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That is a really great idea. I talked to my doctor about them a month or so back and he had nothing but good to say. I will have to hit him up for a letter next time I go in. I do not go to the doctors that often though, maybe I will have to make up an excuse. It would be very powerful if there where hundreds of letters from doctors praising electronic cigarettes floating around the internet.


Although I'm not in California, I do see how this could easily affect the entire country. I would like to know how many Republicans were in favor of the ban VERSUS how many were Against the Ban? I figure the GOV would simply vote with his party. Since republicans are not in favor of Big Government, I would hope they could be supporters of E-Cigs???


Good point, but the problem is that there are so many bills are passed it's hard for the governor to keep up. What some people fail to realize is that if he doesn't look at the bill, or doesn't know about the bill then it will go into law, automatically. He doesn't actually have to sign it into law!

That's why it's important we drive to raise awareness. Although we're going to really have to step it up and send a crap ton of emails. AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN.


I've sent one, making it clear that I'm a European citizen and that it would be a societal injustice if they were to ban e-cigs; as it condemns to death those that cannot stop imbibing Nicotine. I hope other voices from across the globe will help add a bit of weight and support to this issue because it should send out a positive message that people (world-wide) really do care about this "life saver". :)

I wrote to the Presidential Office back in June too, but it was simply ignored :thumbsdown:

As you say Chris, we've just got to keep plugging away, again, again and again.

Looking on the bright side; if the safety trials in the far east should yield positive results... I wonder what excuses there'll be for a ban then??? :jump:


I'm sure those tests would not be good enough for the FDA. They are going to want the tests done here in the states. I'm sure they will use whatever excuse needed to prolong the ban.



I'm brand new to this forum and I want to apologize if this question has been posted somewhere already. My boyfriend and I have both been smoking ecigs now for about 5 months..I am still at a pretty high level of nicotine, but my boyfriend has gotten himself down to zero. My question regarding this ban is that it says they want to ban any device that vaporizes nicotine...what about those of us who are not vaping nicotine at all? Just the flavored PG/VG?



I'm brand new to this forum and I want to apologize if this question has been posted somewhere already. My boyfriend and I have both been smoking ecigs now for about 5 months..I am still at a pretty high level of nicotine, but my boyfriend has gotten himself down to zero. My question regarding this ban is that it says they want to ban any device that vaporizes nicotine...what about those of us who are not vaping nicotine at all? Just the flavored PG/VG?

First of all let me welcome you to the forum!

Now about the ban, unfortunately it does not matter whether or not you are using zero nic liquid or not. The SB400 bill will make any electronic cigarettes or vaporizers illegal. Can you stil use your vaporizer in California? Sure why you still have it. However the sales of Electronic Cigarettes will be banned period. You also have to remember once this bill is passed they will amend the loop holes very quickly. That's our main concern, although the bill does not directly speak of liquid, you can bet your *** it will in the very near future. Hence the reason it's so important we try to stop this bill. If this bill goes Country wide, and it will in some form, suppliers will start dropping like flies. Ecigs as you know them, will be gone.


I'm sure those tests would not be good enough for the FDA. They are going to want the tests done here in the states. I'm sure they will use whatever excuse needed to prolong the ban.

I understand that fully Chris... and I share the sentiment completely; having worked with the FDA and the MHRA in the past. It's ironic though, isn't it, considering the test protocols they used for justifying their ban on imports of these products was based on very poorly written and fundamentally flawed protocols. They who live in glass houses, and all that! lol! :D To quote ECA chairman Matt Salmon's letter to Congress...

"The FDA failed to present standard protocols for proper study design with regards to the testing of the referenced control devices.

The chemical content of similar nicotine-containing, FDA-approved products was not completely described with respect to the presence of tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) and other tobacco-associated impurities that have also been found in nicotine replacement therapy devices at similar, if not higher, levels.

In the lots tested by the FDA, none of the chemicals of concern in the study were able to be quantifiably measured in the liquid of the device’s cartridges.

Data presented in the report does not adequately support the opinion that users of the products would actually be exposed to TSNA’s and tobacco-specific impurities in the vapor phase during normal use and if exposed, that those levels would be a health concern as compared to other FDA-approved products"

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Make of that what you will!!! ;)


First of all let me welcome you to the forum!

Now about the ban, unfortunately it does not matter whether or not you are using zero nic liquid or not. The SB400 bill will make any electronic cigarettes or vaporizers illegal. Can you stil use your vaporizer in California? Sure why you still have it. However the sales of Electronic Cigarettes will be banned period. You also have to remember once this bill is passed they will amend the loop holes very quickly. That's our main concern, although the bill does not directly speak of liquid, you can bet your *** it will in the very near future. Hence the reason it's so important we try to stop this bill. If this bill goes Country wide, and it will in some form, suppliers will start dropping like flies. Ecigs as you know them, will be gone.

Thank you for your response. I have lived in Cali before, and will actually be moving back in about a month, although I do realize that this is only the first stepping stone to a cross country wild fire of bans. I just don't get living in a country that boasts about our freedoms of choice/rights and yet we are consistently road blocked!

Are they going to start checking everyone's mail if that is how you supply yourself? This is crazy talk man...I have gotten so many of my friends to buy these, including my father...and they're working! All I know is that I feel better, my nasty (smoking for over a decade) smokers cough is GONE and my mother will hug me now because I don't wreak of cigarette smoke.

Sorry..totally off subject...just so irritated.


Yup I'm right there with you, it doesn't make much sense to us either

There is one reason that I do understand this e-cig ban passing in the CA legislature and it is very cynical: California legislators are so addicted to cigarette taxes, especially given the State's current financial mess, that they actually WANT us to go back to smoking cigarettes so they can finance their own pet projects with those taxes.

It's the reason that I am afraid that Schwarzenegger might drink the koolaid, too. I hope that I am wrong!


By the way, I found out why Schwarzenegger hasn't signed or vetoed SB400 yet. It was on the news this morning -- Schwarzenegger is threatening a mass veto of ALL legislation passed by the legislature if the legislature doesn't agree to upgrade California's water system.

Let's hope that he goes through with it!



I have to say that this political system we have just boggles my mind. A mass veto? Let's see...if you don't do what I want...I'll prevent anything that you've been working on to be thrown out. Just doesn't make sense, though in this particular case, I'm hoping that's what happens.



I have to say that this political system we have just boggles my mind. A mass veto? Let's see...if you don't do what I want...I'll prevent anything that you've been working on to be thrown out. Just doesn't make sense, though in this particular case, I'm hoping that's what happens.

I understand your point, etara, but the legislature passes something like 700 new bills a year here. Please tell me we need 700 new laws in California? It's ridiculous what they try and regulate here -- and it's killing the State.<p>If it were up to me, I'd say to legislators, "You get 20 new bills a year, period. Think very carefully what new legislation the State needs, because that's it -- no more, not signing more than 20!"

Posted (edited)

Youre right Kmel, and thats whats wrong with the system. Out of 700 bills, only about 14 are REALLY benefitting the people. The rest just benefit lobbyists and special interest groups. " We the People " has turned into " We with the most Money ". We are being represented by people OF money who worry only about securing it, and IF a little can trickle down to the masses, then o.k. , but ONLY if they benefit. We are being run by mostly lawyers, and why that has become a qualification for public office has always puzzled me. The ones that are LEAST in touch with the peoples needs are making the decisions that effect peoples needs. The Governator will do whats right for HIS causes , and if some of US benefit, then he'll take the credit. Its a " Let them eat cake " mentality that drove one country to its knees, and I fear it will do the same to ours.

Edited by keenan

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