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Update: I highly suggest reading this from Right To Vape. These guys specialize in grass root activism on behalf of the consumer. Right To Vape - California Ban

In Support -

CMA, California Tobacco Control Alliance and Breathe California are in support of this bill.

The vote was SOOOO close! It's amazing 14 no 16 Aye.

This is totally doable! Totally doable! If the vote wasn't even close, the Governor might not give it a second thought... however, there is definitely a chance here to push this one out of a ban.

Watch The Video

Start video at 00:20:05 for Senator Corbett presenting the e-cig bill(vote passing SB 400 is at 01:31:50).


Here is the complete list of changes and updated information in regards to the SB400 Bill.


Basically California's Governor, Arnold Schwarzeneger, has until October 11th to veto or sign the bill into law. If he does sign the bill into law, then beginning January 1, 2010, there will be a ban on all sales of ecigs/pvs (anything that vaporizes nicotine and is not limited to ecigs) in the state of California.

Here is a video of the bill being passed: http://www.calchannel.com/channel/viewVideo/701 (begin video at 38:55)

As Lacy had stated on her forum, It is apparent from the reading of the bill, by the Senator who read it, he had never even seen what he had "written" before, as he stumbled through most of it... which concerns me again because legislators are simply passing bills against the ecig without any knowledge and it almost looks like anti-vaping/smoking groups are literally handing them pages of legislation and saying "Here, pass this for us".

Please if Vapor Talk has ever needed your help, it's now. Any suggestions and help is greatly needed! Let's keep this thread as on topic as possible. Links to anything that may Veto this bill is greatly appreciated it. I'm working my butt of right now to see what we can do. I'll edit this first post with any updated information. Many states often follow California's suite, so if this passes in California, expect it to visit your state soon.

Please contact who you can, remember big or small anything helps!

Use this link to find out how to contact your local Representative: https://writerep.house.gov/writerep/welcome.shtml


Here are all the numbers for Cali's Governor's Office:


Governor's Office:

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

State Capitol Building

Sacramento, CA 95814

Phone: 916-445-2841

Fax: 916-558-3160 ( new number )

District Offices:

Fresno Office

2550 Mariposa Mall #3013

Fresno, CA 93721

Phone: 559-477-1804

Fax: 559-445-5328

Los Angeles Office

300 South Spring Street

Suite 16701

Los Angeles, CA 90013

Phone: 213-897-0322

Fax: 213-897-0319

Riverside Office

3737 Main Street #201

Riverside, CA 92501

Phone: 951-680-6860

Fax: 951-680-6863

San Diego Office

1350 Front Street

Suite 6054

San Diego, CA 92101

Phone: 619-525-4641

Fax: 619-525-4640

San Francisco Office

455 Golden Gate Avenue

Suite 14000

San Francisco, CA 94102

Phone: 415-703-2218

Fax: 415-703-2803

Washington D.C. Office

134 Hall of the States

444 North Capitol Street NW

Washington D.C. 20001

Phone: 202-624-5270

Fax: 202-624-5280

I STRONGLY suggest that if you are serious about not letting the California bill become law... you DO something about it. As the Governor has UNTIL October 10th to veto this legislation... then getting information to him immediately is of the utmost importance.

Anyone live in San Diego and belong to the 52nd District? YOU NEED TO CONTACT YOUR CONGRESSMAN! He is a vaper who might be able to get you in to see the Governor... You never know.

If you write your letters and you want links to certain studies... then let me know. The first study that I would most certainly include is the Exponent Response to the FDA's study. http://e-cig.org/pdfs/Response-to-the-FDA-Summary.pdf


Damn them..........taking away all that is good and holy in the world. :argue: ..........OK maybe not. TIME TO STOCK PILE !!!!!

Posted (edited)

Crap!!!! Stockpiling. I will email later. I saw a petition floating around as well in regards to the FDA chucklheads. I'm in NJ by the way but have no doubt they will move this along.

Edited by FTJoe

I'm in Washington, but would be willing to make some calls to California voters to contact their legislators about this issue. If somebody from cali can get us a phone list (people in districts with reps facing re-election would be ideal) I'm sure there are a few others who would be willing to get involved. I'll definitely be contacting people here to try heading things off at the pass.

Posted (edited)

Here is some ammo for anyone unaware of this study.

