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i just started looking into E Cigs.

I smoke a pack of marlboro Ultra lights per day.

Money is not an issue.

What E Cig would be best?

I want simple and one that closely resembles smoking.

Thanks for your help



Welcome, Ken, a fellow Floridian. Most of us recommend the Ego, it uses a 510 connection, isn't too large and you will have many options for it. The battery life is really good. Check out the vendors section on the forum and read other post, but I think you would end up being happy with it. You might also want to grab an extra atomizer and some cartomizers so you can figure out which you like best. Grab yourself a few juice flavors and you will be good to go. Good luck :yes


My advice is "read this forum and don't be tempted by the mall junk" buy something people on this forum use. I happen to use the e-power and love it. The most time consuming part is finding the juice you like. I like Alien Visions, Gorilla Juice and Bobas Bounty. Best tobacco flavor out there in my opinion. Watch some of the reviews, PBusardo does some excellent ones on You Tube and in this forum. Best advice is, don't give up, the life you save may be your own. Good Luck.


I second, third, fourth, the eGo by Joye as well, especially the XL ones. The eGo-T is a good one, it has on/off capabilities and is compatible with the regular eGo stuff. The eGo typically lasts 6 months (I'm on month 11-ish with my eGo PT) and they typically get 6-8 hrs of use between charges. The eGo has tons of gadgets to purchase at leisure while vaping, making it a never dull toy. :)

The Volt is a good contender as well. (smokelessimage.com) It produces great flavor and vapor, however it doesn't have a long battery life between charges. (2-4 hrs typically). But it looks and feels like a traditional cig except heavier and classier and they come in all sorts of colors including the LEDs.

Don't panic, if you get confused on what to buy first. After switching over to vaping, you'll find yourself getting a back-up kit or two or three...

There are many vendors now that sell 6ml samples of eLiquid. My favorites are PinkSpotVapors and TastyVapors. If you order a lot of samples, be sure to use only the light or clear ones until you have a lot of cartomizers or attys stockpiled. A good TasteLess Non-flavored VG is also a must have for your vaping needs... in order to clean your palette, or to prime your atty, or to thicken a pg or etc

Good luck, get an eGo and happy vaping!


Welcome to the forum and congratulations on wanting to make the switch. Because you smoke a pack a day, battery life will be important to you. The eGo will be your best choice. It will give you the options to try all the different style of 510 atomizers, cartomizers and tanks. It is the best well rounded model for a beginner. After looking around the forum a bit more, come back and ask more questions. We will be here to help you.


Ego is what I used from the beginning and never went to anything else. There are many options. Get a couple of batteries, a charger (of course) and some attys and cartomizers. I am a cartomizer fan myself. A good kit with a couple of packs of cartomizers and extra atty and some juice will run you between $100-$150 depending upon where you get it. VT has everything and you might want to just buy everything at once from the same vendor to save on shipping...then play around with juices from lots of vendors. VT juice is great. A little pricey so look for coupons and sales. Good luck!

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