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Hey guys! This is actually the first forum for ecigs that I have found... so you are blessed with all my various questions! haha

okay I am looking for something with its own box. I really liked the Blu box since it charged and looked like a regular box, but I have been hearing or reading bad reviews of the Blu e-cig. So Im not to excited about buying from them.

Second, I know this community here likes (or seems to) adding their own juice instead of buying the cartridges with the juice already in it. Granted I have never done either (Cartridge or juice) it seems to me that the Juice would be a hassle.. do I need to carry a bottle of juice with me all the time? Can I fill say 5 Carts and carry them around? Is it messy to fill your own carts?

I would also prefer an e-cig that is roughly the same size as an Analog. Color.. I've actually been drawn to the Black ones rather than the ones that look like a Analog. But SIZE would be important to me. I smoked shorts so roughly that size would be great.

The amount of vape and the TH would also be important.. but im sure that is true with everyone so i won't even go there.

sooo all this summed up.. I would want a e-cig that is the size of a short Analog. Preferably Black. and a little info on the juice, ie messy. and a Portable box/Charging box would also be nice. I would prefer it to resemble an analog box as well.

Thanks in advance! This seems like a great community! (I've been lurking xD)

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Hey guys! This is actually the first forum for ecigs that I have found... so you are blessed with all my various questions! haha

okay I am looking for something with its own box. I really liked the Blu box since it charged and looked like a regular box, but I have been hearing or reading bad reviews of the Blu e-cig. So Im not to excited about buying from them.

Second, I know this community here likes (or seems to) adding their own juice instead of buying the cartridges with the juice already in it. Granted I have never done either (Cartridge or juice) it seems to me that the Juice would be a hassle.. do I need to carry a bottle of juice with me all the time? Can I fill say 5 Carts and carry them around? Is it messy to fill your own carts?

I would also prefer an e-cig that is roughly the same size as an Analog. Color.. I've actually been drawn to the Black ones rather than the ones that look like a Analog. But SIZE would be important to me. I smoked shorts so roughly that size would be great.

The amount of vape and the TH would also be important.. but im sure that is true with everyone so i won't even go there.

sooo all this summed up.. I would want a e-cig that is the size of a short Analog. Preferably Black. and a little info on the juice, ie messy. and a Portable box/Charging box would also be nice. I would prefer it to resemble an analog box as well.

Thanks in advance! This seems like a great community! (I've been lurking xD)


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Welcome to VT. Since you are looking for a small pv, I would suggest a volt from smokelessimage. A lot of us use the Ego, but it is a little bigger than an analog, the battery last longer. The volt has a PCC you can buy to charge it on the go and they sell blank cartos or prefilled ones. The prefilled ones never taste as good as when you fill your own and it is not a hassle at all to do that. There is a newbie section on the forum that will show you how to do that, watch some videos.

The juice is not messy and should not leak out of the carto. After filled, you do have to top off every hour or so depending on how much you vape. You could prefill a few, but a small case that fits your PCC and a bottle of juice is really all you need for out and about.

There is also a 510 that is small but the battery life is not as good. Most people get about 1 to 2 hours on it, so you need to have several batteries. I get about 4 to 5 hours on the volt when I use it, so you still need more than one battery, you charge one while you vape the other.

Hope this helps a little. :)

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Welcome to VT!!

I recommend the eGo with it's 6-8 hrs between charges. You can purchase prefilled cartos from a lot of places, like LiquidXpress, and also buy juice to top them off. This way you always have some prefilled ready to go and don't have to worry about the newbiie style of overfilling....

The eGo PT (passthrough) is the one I like the most. You can vape while it's charging and as long as it's charged up you can unplug and take and vape.

The Volt is another one I recommend for those who want a smaller pv. It's thin, but packs a lot of vapor. It gives you 2-4 hrs between charges and you can buy a portable charging case with it. These are great for a night out on the town, or if you get the smaller one you can even dangle it (the automatic) from your lips as you play the xbox or musical instrument. You do need a lot more batteries though, in order to get you through a day if it's your one and only. It too comes with prefilled carto's, that you can top off. Just be sure to take the carto off the battery before topping off.

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WOW thanks for all the great replies! I think I am going to go with the 510. Prolly sometime this coming week ill place an order.

One final two part question. After I get rolling on this, and want to upgrade my PV, it looks like I would be able to buy just the PV, maybe an extra battery, without getting the whole startup kit. Correct?

and second, are the USB chargers universal? ie: would my 510 usb/wall charger be compatible with say a Volt.. or one of the Tank type PVs? Obviously I might run into issues with a PCC but other than that?

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If you get something with the same threading (like the 510), then most of the parts are interchangeable. As for the charger, it depends on what charger comes with your kit. Some 510 kits come with a charger that the eGo will not fit on. Also, something like the eGo comes with a high powered charged that will charge the eGo batteries faster. The eGo charger cannot be used on the small 510 batteries (it can fry them).

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