Thanks to Wikpedia

Possible air germicide

Studies conducted in 1942 by Dr. Oswald Hope Robertson of University of Chicago's Billings Hospital showed vaporized propylene glycol inhalation in laboratory mice may prevent pneumonia, influenza, and other respiratory diseases. Additional studies in monkeys and other animals were undertaken to determine longterm effects, especially the potential for accumulation in the lungs. After a few months of treatment, no ill effects were discovered.[17]

Medicine: Air Germicide

Anyone aware of any legit on-line petitions?

Edited by Compenstine

I left a message for my aunt that lives in California on her face book... it's not much but the best I could think of.


Hello, I could not find the intro thread so I am going to do a quick one right here. My name is Terry Brazil, I own a few electronic cigarette sites. I have been using electronic cigarettes for going on 4 months now. I believe that they are one of the greatest inventions to come out in one hell of a long time and I basically spend my days teaching people about them both locally and on the internet.

But none of that has to do with why I dropped by to post on the forum.

What I really wanted to do was discuss ways that we could possibly change what is happening in California.

I have not read the whole post that I just seen was up on righttovape.com. However this is what I have been thinking we could do if we all got together and fought this. After all we are supposed to have the right of choice. How long where tobacco cigarettes being sold and they where never approved by the FDA. Hell energy drinks still have not been approved and they continue to fly off the shelves on a daily basis. We all know that this comes down to one thing and that is money.

Now I know big pharm and big tobacco have a lot of money and I am sure that you would agree that they are behind all of this, not to mention the government itself. However I still have faith that at least 51% of our politicians are not corrupt. What I really think we need to do is make some noise. We need to stir things up, grab some attention and educate these people because when it comes down to it they are holding all the cards (our cards).

Now I can think of a few ways that we can do this and by all means share any ideas that you have.

1st Idea

I know a lot of us site owners and other various e-cig fanatics post videos. We should all post a video directed to a our president, a congressman, a politician or even the world and let them know what is going on. Tell them to check out the FDA's findings if you can. They speak for themselves. If you compare the e-cig report to pretty much any cigarette report or common knowledge about cigarettes the difference is night and day and common sense tells you that e-cigs are the healthier alternative.

You could even try to make a video that is viral. People even play stupid little games with videos.

For instance go and make a list of politicians or congressmen. Then pick 5 people that post e-cig reviews or other ecig videos. Then pick a politician / congressman and make a video to them. Tell them what you would like them to know about electronic cigarettes and why they should consider not voting yes for any bill that bans them. Maybe bring up the 40,000 preventable deaths a year thing. At the end of your video name the five people that you are tagging and that they need to choose a person and do the same thing. Don't forget to send the video to each of the five people you have chosen.

Maybe even go make a rules page and ask people to post their videos on 5 or more sites, teach them about keywords, etc... so that every bodies videos will be seen more.

Essentially people are constantly searching for these sort of people especially when it comes to elections. Videos rank well on search engines and sooner than later it will be brought to their attention and the attention of that persons supporters.

2nd Idea

If we all worked together we could try to put together a complete list of email addresses for each states governor, representatives, etc... Afterward we could draft a professional but generic message loaded with facts all supported by the FDA's own findings, and in the end letting them know how many lives they would be saving, how they would be helping save the world from pollution, etc... Something that will stick in their heads and make them feel like complete crap if they voted against it. We all have family or friends that where harmed by tobacco cigarettes. We just need to play on the right emotional cords that most everybody can relate to.

Then simply make a page where people can read the message, and agree that they want to support the cause. Once they agree they fill out their name, email, pick their state from a drop down menu and let us know that it is ok to send their ip as a virtual signature. From there the script takes the message and sends it out to everybody who has a vote with the person who sent it's information.

I have some programming experience and know this can be done quite easily. However if somebody else knows how they could probably do it quicker than I could.

It is the digital age and I feel it is really out of nobodies reach to make a little noise for a good cause. At very least we all need to make our voices heard. Especially if you have time to spend on forums you should have a couple of minutes to fight for the cause.

We are supposed to have the freedom of choice the least our government can do is let us choose for ourselves. Especially since I am sure that we are all feeling that money is worth more to them than the lives and health of their citizens.

Please let me know what you think and by all means please chime in if you want to help or have a good idea on how we can get across to the people in our country who are making choices for us.


Those are all awesome ideas, I think the easiest one would be the generic letter.

Can someone here get a default letter going? I know Vacker (a member here on the forum) has an eye for grammatical errors and typos. Once the letter is complete I can create a new announcement with the email address and contact info to Arnold. From there I'll start listing off senators by state.

I could also work on a contact box built into the forums, click your state copy the letter and off it goes.

