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Refilling Crown Lion E-Cigs?


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Hi all,

Yesterday I bought a Crown Lion e-cig starter kit for $40. I already love it and I have lost all desire to smoke analog cigs. The only problem is the cartridges seem to go really quickly, I'd say each cartridge is maybe equal to 3 cigarettes, and they aren't cheap ($15 for a 5-pack).

From what I've read on this site it seems like some e-cig cartridges can be refilled with special e-liquid. Does anyone know if Crown Lion brand cartridges can be refilled? If yes, how? The cartridges have a little piece of tin foil inside which appears flat when they are new. The used cartridges have a deep indent in the foil from the atomizer but the foil does not appear to be pierced.

Before you say "just get an eGo" - I'm planning on doing so eventually, but for now I'd really like to get my money's worth from the Crown Lion kit I have.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Did a little more poking around:

Using a paperclip, I pushed out the contents of the cartridge. Inside the cartridge is a smaller, clear plastic cartridge with a cotton-like material behind the pierced tin foil. The clear cartridge is sort of D-shaped to allow a channel for vapor to flow past. I'm assuming I could drip e-liquid onto the cotton material inside the inner cartridge. Anyone know if that would work? If not, why?

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I wouldn't recommend it, I would check the website where you bought them and find out if they are refillable. I do not believe they are and you might damage the unit or even harm yourself.

Edited by Viper Ron
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If it has an accessible cartridge then by all means get some juice to put in there.

All you have to do is drip the juice on the filler and let it soak in.

be very cautious not to overfill because these look like autos and if you get

juice in them it will kill the batt.

An alternative would be just to remove the cartridge and drip a drop or 3 directly

on the atomizer,again being very careful not to over do it so you don't get any

juice in the battery.

check out the tutorials section for direct dripping video instruction :)


Edited by joe2003
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Thanks for the insight! I've checked everything on the manufacturer's website, there's nothing about refilling (probably because they want you to buy more of their expensive cartridges). I didn't buy it online though, I bought it at a local tobacco shop - it was the only e-cig I could find in a retail store around here (not counting the $100 pieces of junk they sell at kiosks in the mall).

I'm definitely going to order up some juice and try (very carefully) to refill the cartridges. Worst case scenario, I fry my $40 e-cig and am forced to buy a better one online. However, I work with electronics for a living so I'm confident I can do a refill without overfilling / frying anything.

I will post whether or not the refill works, if it does, I'll make a video so others can benefit :)

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All that for four drops?A dripper drips three drops every six or seven drags.If you do electronic stuff go to Mad Vapes and some parts and build a box mod for less than $10.00 and another $20.00 for a charger some batteries.You will not regret it.

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