looking at anywhere between 150mah to possibly 380mah as compared to either a 650, 900, 1000mah Ego. You may tire quickly in charging batteries every two hours vs once per day.

Cartridge holds the juice. Prefilled cartridge just means someone placed their own juice into the cart vs you filling a blank one. I find no advantage in buying pre-filled carts, especially when starting out. If you end up not liking the juice.....your off in a hurry to buy some blanks and juice anyway.


Cartridges are hard to deal with. You can direct drip or use a cartomizer, but with a cartridge you have to use a filler and it is way more filling up and messing with. In my opinion, I would stay away from the blu for sure.


Because I was looking for a 'direct replacement' of a cigarette, I opted for Modern Vapor's Sidesho on my first go-round; this is much like the 'Blu' and other small form ecigs. I suffered through about 6 months of that and started smoking cigarettes again.

I picked the Sidesho back up a few months later and tried my best, but it just wasn't working. Then came my savior- the eGo Tank with passthru. SO simple in comparison to my previous rig; the eGo is, quite literally, plug and play.

With the small form ecigs, you have to diddle with equipment constantly- seeking plugs and USB ports, carrying multiple batteries. I won't even go into the carts and the foam mods and the blah blah.

My eGo 1000mAh passthru lasts me through the day. I plug it in when I'm in the car or on the PC, and unplug it when I'm on the go- it hasn't died on me once. The type B tanks last all day- no fumbling with little leaky jars of nicquid.

Making the decision to quit smoking is hard enough; take it easy on yourself by choosing a simple setup to get you going.

I would recommend the eGo 1000mAh passthru with the type B atomizer and tank system. I prefer buying piecemeal as opposed to starter kits; if your budget will afford it, I would recommend an extra atomizer (I also splurged for an extra passthru- it's still in the box as a spare). FWIW, I chose the Low-Resistance atomizers, and I've gotten about 6 weeks average out of each them, but believe that will improve with a better cleaning technique I'm utilizing.

4 months strong and I'm not looking back this time.

Hope that helps!

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