Let's get some letter posted guys! I know we can do this! Even if the letter is taken from another source let's get SOMETHING going!


Hello all!

I have an idea for gaining attention to this matter from a major news organization. I am a conservative and so I only watch Fox News so if you are liberal...suck it up cause this could work. I don't think most people (including media outlets) see electronic cigarette users as a "large" section of the population. Most (probably all) of us were cigarette, cigar, or pipe smokers and we were knowingly putting dangerous substances. We have all found a better alternative to those tobacco products (big tax dollar industry) to these (non regulated...NON TAXED!) safer alternative to either help us quit or just live longer. No one can prove that these devices are less safe than cigarettes or other tobacco products and thus they should be "perceived to be innocent until proven guilty".

The Plan:

We need to use all of our resources (Vapor Talk, Youtube, ECF) to choose a specific day in the near future and flood fox news with emails pleading for attention to this matter. This has worked before as shown by Shawn Hannity's special about the farmers in CALIFORNIA where the state and federal government are absolutely failing the farmers who do not have ample water to maintain/produce crops. We all know we are safer with electronic cigarettes and if we are forced to find an "alternative" we will be a very angry group of people.

It is time to stop asking for permission and take back our rights. These devices/liquids are not illegal and we need a bigger bark than I believe a letter to a member of government can muster. I would be willing to write an "email template" for what the letter would look like. If Fox News had thousands (or even hundreds) of emails in one day they would have to take notice!

If this would amount to an "interview" on one of Fox's shows, Chris and Sean should be on it so Sean could do his O'Reilly impression! haha!

Thoughts, comments, feedback???



One more thought...Well maybe a few more!

We need to get the suppliers involved. How many people have started a small businees because of these products???

Copied from this forum site:


The Supplier List (United States)

Vapor Talk E-Juice

Diet Smokes

True Smoker

Awesome Vapor

Electro Nic Stix

Pure Smoker

Johnson Creek Smoke Juice


Vapor Nine

Alt Smoke

Janty USA

Smoke Helios

Az Smoke Free


How many of these companies are feeding their families with the profits from providing products to us consumers? Do we as capitalists and Americans want to see these peoples livelihoods negatively impacted because the FDA "doesn't know if e-cigs are safe". If businesses go under because the FDA is an incompetent organization...shame on us all for allowing it to happen!

I received a message on Youtube yesterday from a smoker of 31 years who has had bad (and in one case, dangerous) experiences/reactions to FDA approved Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT's). She thinks she can finally kick her smoking habit for good because of the electronic cigarette. The FDA KNEW how safe the previous products/drugs this lady tried were and look where it got her...rashes and suicidal thoughts! Thanks FDA for thouroghly testing those NRT's!!! We have more than just an argument against this new "law" that must be heard.

Okay, I'm done ranting for now. I'll await further feedback.



Another great idea,

let's get these letters going. Perhaps one for the media outlets and one for the legislators. Looks like we have some great ideas so let's put them into action. If noone can come up with some default letters then I'll see what I can put togeather.

Just remember guys, you can either sit here hoping someone like Vapor Talk/ECF will make this all go away OR you can start taking action now. We really need your help on this. Anyone who has ideas for letters or letter templates and doeos not wish to post it on the forum send me a PM and I'll edit the letter if you want.


Here is a generic letter I wrote that I thought might help

Dear Sir or Madame

This letter is in response to the recent passing in California of a Bill that would ban the sale of Electronic Cigarettes, or "E-Cigs". I urge you to make every effort to ensure a similar bill does NOT get introduced here , at least not in the blind manner in which it was brought forth in California.

In these tumultuous times, your constituents, and citizens across this country, are growing weary of the needs and pleasures of the many being decided by the closed minds of a select few. In an atmosphere of heated debate over the rising costs of Health Care , when a product comes along that will GREATLY reduce those costs, it boggles the collective mind that our elected representitives will not even CONSIDER the alternative being offered to smokers that will, in effect, give those clamouring for a "Smoke Free" society exactly what they want. The passing of such a bill not only brings to a crashing halt the THOUSANDS of success stories already born of this product, it makes it impossible for those wishing to break the chains of cigarette addiction to realize thier dream. E- Cigs were not introduced, nor are they advertised as a quit smoking device,thats just the accidental by-product that was stumbled upon. We in the E-Cig community say this - Research, Yes. Prohibit sales to minors, Yes. Take the bullet out of the gun smokers put in thier mouths EVERY day - no brainer.

