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Posted (edited)

Here's the box put together.




The RCA jack.


And the Battery and Atty. At least dead battery's are good for something... lol.


Sorry you cant see inside the box better my camera sucks and I don't have good lighting in my shop.

Edited by MunkusBFunky
  • 3 weeks later...

Ok so I have been working on the look of this thing and it is still uglier than sin but I love it. I recessed the RCA connection and the LED, it is much smaller than my original

This one shows all the atomizers I can connect to it.


And this one shows the size compared to M401 battery and atomizer, one of the smallest E-Cigs out there. Against my mod with a DSE801 plugged into it, one of the largest E-Cigs out there.


And I know that the VP2 uses the same batteries that I do, so you guys should be very pleased with your purchase. This thing is a vapor monster! :punk:


You just get a battery connector off of a battery or order them at Altsmoke.com. Then take your RCA plug and widen the hole with progressively bigger drill bits till the batt connector will press fit inside. I haven't used glue or epoxy on any of these. Once you have the right size hole just solder a wire from the plug end to the center of your battery connection. <--- that part is a little tedious, but worth it for the versatility, in my opinion.

I can honestly say that if I had not found out about E-Cigs, I wouldn't know how to solder or know as much about batteries that I do today! :lol:

  • 3 weeks later...

Well here is Version 3.0, two batteries wired in parallel. On weekdays I have had this thing last me for 2 days strait, on weekends I vape a bit more, but I still get about a full day and night out of the batteries.

Size comparison


Still ugly... but functional


If anyone is interested I could do write up on how to build these, it is open source and you can find the material elsewhere, but I wouldn't mind.


Yer Freakin Amazin Munk!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I had tried to build that it it wouldn't be as(shall we say)uuuuummm tidy!Let alone actually WORK!!!!! Roflmao You should be very pleased with yourself :thumbsup:


Posted (edited)

Yeah a box mod is nice thing to have especially with a 510 and the crappy battery life they have. I just looked at the last version there and I almost made the same thing with a box from Radio Shack. Good work.

Edited by Snarkyone

It's not too hard Sinikal, one of the most expensive thing will be your soldering iron and I would suggest getting some 'helping hands' don't know if that's what they are really called, it's essentially a couple of alligator clips on a weighted stand.

Fortunately I work at a electrical assembly place so I haven't had to buy any tools yet, that is proly why I went into modding rather than pick up a pre-built like the VP1/2.

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