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Not Quite A Noob, But Question About Usb Passthrough


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Hey guys, first time poster here. I first tried vaping almost a year ago, liked it at first but got caught up with some bad products (e.g BLU, others) and went back to analog for awhile until I decided to give vaping another try. Anyway, I noticed products got a whole lot better since a year ago and just got my EGO-Tank from myvaporstore.com, and currently have little to no problems with it so far. Anyway my question is can you recommend any good usb passthroughs to use at home? A year ago I tried one from bloogplanet.com but didn't quite like it, not saying it was a bad product, but I was just not in the mood for it at the time because I got a lazy in ordering and waiting for juices and cartridges to come through mail when I had a craving right then (much more organized in ordering now since finding a more local vendor).So what are your suggestions? I like the portable Ego-tank so should I go with their USB Passthrough? I would prefer one that allows for ejuice filling like the tank but if there are better one please let me know. Thanks ahead of time!

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I use and like the eGo-T. The eGo passthrough is just a eGo Battery with a USB connection on the bottom. It can be used on either eGo or the eGo-T. It can be used as a battery or a passthrough. It still has the 5 click protection like all eGo batteries. I own and use the eGo PT. Remember since its just the battery portion you can still use any atty or carto on it for either tank or cartridge or catro or direct dripping.

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Thanks for your input guys. I been noticing the battery power on the ego so far is amazing despite vaping all day long so far, so maybe i'll wait a while longer before getting the USB passthrough.

Yea, I kind of argree. I got the PT when I first got the ego, but since the battery lasts so long anyways, all day for me, and I have 3 batteries, I rarely actually use it has a passthrough.

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The eGo PT is great. Mine is almost (or maybe even over) a year old now and still going strong. ::knock on wood:::

At first, I used it at the computer constantly, but hardly ever plug it in anymore because it lasts so long anyway. (like others mentioned). But, it's so good to know that it can be charged on my laptop anytime I need to. (I keep the cord in the laptop case). Plus I have a car charger adapter cigarette lighter thingie that I can use. as well as a portable Kennsington charger. haha, bet you can't tell I live off grid. :D

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