Again sir or madame, please assure me that you will not let the unfair bill that passed in Calfornia be introduced here without REASONABLE discussion and debate on the matter. This is TOO important a matter to be taken lightly.

Thank You

Guys - feel free to change whatever you feel necessary - this is just an idea

Thanks Keenan


I wanted to interject here: Keenan - Your letter is great. Why? Because it is very important that while many have accidentally quit tobacco, right now we stay focused on the general importance of his product and that is an excellent alternative to tobacco cigarettes... that we as American's should have the freedom to choose whatever it is we want, especially the perceived harm to ourselves is minimal and to those around us is none.

I strongly suggest that right now, if you are in California, you get your thoughts to the Governor and provide him with documentation to back up those thoughts: ie the Exponent report.

I have a copy of this and am extremely willing to share it. Just ask.


Sorry I did not post sooner. I took one of those day off things. If the wife did not jump in from time to time I swear I would work 24/7 if I could.

Looks like everybody is doing a great job on the letters. I am going to write up one and send it out today.

I really like UBrocked's idea of everybody emailing, calling ect... Fox News on one given day. If we could get this thing to break into the main stream we would be doing a couple of things.

Obviously we would be heightening awareness about the topic which we really need, so many people are clueless and simply follow whatever the FDA says (or who ever they look up to) like a heard of sheep. Second we will sending a message to the other states, politicians, governors, seniors, etc.... We are electronic cigarette users and we will not just stand by while you take away a product that could not only save so many lives but all around help make our country healthier.

We need to let them know that by getting rid of electronic cigarettes they are fighting against everything else they are fighting for. They want lower health care costs, electronic cigarettes can help with that. They want to lower pollution, electronic cigarettes can help with that. They want to give people more jobs, electronic cigarettes are helping with that to. I am sure that there are even more ways electronic cigarettes could help our country that I cannot even think of at the moment.

Well now that I have a cup of coffee in me and I am all riled up I think I will get to work and make to send to our friends in California. Everybody keep up the good work. Together we can make a change in this world for the better.


Hi Group;

I found the Report by, Dr O.H. Robertson, University of Chicago.

Please read and Email.

I Strongly believe in the "electronic cigarette" and will Devote the rest of my days on the Planet to Defend it.

Thanks Vapor Talk


Disinfection of Air by Germicidal

Vapors and Mists*

Laboratory Section

DURING the past year several

studies on the effect of dispersing

glycol vapors into atmospheres inhabited

by human beings have been published.

Certain of these investigations have

been concerned only with the bactericidal

activity of the vapor, while the

others were directed primarily toward

determining whether or not the incidence

of acute respiratory disease could

be diminished by maintaining a constant

germicidal concentration of the

glycol in the atmosphere.

One study on the effect of triethylene

glycol vapor on a single respiratory

pathogen, namely, the hemolytic streptococcus

1, 2 reported in last year's

summary, was extended to include a

period of relatively low humidities, i.e.,

20 per cent to 30 per cent relative

humidity.3 While the reduction of airborne

streptococci was not quite so pronounced

as when the relative humidity

was maintained at 40 to 50 per cent (a

reduction of 95 per cent occurred under

these conditions), the effect was still

substantial, being only 15 per cent less

at the low humidities.

Another study on the intermittent

dispersal of propylene glycol into the

atmosphere of a crowded room 4 showed

a diminution of 80 per cent in the total

bacterial content of the air which lasted

for about 15 minutes only. Repeated

dispersions of the glycol vapor every 15

minutes resulted in a fairly constant

lowering of the bacterial population of

the air.

The report of the 3 years' study of

the clinical application of the disinfection

of air by glycol vapors in a children's

convalescent home showed a

marked reduction in the number of

acute respiratory infections occurring in

the wards treated with both propylene

and triethylene glycols. Whereas in the

control wards 132 infections occurred

during the course of the three winters,

there were only 13 such instances in the

glycol wards during the same period.

The fact that the children were, for the

most part, chronically confined to bed

presented an unusually favorable condition

for the prophylactic action of the

glycol vapor.5

An investigation of the effect of

triethylene glycol vapor on the respiratory

disease incidence in military

barracks 6 brought out the fact that,

while for the first 3 weeks after new

personnel entered the glycolized area

the disease rate remained the same as

in the control barracks, the second 3

week period showed a 65 per cent reduction

in acute respiratory infections

in the glycol treated barracks. Similar

effects were observed in respect to airborne

hemolytic streptococci and throat

carriers of this microOrganism.

Several Canadian workers 7 made a

brief study of introducing propylene

glycol into army barracks. They found

that bactericidal concentrations could

not be employed without condensation

of the glycol on the walls, windows, etc.

(triethylene glycol is greatly superior in

this respect). While the study was not

continued long enough to secure any

significant data on the incidence of

respiratory infection in the test and


ANTIBACTERIAL AGENTS. Committee authorized 1941. Published Reports, A.l.P.H., May, 1943, Aug., 1944,

and Aug., 1945.



control barracks, they did find a reduction

of air-borne bacteria in the glycol

containing,atmosphere amounting to 65

per cent as compared with air of the

control spaces.

The use of sodium hypochlorite has

been further studied as an aerial disinfectant8

by means of introducing this

agent in the form of hypochlorous acid

gas. While this vapor has a marked

bactericidal action, it requires a high

relative humidity, 70 to 90 per cent, for

its optimum effect and also exerts a corrosive

action on many metals. Its usefulness

would seem to be limited to

crowded spaces where there is little

ventilation and presumably a high

relative humidity.

Substances other than those cited

above are being studied for their aerial

disinfecting properties. A report on the

-use of lactic acid as a germicidal vapor 9

indicates that this compound exerts a

marked lethal effect on air-borne bacteria

when employed in concentrations

of 1 gram of lactic acid dispersed in

200,000,000 ml. of air or less, approximately

the same order of effectiveness

as triethylene glycol. The difficulty

about employing this agent in atmospheres

occupied by human beings is

that it has a slight odor.

Progress continues in the development

and testing of apparatus for the

dispersion of glycol vapors and the control

of their concentration in the air.

While the principles of such apparatus

have been rather satisfactorily worked

out, the actual production of dependable

instruments has not yet been

achieved. Since this is an entirely new

field, a great deal of detail has to be

learned by trial and error. In respect

to vaporizers, there is little to add to

the summary of a year ago. Concerning

the device for the automatic regulation

of glycol vapor in the air, the

glycostat, more can be said. This instrument

has now been calibrated so

that variations in the intensity of the

light reflected from the glycol-condensing

surface of the wheel can be read

directly as corresponding degrees of

saturation of the air with the glycol

vapor present.10 Thus the glycostat

can be set for any desired per cent

saturation of glycol in the air, and the

vaporizer will maintain this concentration.

By means of connecting the

glycostat with a milliampere recorder

we can obtain a continuous record of

the per cent saturation of glycol present

in the air, which is of course of great

value in conducting experimental

studies. It has been found that relative

saturation of the air with a glycol vapor

is of much more significance in respect

to germicidal activity than is the actual

content in milligrams of glycol per liter

of air.


1. Hamburger, M., Puck, T. T., and Robertson,

0. H. The Effect of Triethylene Glycol Vapor on

Air-borne Beta Hemolytic Streptococci in Hospital

Wards. I. J. Infect. Dis., 76:208, 1945.

2. Puck, T. T., Hamburger, M., Robertson, 0. H.,

and Hurst, V. The Effect of Triethylene Glycol

Vapor. on Air-borne Beta Hemolytic Streptococci in

Hospital Wards. II. The Combined Action of

Glycol Vapor and Dust Control Measures. J. Infect.

Dis., 76:216, 1945.

3. Hamburger, M., Hurst, V., Robertson, 0. H.,

and Puck, T. T. The Effect of Triethylene Glycol

Vapor on Air-borne Beta Hemolytic Streptococci- in

Hospital Wards. III. The Action of Glycol Vapors

at Low Relative Humidities. J. Infect. Dis. In


4. Challinor, S. W., and Duguid. Propylene Glycol

Vapour as an Air Disinfectant. I. Edinburgh M. J.,

Ll:280, 1944.

S. Harris, T. N., and Stokes, J. Summary of a

Three Year Study of the Clinical Applications of the

Disinfection of Air by Glycol Vapors. Am. J. M. Sci.,

209:152, 1945.

6. Bigg, E., Olson, F. C. W., and Jennings, B. H.

Epidemiologic Observations on the Use of Triethylene

Glycol Vapors for Air Sterilization. A.J.P.H., 35,

8:788 (Aug.), 1945.

7. Mather, J. M., and McClure, A. D. Experiences

with the Use of Propylene Glycol as a Bactericidal

Aerosol in a R. C. A. F. Barracks. Canad. J.

Pub. Health, 36:181, 1945.

8. Elford, W. J., and Van Den Ende, Joan.

Studies on Disinfection Action of Hypochlorous Acid

Gas and Sprayed Solution of Hypochlorite Against

Bacterial Aerosols. J. Hyg., 44:1-14, 1945.

9. Lovelock, J. E., Lidwell, 0. M., and Raymond,.

W. F. Vaporization of Lactic Acid as an Aerial

Bactericide. Nature, 153:743, 1944.

10. Puck, T. T. To be published.

0. H. ROBERTSON, Referee,

University of Chicago,,-

Chicago, Ill.


Hello Vapor Talk Members;

I Speak as a Middle Class, God Loving, War Serving, Proud American, Who Loves My Country.

America is Based on our Fore fathers Creating our "Constitution" and Our "Bill Of Rights", Freedom and Prosperity to all, not just the "Elite Minority".

I am 56 Years Old. And i said 20 Years ago the Next "Civil Unrest" in Our Country would be Between the "Elite and Powerful" and Honest hard working Americans.

The "Sept 12th" March On Washington was a Perfect example of What Honest Faith Based, Proud loving Americans, can do when we Unite for a cause that we know in our Hearts is Right. Such as the The "Electronic Cigarette" Being By Far the Best Alternative, to Legal Cancer Killing Tobacco Cigarettes.

1:You Cannot tell me that no one on Capitol Hill has Never heard of the Positive Study done on "Electronic Cigarettes"in New Zealand.


2:Or the Positive Findings done on "Propylene Glycol" used roughly 50% in Electronic Cigarettes.... That is F.D.A. Approved. ...... found across the Board in American products that we Ingest.

Not to be confused with "Ethylene Glycol" That is used in "Antifreeze" that Opponents of the "Electronic Cigarette" Mis State, which is no more than a Scare Tactic for the Uninformed Public.

We Simply do Exactly what was done on Sept 12th.

1: Organize

2; And i can't stress enough.... Peacefully but.... Persistently.... Let our Elected officials know that we are not Going away and, Special interest groups, Tobacco Lobbyists, and Dishonest Politicians, who Put Their own personal Financial Gain ahead of the Health and safety of others is Wrong.

3: Knowledge is Power.and my hard Work Gives me the Knowledge to speak on the Subject at hand.

As a Fox news enthusiast and a regular of the "Glenn Beck " show... I believe that we can get our Message out to Mass Media.

I Humbly Volunteer to Speak on Behalf of Supporters of the "Electronic Cigarette" and Present our case to the media,and all others that will listen.

I am a Disabled War Veteran and i have time to Devote to this Project. Give me Feedback and suggestions and i will act.

Please got to my Blogspot www.gtjecig.blogspot.com and You will see my passion for this Cause.

Thank you



Hey guys

Went to my Doctor here in Fla. today for an appointment ( I have High blood pressure, just a check-up ), and I told him I started using e cigs. Now. he's ALWAYS gettin on to me about my smoking, and I was pretty sure I was going to get another good chewing out. Holy crapola ! He thought it was a GREAT idea. He asked me a bunch of questions about them as he had heard but never really knew anyone that used them. I took mine out and showed it to him, explained how it worked, and he thought it was the best thing since insulin. I was TOTALLY surprised. Then we talked about the crap the FDA was pulling, and he rolled his eyes and said, and I quote, " Its all about the money". he is a foriegner, I believe hes from Romania , and he always has an attitude like, well this government may suck a lot but it was a whole lot worse where I came from. Anyway, he offered to write a letter of support that I can attach to my emails, and I got to thinkin, If anybody else out there happens to have to go to the doc for a checkup, put the feelers out and see where they stand. THAT kind of support on our part is PRICELESS. If the Governator, or ANY gov. is reading a letter with Doctors supporting us, thats GOTTA help. Just another idea, thought Id put it out there. :showoff::showoff::whistle::wacko:


gtjecig - Welcome! Your blog looks good! Keep it up! - Oh and the article regarding The FDA Running Extortion Racket.. I would say I am not shocked... but I am disgusted. The more I read, the more I believe the FDA has some serious issues and it might be time for it to go. (And I do believe there is a NEED for this kind of an agency... just not the one we have)

Keenan - That's awesome and what a great idea. Could you imagine being a Governor and getting not only a letter from a constituent that states why the ecig is so great, but an attached letter from the constituents doctor noting that there IS a difference in their patient and this product is great?!? Powerful.

Suggest that where ever you hang out online. It's great!

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